Author | Thread |
04/04/2007 05:24:17 PM |
This is great! Very detailed! |
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01/09/2005 03:01:47 PM |
the more i look at this pict the more i like it |
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01/07/2005 09:15:08 AM |
Congrats on your first ribbon! |
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01/05/2005 09:28:26 PM |
from the critique club:
Here you managed to create a gem of an image. In looking over your port, I notice there is a lot of talent and that you have the ability to make good selections. This image, then is only a natural transition, a moving higher in the plane of improvement.
The composition here is simple but the subject steals the show. Of course, you took care to supply a soothing nondescript background whose only job is to showcase the dehydrated rose which has gone through a metamorphosis in its aging. It took a real eye to spot it, and you did.
You also exercised great flair in baptizing it with the name you did.
What more can I say, except that I am thrilled by stroke of genius and this is certainly one! I am feel honored to have had the opportunity to review this extra ordinary effort. Keep up the nice work and many more ribbons will await you. dan |
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01/04/2005 04:17:06 PM |
So well seen and superbly photographed Chris.
Congrats on your first Ribbon and a Blue one at that! |
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01/04/2005 11:55:14 AM |
Really great photo!!! Congrats! |
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01/03/2005 07:13:57 PM |
Congratulations on your first and very Blue Ribbon...What a cool shot!! One of my favorites this challenge...Good eye (your's I mean)! |
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01/03/2005 06:11:27 PM |
Wow, amazing the faces people could find. Good eye! |
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01/03/2005 05:49:26 PM |
Congratulations Chris, Nice pic! Would love to see the unedited version. |
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01/03/2005 03:51:43 PM |
Hey Chris: all your good work has paid off. This is a dandy of an image. Congratulations on your well deserved blue with a great image and such an apropos title. Hope you get many more ribbons. |
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01/03/2005 12:17:57 PM |
This is very good.
A good photo that meets the challenge very well, but twists it a little - most ppl would/did go for the human face.
Just the right amount of DOF (a bit deeper would be OK, but not needed).
Well deserved blue.
Congrats. |
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01/03/2005 11:35:54 AM |
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01/03/2005 11:17:41 AM |
Congratulations. A great find and capture!
(I agree with F-32 that it looks like a llama.) |
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01/03/2005 10:38:23 AM |
i knew this was the winner, great shot |
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01/03/2005 10:11:54 AM |
Great find- my favorite of the challenge. I'm glad your photo got the recognition it deserved. Congrats on your blue!
Message edited by author 2005-01-03 10:13:13. |
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01/03/2005 09:59:35 AM |
Congrats Chris! This was one of my faves! :o) |
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01/03/2005 09:10:27 AM |
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01/03/2005 02:35:21 AM |
Hi All,
Thank you very much for voting for my 'sheep'
I will have to admit to being quite lucky in finding this shot. I had spent a while wondering around trying to see 'faces' in various trees and bushes around my town but to no avail. In the end I got lucky closer to home (and closer to the ground!) with this macro. You may notice that it is far from the ideal photograph, hand-held at ISO 800 with a DOF that is just a little too shallow, I noticed this too during post-production but unfortunately the sun had melted away the 'fleece' by this time and I couldn't re-take!
The picture was taken in Canon RAW format and I adjusted the contrast and sharpness in PS. The image needed rotating by 30 degrees counter clockwise and I used a little dodge and burn to help accentuate the 'eye'
PS/ My wife says the only reason that I got the winning entry was because everyone else was busy spending time with their families at Christmas. (which probably has an element of truth!)
Wishing all DPCers a Happy New Year.
01/03/2005 01:09:23 AM |
ooh wow - nice one! makes me wonder if you just came across it, or perhaps have noticed this before. congrats on the blue! |
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01/03/2005 12:08:47 AM |
hahaha....congrats on this one.... |
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01/03/2005 12:02:45 AM |
WOW! I didn't vote or view these images because time was so short, but this is amazing! Great find, and nicely captured! |
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01/03/2005 12:01:19 AM |
Congrats...This was one of my highest rated images...Wonderful job!!!
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
01/02/2005 09:37:27 PM |
Weird stuff. How on earth did you find this?? |
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01/02/2005 03:11:52 PM |
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01/02/2005 02:35:56 PM |
a long, cold sheep. Skinny too! Well done, nicely seen!
I think it looks more like a llama, myself! |
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01/02/2005 12:04:58 AM |
Good spot. I love the texture of the ice and seed pod. A little more DOF and light might have helped but overall good job. |
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01/01/2005 10:55:36 PM |
Definitely a sheep ! Good find ! |
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01/01/2005 10:37:49 PM |
Fantastic shot, great eye, congrats... |
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12/31/2004 05:15:41 PM |
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12/31/2004 12:25:38 PM |
Beautiful, original work. Excellent composition. Little focus problem on mouth and left ear...but really nice idea...this has to ribbon! |
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12/31/2004 10:29:08 AM |
Wow. The similarities to a sheep's head are amazing!
The ears couner-balance the neck well.
It seems rather brown though, but I guess one can only do so much alter the way the shot is taken, huh? |
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12/31/2004 07:38:40 AM |
a little more dof and sharper would have made it the winner. |
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12/30/2004 11:17:53 PM |
Very nice! Best of show so far.
TC |
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12/30/2004 01:17:40 PM |
and we've found the winner. excellent. |
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12/30/2004 02:19:06 AM |
Best photo I've seen in this series hands down! Quite an eye for finding this and quite a skill in bringing it to us! 10!!! |
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12/29/2004 05:53:08 PM |
Hahaha, this made me laugh out loud. 8 |
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12/29/2004 03:28:38 PM |
Wow. That really does look like a sheep! The "nose" is just a bit out of focus, but the ice crystals came out pretty sharp. |
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12/29/2004 12:08:16 PM |
nice catch, you must have made the stick and left it out for the night. |
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12/29/2004 10:12:18 AM |
Nicely done but looks a little blurry. Perhaps a greater DOF might have helped. <6>
edit: <7> because I find it amusing to look at. |
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12/29/2004 09:47:53 AM |
Not baa-aadddd! Good eye to find this "face". |
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12/29/2004 05:31:25 AM |
Great shot, a great Macro and it meets the challenge so well |
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12/28/2004 07:59:56 PM |
Creative and original. Excellent detail in the ears. Maybe a little deeper DOF is needed for the chin. Bumping up one point. |
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12/28/2004 07:22:02 PM |
This has to be one of the winners! Great job in finding that face! |
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12/28/2004 11:49:40 AM |
Great find. Good composition. Well shot. |
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12/28/2004 11:08:32 AM |
This is clearly my favourite for the challenge. 10 |
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12/28/2004 11:06:39 AM |
My favorite of the challenge. Wonderful textures all over. I especially like the frost. The face is perfect. It even looks like you caught a catchlight in the "eye". -10 |
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12/28/2004 10:27:18 AM |
this has to be the best! feel I have seen it befoe somewhere.. |
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12/28/2004 07:28:42 AM |
what a find, and what a capture! great job on this. one of my top 10s, for sure! good luck! |
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12/27/2004 06:55:23 PM |
Very cool and very seasonal. Nice find. I like the shallow depth of field. |
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12/27/2004 06:10:41 PM |
Totally cool, I hope you kept this beauty. Hope you take tops. |
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12/27/2004 04:36:21 PM |
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12/27/2004 03:51:08 PM |
Very original, image quality is great & subject is very intreguing, nicely done! |
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12/27/2004 02:43:36 PM |
Definitely the best yet. This is awesome. |
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12/27/2004 01:50:44 AM |
This is absoilutely beautiful; I wish it were sharp enough to rank higher. |
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12/27/2004 01:43:18 AM |
How did you ever find this?! This is a really cool capture. A little soft and noisy, but otherwise a great shot for this challenge. |
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12/27/2004 12:46:58 AM |
This is an amazing find and my highest rated shot in the challenge. |
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