There's a lot of love & joy in this image, and as a family keepsake it is priceless. I like the sense of 3 generations at play, and I'm fascinated by how the baby's attention is focused across his grandfather (?) at his mother (?), despite that the grandfather is the one actually doing the interacting. (I suppsoe it's possible that the older folks are the parents, and the woman in green is a neice or somesuch...)
As a challenge photo, however, it has problems.
The lighting is harsh and flat, a characteristic of built-in flashes, which I presume was how you shot it. Notice how the foreground hand is brighter than it should be, and the background has fallen way off in value. It'svery rare for a picture with this sort of lighting to do well in a challenge, although it works very well for family snapshot-type photos.
Even more importantly, the background itself is extremely busy and totally against the intimate mood of the subjects themselves. It's actually a good thing that the light falloff is so extreme, I suppose, because if the backgroudn were actually lit it would be even more distracting.
So, basically, this image has been judged low, I think, on lack of "technical merit", not for weakness of content, and I tend to go along with that. It's a nice shot for the family, way better than most such snapshots, but not really challenge material.