Hello Achiral. Critique by Silver Fox.
The colour and lighting are fine, although I tend to like to see a yellow egg yolk, not blue, but that's just me.
(While we're on the lighting, I can spot a few reflections that I wonder if you could have taken care of, one at the bottom edge of the rim of the glass, lower right leading right up to the stem, also up towards the middle of the glass.)
I think the perhaps you cropped a bit too tight? It also looks like your table top is out of focus towards the back.
Unfortunately you don't give us any info on aperture/shutter, etc so we don't know what you were up to.
I don't know why you received such low scores because I don't see anything technically wrong with your work, it's just something that others didn't seem to like, but you did meet the Challenge, so keep up the good work, and keep on "shooting".