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In a straight line
In a straight line

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2004 (Advanced Editing III*)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Date: May 10, 2004
Date Uploaded: Jan 11, 2005


Place: 32 out of 530
Avg (all users): 6.6888
Avg (commenters): 7.9268
Avg (participants): 6.6336
Avg (non-participants): 6.8588
Views since voting: 2179
Views during voting: 548
Votes: 347
Comments: 47
Favorites: 13 (view)

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01/07/2006 01:25:01 AM
Awesome shot - Very appealing composition and great use of color as well.
02/05/2005 05:17:28 PM
Really cute shot of everyday life. These sorts of unplanned shots are very favorite. Just a moment of this wonderful word captured and shared with others. I love it!
02/01/2005 02:32:43 AM
I have a quite vivid remembrance of this picture as it appeared in the newspaper Morgunbladid here in Iceland last May. If I remember correctly it ran beside the editorial in the midsection of the Sunday edition.

I received quite an enjoyment from this picture on that particular Sunday morning and spent quite a while looking at the picture (and reading the [long] editorial beside it).
You see, while the picture itself is quite funny and and precisely the type of picture one wants to see in the newspaper while eating breakfast on a Sunday morning, what completes the picture were the strange circumstances at the time surrounding the house the kids are strolling past.

I'd better explain myself a bit. The house behind the children houses the offices of the prime minister of Iceland and at that time the prime minister was putting forth an extremely controversial law proposal (involving the media) that would later in the summer be the cause of a sort of constitutional crisis here in Iceland.

At that time I found it particularly amusing that this picture captured so well that while the adult world was up in flames these children's daily lives were entirely unaffected by it! I mean, here we have these children having a normal field day and strolling past the office of the prime minister in the midst of a major political turmoil, just like that!
I must admit I envied those children a bit how they could just ignore the idiocy of the so called "grownup world" and get away with it. Wouldn't that be wonderful sometimes?

Anyway, it also happens to be one of my favorite photographs by Ãrni Torfa.

Message edited by author 2005-02-01 08:43:46.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/31/2005 10:38:58 PM
This is a simply wonderful capture and is my favorite for this challenge. I hope others see the beauty in this! Great work.
01/31/2005 03:05:49 PM
Very interesting shot. A lot of lines going on. Great cropping. Great job! The more I look at this, the more I LOVE it!
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01/31/2005 01:36:03 PM
MR? Helvíti eru þeir farnir að taka inn unga nemendur :)
01/30/2005 11:53:30 AM
Funny photo. Interesting how the roof breaks the wall and adds some dynamics to the scene.
I wonder where this is. Nothern Europe is my guess.
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01/30/2005 01:44:00 AM
I like the contrast of the relatively solid fore- and background areas with the bright and varied colors of the outfits.
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01/29/2005 08:04:09 PM
Heheh, cute as heck. Nice one : )
01/28/2005 11:37:14 PM
This is sooo Scandinavian. I like how the kids are all individuals although they're kind of regimented by walking in single file. 10
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01/28/2005 08:21:13 PM
just such a great shot
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01/27/2005 07:17:47 PM
Excellent composition, excellent colors, nice capture.
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01/26/2005 01:34:44 PM
Unusual shot - and very striking. Love the candid actions of the kids and I think the lack of colour everywhere else works well without selective desturation. Composition is strong too.

On a personal note - the only kid wearing the right gear is the one at the front! Looks like a little snowboarder - whereas the others look like skiers!
; )
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01/26/2005 03:37:31 AM
Such a pleasant shot. Simple, happy & well seen ((8))
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01/25/2005 12:39:51 PM
Great Composition and contrast between the building and children. Excellent result.
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01/25/2005 05:37:41 AM
Fantastic contrast and colours.
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01/23/2005 10:11:26 AM
what a fun image! the array of colors absolutely make this. great capture. i hope you're getting some good comments and suggestions, and that you're not getting overlooked in this monster challenge. good luck!
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01/23/2005 04:48:43 AM
I'm a big fan of this....I like the extreme strictness of the composition. Good work.
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01/21/2005 07:13:12 PM
Great photography. It speaks to me of our attempts to regiment our children, our oft-mistaken idea that education is about bringing them all to some accepted 'norm' - and f the hugely optimistic hoplesness of that aspiration: the individuality of our children will always triumph over our attempts to put them in boxes, and more power to them for that. Even if they have all got the same kind of hat on. Lovely - no, more powerful than that - well, simply great photography.
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01/20/2005 02:02:04 PM
greatch catch, poster material. I would clone out the lights in the top windows to have less distraction.
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01/19/2005 05:56:13 PM
Pretty much everything you could want from a photograph. Great colours, scale, activity, interest.

On my first look through, this was a 7, then crept its way up to a perfect 10.
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01/19/2005 05:24:23 PM
Great photo! Catches children being children - adults often tend to ignore this, but you've done it well! 9
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01/19/2005 05:00:06 PM
The windows on the bottom row, center panes, look funny - like the glass reflection was painted over with black? Post-edit? Or they are broken? Cool pic of the kids tho.
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01/19/2005 10:52:46 AM
Good composition.
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01/18/2005 02:14:49 PM
Wonderful candid showing the sweet individuality of children.
If only the roof at the left didn't break the symmetry of the building backdrop! I'd almost be tempted to crop the top floor out and present this a panoramic.
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01/18/2005 11:58:07 AM
Quack, quack, waddle, waddle. . . Very, very nice capture. BOL 7 Slightly over sharpened though.
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01/18/2005 09:24:57 AM
wonderful colorful study! great work.

Shame about the roof being included, but obviously one can't move that. Still it's fantastic work.
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01/18/2005 03:33:42 AM
I like this photo a LOT... but personally I might have tried it as a panoramic type shot... personally I feel you loose some of my interest in the children when I'm looking at the top to see what else there is... I would have cropped it just a tad bit above the 1 level of windows... because it keeps your attention on the children, and also I find that the whole photo seems to look tilted even though it really isn't, when I'm looking at what you have.
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01/18/2005 03:15:01 AM
I love the contrast between the subdued colors of the building and the bright colors of the kid's winter clothes. Also their movement against the solid background of the building really works well. This says a great deal about the energy of children.
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01/17/2005 08:44:30 PM
Perfect! 10
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01/17/2005 07:48:25 PM
had a nice chuckle when I saw this. nice composition, exposure, and contrast of the kids against the white building.
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01/17/2005 04:24:42 PM
I love this sort of shot. I think it would be a much more powerful statement with the roof and second story windows cropped out.
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01/17/2005 11:00:39 AM
superb picture , simple idea , great framing , nothing special and yet very eye-catching at the same time - not to mention the colors !! looks like a winner to me - 9
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01/17/2005 10:35:01 AM
The stark white wall acts as a good background for the children..nicely candid as well.
Good luck
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01/17/2005 10:28:57 AM
Wonderful capture! I love the way the personality of each child seems so present! There's so much story to this image!
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01/16/2005 06:25:33 PM
The building is a bit too bright. It looks as though it might have some interesting detail in it that would be more apparent if not so overexposed. Otherwise, this is a great shot!
01/16/2005 06:14:20 PM
One of my favorites! Great work 10
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01/16/2005 12:20:28 PM
classic kid candid! I love this as it shows the children at play and in their natural state.
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01/16/2005 11:35:21 AM
This is a real jewel....you must have gotten excited when you saw this on your screen. The lines are wonderful. The little girl in red, the second one from the end, caught my eye. Great Capture, I can see this one printed up really large.
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01/16/2005 08:52:45 AM
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01/16/2005 08:47:00 AM
one of my favorites love all the different colors
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01/16/2005 08:27:22 AM
Very well done. Good balance in composition, nice contrasts of colours, good viewpoint and full of life.
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01/16/2005 08:15:33 AM
and perhaps preparing for that school...
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01/16/2005 07:48:57 AM
This picture has alot of potential. I think I would have found it more interesting if you cropped just above the lower windows and given it a panoramic feeling. Each of the children would then be more interesting in themselves and more attention would be focused on them. Just my opinion though. Nice capture.
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01/16/2005 04:25:32 AM
I like this one!
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01/16/2005 04:08:52 AM
What a brilliant capture. This might even work a little better with more of a panoramic orientation, but I like it a lot as is. The colourful winter gear and the girl in red kicking her leg out make for a wonderful image. 8.
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01/16/2005 02:29:19 AM
This is great! So many actions, and the color contrast between the building and the kids helps to really liven this shot. Definately one of my favorites.
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