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Out of the black and into the light.
Out of the black and into the light.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Leading Lines (Classic Editing)
Collection: challenge entries
Camera: Olympus C-5050Z
Location: Amsterdam
Date: Mar 2, 2003
Aperture: 4.0
ISO: 64
Shutter: 1/100
Date Uploaded: Mar 2, 2003

Just one of the 300 odd photos I took in a day trip to Amsterdam.

Place: 16 out of 74
Avg (all users): 6.4227
Avg (commenters): 7.5714
Avg (participants): 6.4237
Avg (non-participants): 6.4211
Views since voting: 2337
Votes: 97
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

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03/14/2003 01:23:15 AM
Critique Club:

300 photos? I hope they weren't all for this challenge, or you might have to go see a doctor for DPC addiction, (just kidding of course). Wonder if there were many more of this quality?

Meeting the Challenge: does this very well.

Composition: I like the way the lines lead from bottom to top, right to left. You have included lots of range of light and textures in the shot. Your title helps give this photo more meaning, although I would like to have seen a bit more meaning to it without the title.

Technical Quality: As others have said below, a stop or two underexposed may have helped with the blown out buildings in the background. This would have been a good image to adjust through layers, but not legal for this challenge.

Overall conclusion:
Very nice photo with tonal range fairly good but with up[per buildings needed less light. Maybe a graduated filter could have helped you out a littler here. If you have any questions, please fell free to write me.

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/09/2003 03:55:00 AM
The concept is there but it's too hot on the top which doesn't add to the concept or the image! IMHO I would cut from the bridge reflection and on up!
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03/06/2003 07:32:41 AM
Very pretty photo. only thing I see is that the building (where is seems the lines lead) seems to have "dodged" out a touch too much
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03/05/2003 07:08:35 PM
This would be a stronger shot if it weren't fuzzy. Did you use a tripod?
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03/05/2003 12:02:07 PM
Very pretty picture. It is interesting to look at. The tones are wonderful. Maybe a better subject besides the light to make it more of leading lines. because without the title I would no what the subject was. Good luck.
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03/04/2003 07:33:42 PM
What a beautiful image! Well done!
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03/04/2003 06:45:29 PM
to bad the buidings in the background are burnned out. They would have made a nice "target" for your leading lines.
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03/04/2003 04:39:37 PM
very nice--i love the toning first off--and secondly, bringing the iron fence in from the corner is perfect. the only thing that i have a question about--and im sure you would have tried it if you could--but i wonder what it would have looked like fromt he other side of the rail--with the water as the central *path* ? i really love the contrasts of the buildings--and the lines dividing the stones and water, leading to the beautiful ghostly building in the center--so this is really just more out of curiosity! great work! :)
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03/04/2003 03:36:30 PM
I LOVE this shot! Fits the challenge perfectly, awesome finish, a 10 from me.
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03/04/2003 07:40:38 AM
Nice photo! Personally, though, I would like the buildings at the end of the canal be darker and a little more defined.
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03/03/2003 10:45:49 PM
Excellent shot. Great cropping. I would like to suggest just to burn in the back buildings a little bit. 9.
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03/03/2003 10:09:22 PM
Very cool. A little more down, towards the railing with a ball in the lower-right would have been better. How did you get the building so WHITE in the background? 8.
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03/03/2003 04:46:25 PM
i love this...beautiful!
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03/03/2003 02:11:23 PM
Pretty shooting, lovely view, tones, light. Nice.
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03/03/2003 11:53:11 AM
this is an excellent photo, but I can't determine what you want me to view as the subject or point of interest in the shot. The lines are leading to the building that is washed out in the distance, but the lines are much stronger than that point of interest in the shot... - setzler
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03/03/2003 10:26:59 AM
Nicely done! I like how the eye is drawn to the door at the end of the railing. The black and white conversion is well done. Your DOF is deep and really adds a great sense of depth to the shot. Your choice to expose for the foreground was a good decision. The detail would have been lost if you exposed for the brighter background. Having the background bright does not distract from the impact of the rail leading to the door. Nice job, in my top 10 this week!
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03/03/2003 06:28:50 AM
Hmmm, that looks familiar.
I guess I am looking towards one of the buildings of the UvA. Used to go past this place a lot when I went to the Law faculty. Never knew you could get to this spot, it is nice point of view.
Nice toning, but I think that the background buildings are a bit too bright. Only way to succesfully correct this is by the use of the illegal-by-DPC blending routines in Photoshop. Check the tutorals at luminous landscapes to see what I mean.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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