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01/11/2005 07:36:19 AM |
Was really looking forwared to this challenge but was plagued with bad weather during submission week so my chances for capturing a great candid was severely limited (no opportunities at home). Submitted this shot as a "backup" in case I did not catch anything else... which I didn't. This was the closest image to a candid I shot all week, the rest of my images were landscapes devoid of people.
Thanks to those that commented. This entry generated some of the best comments I've received on DPC to date! |
01/10/2005 03:35:38 PM |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
01/09/2005 12:54:56 PM |
Thats Not Pokemon..Thats YuGi Oh!!...DUH!!!!! |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
01/09/2005 12:04:58 PM |
Great colors. A beautiful photo -- a ten! |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
01/04/2005 07:42:50 PM |
This is a superb photograph. The perspective, lines, and shapes of the circle on the ground and the tops of the soda cans, the triangle on the ground and the implied triangle between the three boys, and the rectangular bricks and cards really give a sense of the orderly chaos of youth at play and engaged in barder. The fact that the one boy is looking up at you also ads a lot to the scene in my opinion. It shows him as the vigilant and watchful of the three. I see the one on the left as the carefree joyful dreamer and the other as the serious businessman and tactician. You, as the photographer, may represent god or some other force looking down into the complexities of this, a childs world. Or that's one way of many of interpreting this valuable image. I like that the slight tilt to the composition forces me to tilt my head at the exact angle of the boy looking up to straighten it out, thus also making him the focus of the image.
Message edited by author 2005-01-10 15:34:35. |
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01/04/2005 01:53:56 AM |
Sweetly composed. I love the 3 entirely different orientations of the heads. I wish the focus were better. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
01/03/2005 09:52:49 PM |
I dont really know why I like this as much as I do. I've clicked on it several times, and there is something that draws me in. One thing I know I like is the interesting point of view. So many people take pictures from eye level and they often come out boring. This is almost like an alien abduction! I also enjoy the shapes of the brick and circle pattern on the ground. Great job! |
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01/03/2005 06:52:43 PM |
Hey man, what you doing up there?! Great capture. The angles frame nicely and the negative space of the brick wall immediately pulls the eye to the subjects. The boy's positions in the thirds brings to question if the shot was staged as it seems so perfect, but the shot has great emotion in the 12 o'clock child and this covers all. Would not even clone out the on-floor trash or whatever that is. The image is solid along all bounds. Bumping to 9 |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
01/03/2005 02:55:00 AM |
sharp, vivid colors and interesting perspective.. works very well for this subject. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
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