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Not To Feel Blue When I Get Bad Comments
Not To Feel Blue When I Get Bad Comments

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: New Year's Resolution III (Advanced Editing III)
Collection: Nature
Camera: Olympus C-750UZ
Location: Sweden
Date: Jan 1, 2005
Aperture: 9,0
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Landscape, Nature
Date Uploaded: Jan 1, 2005


Place: 16 out of 135
Avg (all users): 6.3005
Avg (commenters): 7.2692
Avg (participants): 5.9872
Avg (non-participants): 6.4815
Views since voting: 1053
Views during voting: 355
Votes: 213
Comments: 35
Favorites: 3 (view)

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01/09/2005 02:48:41 PM
Lovely. Congratulations on your 16th finish.
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01/09/2005 11:03:24 AM
Very surprised this didn't finish much higher. Beautiful shot, one of my faves in this challenge.
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01/09/2005 12:21:35 AM
Hi, Mona, I like this, although it almost makes me feel blue just to look at it. I think that's good. Congratulations on an excellent finish.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/08/2005 10:39:05 PM
Shouldn't get too many with this ... nice and moody : )
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01/08/2005 04:09:47 PM
Very good pic!but when you get bad comments you must feel blue!that makes you better photographer!
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01/08/2005 11:18:33 AM
Nice picture. Great composition. Reflects a mood well. I don't think it does much to reflect the theme of this chalenge but it seems as close as most of the others at this point. I don't think you will get many bad comments on this.
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01/07/2005 08:50:54 PM
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01/07/2005 07:47:12 PM
i dream about trees like that!
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01/07/2005 06:21:30 PM
The color enhances the mood; good choice. I think putting the horizon lower, showing more sky, would have improved the composition.
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01/07/2005 11:16:38 AM
Well we all take good with the bad at times, all part of it.
Like color and feel of your photo, blue is one of my favorite colors.
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01/06/2005 11:48:40 PM
Well then I won't leave one- great use of monochromatic effect.
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01/06/2005 04:38:26 PM
This looks great, I don't like the blue tone but nevertheless the composition is quite good.

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01/06/2005 12:08:09 PM
A worthy image for quiet enjoyment, with a very tangible depth (via the detailed expanse of the fore- and middlegound against the gradually increasing density of the fog in the background). The tree too, as a lone subject, is both as faint and well proportioned as in a scene out of Hamlet. The horizontal division of the photo into thirds makes good sense to me, given its overall simplicity and the duality of its primary subject - the visual transformation of a landscape under fog.

Given the wide postcard format chosen here, I would have liked to see the rule of thirds applied to the position of the tree in it to reflect the vertical composition, at least approximately. The (blue) hue too, is, perhaps, slightly stronger than credible under natural conditions.

All in all, a serene capture, which suffers from a somewhat trivial title.
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01/05/2005 06:17:04 PM
This is an official Bad Comment(tm). How do you feel? =)
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01/05/2005 11:10:25 AM
This the worst photo I have even seen, you have no talent. Now don't feel bad. Very nice photo, like the effect.
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01/04/2005 05:02:41 PM
No need to feel blue when you take incredible photographs. This has sucha mood and such a tone to match it... great... 10.
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01/04/2005 11:07:23 AM
beautiful shot, no bad comments here!
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01/04/2005 06:35:50 AM
this is an awesome picture. The resolution is a solid one.
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01/04/2005 03:13:34 AM
Unbelievable! This is the crappiest photo I have ever seen! You suck at this! Give it up!

...How goes the resolution? ;-)
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01/03/2005 01:49:05 PM
Pictures like these will bring lots of good comments! Beautiful!
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01/03/2005 10:49:36 AM
Very neat colors. The forefront really pulls you in. The crop is perfect.Good luck and HNY
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01/02/2005 11:24:48 PM
try cropping about 1/3 off the bottom? see how if you like it?
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01/02/2005 09:46:16 PM
Hopefully the comments are more helpful than bad. I like the way you have created a theme to match your picture. It gives it feeling and purpose. Good job.
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01/02/2005 02:24:06 PM
you should get good comments on this!
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01/02/2005 12:20:40 PM
oh so nice.
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01/02/2005 09:26:45 AM
Great atmosphere in this one! I wonder how you managed to get the tree and nothin else in the background...
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01/02/2005 07:17:08 AM
Good Resolution, difficult to walk the talk though.
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01/02/2005 05:02:02 AM
Don't expect too many. This is a gorgeous shot!
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01/02/2005 04:31:50 AM
WOW! I really like this shot, the color and content are great.
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01/02/2005 04:28:30 AM
Oh wow, this is so incredibly stunning I don't even think the fact that the challenge link is extremely tenuous will keep you out of the top five (By the way the title is awful - you should have gone with something that matches the emotionality of this scene). One of the most evocative landscape shots I have ever seen. 10.
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01/02/2005 03:33:36 AM
good resolution. hope you don't get any bad comments on this, cuz it really is an interesting picture (i could imagine some "this is a stretch to fit the challenge" comments, but i prefer to view this challenge with a very wide mind and level of interpretation).
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01/02/2005 02:46:26 AM
Here's a good comment to cheer you up, "I like it!" Just wish the horizon wasn't so close to the middle of the image.
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01/02/2005 02:16:00 AM
You won't get any "bad" comments on this one!
- First reaction; That is so cool with the perfect tree surrounded by water. Where on earth did you find that....
With a little closer look, I see it's not water at all. I love the surreal feel of this one. The picture is stellar in every way. It is, however, much less direct at communicating a "resolution" and will rely heavily on the title to convey the affiliation. That takes nothing away from the picture, but it could cost you some points. Beautiful work!
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01/02/2005 01:55:41 AM
this is just an awesome photo, however i feel it doesn't meet the challenge. It relies solely on the title. I cant vote, but if i could id probly give it a 6 or 7, if it fit the challenge more i could give it a 9 or even 10. I really like this shot alot, and i could see why you'd wanna submit it. I might try a bit of a different angle though, to get the horizon either in the top 3rd or bottom 3rd of the photo, depending on waht seemed more interesting, ground or sky. thats just me though.
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01/02/2005 01:11:44 AM
You want bad comments?!
I'd preffer a picture with the horizont line at the lower 3rd line of the image i.e. cropped ~30% from the bottom, and then to preserve the aspect ratio, crop another 30% from the right.

How's this for a bad comment?
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