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Breakfast at Tiffany's
Breakfast at Tiffany's

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Movie Titles (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: danyel's house
Date: Jan 10, 2005
Aperture: 4.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/20
Galleries: Fashion, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jan 11, 2005

well, this is almost as i imagined it would turn out. except for maybe not thinking about using a white cigarette on a white background, that was pretty brilliant. :) and the background itself isnt as bright as i would like either, but oh well, we had fun. :)

Place: 6 out of 328
Avg (all users): 6.6715
Avg (commenters): 8.1613
Avg (participants): 6.4830
Avg (non-participants): 6.8122
Views since voting: 85371
Views during voting: 617
Votes: 344
Comments: 67
Favorites: 41 (view)

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02/21/2008 10:01:12 PM
Know-Its perfect the way it is.Dont ever doubt you self.Your frist instink is right.
02/21/2008 09:59:10 PM
It looks better to day then the last time I saw it.It is won of my favorit`s.
09/26/2007 01:35:18 PM
Yes Les, what has happened to doris? :( Suppose she's a busy lady these days. :)
09/26/2007 01:21:15 PM
whats happened to doris?
05/28/2007 07:59:55 PM
This is fabulous!! What amazing style-I love it!
01/12/2007 06:01:35 AM
I'm way late, I wasn't even around for this challenge but dang! I happened upon this photo and am in love with it. I am shocked the more and more I see what dpc voters go with. 6th is pretty rediculous!
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12/30/2006 05:52:50 AM
This is just fantastic..Love it!
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06/23/2005 06:53:07 PM
Holly Golightly would be so impressed. This ia a great shot!!
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06/22/2005 05:30:53 PM
No words! Simply perfect! :)
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02/08/2005 11:10:52 AM
Brilliant indeed! I gave you a 10 and figured this would place first. Great work. Perfect composition. Excellent light and details. The hair and the shades are perfect. Damn! She looks a lot like Julia Roberts! I hope she takes that as a compliment and not a DIS. (: Selected as Favorite!
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02/07/2005 10:33:38 PM
you should of got a damn ribbon! very old fashioned , fits the title and its a crisp shot with perfect focus that goes well with a pretty face.
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02/04/2005 02:50:32 PM
AUDREY HEPBURN WOULD BE PROUD :)! VERYYYYyyyy good job. extremely beautiful.
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01/20/2005 06:43:01 PM
this is just gorgeous, Alecia. it definitely should have ribboned!
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01/20/2005 06:41:47 PM
outstanding, you could always change the cigarette's color now ;}
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01/20/2005 04:02:58 PM
This is fantastic! Excellent work =)
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01/19/2005 11:41:01 PM
Aleeeeeecia!! Congrats!! Awesome pic!
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01/19/2005 07:53:29 PM
Congrats on your top ten! Excellent entry...Wow!
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01/19/2005 04:00:36 PM
thanks for all the kind words peeps! i went for emotion over technical with this one--i had a few that had better backgrounds/cigarettes--but i liked her pose, etc in this one. so i'm happy with the placement! :)

@pedro--just the usual frustratingness of people not reading the challenge. my interpretation was that it could or could not have to do with the actual movie. some people i guess thought it meant that it could not at all have anything to do with the movie. oh well.

@riot--cool, i'm a huge parker posey fan.
01/19/2005 03:49:36 PM
17 people voted this 3 or less? idiots. The Anal-ysts were clearly out in force...maybe knock it down a few points if you think it misses the challenge, but for *&%$ sake people use your damn brains for a change.

I'm ashamed for those people.
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01/19/2005 02:24:19 PM
Beautiful, classy, elegant, and just damn fine. Way to go alecia...you should have gotten a ribbon!!! :o)
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01/19/2005 12:15:17 PM
Great submission Alecia!
Congrats on a top ten finsh with this one.
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01/19/2005 11:36:55 AM

This deserved a higher rank, but damn, congrats on 6th! I love this photo, it's just so...spot on! :)

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01/19/2005 10:29:16 AM
Wow. This is one good looking woman. Cheers on such a great job, and yes, you were totally robbed.
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01/19/2005 01:17:05 AM
This is fantastic, I never got to it but would have gotten a 10 from me.
She looks like parker posey


I agree though, robbed.

Message edited by author 2005-01-19 01:26:41.
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01/19/2005 01:13:05 AM
I am so dissappointed right now...
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01/19/2005 01:01:41 AM
such c r a p that this didnt ribbon........... beaten by a duck?
no offence to the duck fotog. but hell!
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01/19/2005 12:54:32 AM
You got robbed!!! This is a fantastic portrait, great expression and light.
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01/19/2005 12:10:02 AM
Congratulations on your 6th placing with this smart rendition in the spirit of the silver screen.
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01/19/2005 12:03:57 AM
I love this. stylish and fun and very nicely composed! congrats on your top 10 finish!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/18/2005 11:31:12 PM
One of my top 3. Excellent composition.
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01/18/2005 11:14:58 PM
A great portrait of your model. Too bad the cig was blown out in the white background. One of two 10's I gave.
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01/18/2005 11:14:07 PM
Great shot, very 60s. I think it could be a bit sharper, and I wish the cigarette didn't blend in the background, but overall, I think it's great. Bumping up.
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01/18/2005 09:52:06 PM
very nice picture but I don't care for the way the cigarette is lost against the background
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01/18/2005 09:51:14 PM
Excellent - 10
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01/18/2005 08:29:26 AM
The model is just about perfect though I think there was a certain eternal innocence in Audrey's face that is lacking here. But that facet of her never worked for me in her Holly portrayal and the slight hardness does with this model. Only nit is the cigarette seems to disappear. Nice job.
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01/18/2005 12:36:27 AM
Yup, I think we have a winner right here. I'm almost too stunned to comment but I had to go ahead and tell you what a lovely shot this is. I'm sure you've gotten plenty of congratulatory comments already though :) A classic, gorgeous work of art...good for you! :)
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01/17/2005 10:15:30 PM
Fantastic, so striking. Well composed. B/W spot on !! The best so far 9
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01/17/2005 02:41:10 PM
My pick for a ribbon! 10
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01/17/2005 04:18:02 AM
Wow. Speechless. This would make Audrey herself blush at it's perfection. Pose, frame, crop, lighting,everything. perfect. If this doesn't get a ribbon Imma lose it.

i wanted to spell it speachless, just because i think i'm funny, and you'd get it ;)
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01/16/2005 12:09:04 AM
love it!
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01/15/2005 11:04:40 PM
A hard image to pull off. My congratulations.
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01/15/2005 07:43:40 PM
Who is she? I'd like to meet her. This is an excellent portrayal. 10
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01/15/2005 06:01:32 AM
She seems Audrey but I don's think it meets the challenge, a pic related to the title not to the movie.
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01/14/2005 09:26:01 PM
Composition works for me, suits the movie title, gray scale helped. Good job.
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01/14/2005 08:53:33 PM
yup, this will be the winner.
I think...
Well done
excellent capture

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01/14/2005 07:32:02 PM
I love it, where did you get a "fume cigarette" so long? Looks like a sarbacane...
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01/14/2005 08:08:41 AM
An excellent photo right down to the expression of someone who wants something above it all. Nice lighting, BW balance and clarity
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01/14/2005 06:10:59 AM
Great BW portrait!!
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01/13/2005 06:45:21 PM
one of the top shots no doubt.
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01/13/2005 04:42:32 PM
The model's bangs appears to have stolen the focus from the face. Definite retro feel to this one.
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01/13/2005 04:32:36 PM
This looks great. Her pose and looks is so classic. She really looks like (and perhaps she really is) a famous moviestar.
The balance of light and dark combined with the toning is just great. The addition of the cigarette holder makes it mory dynamic. If I imagine the portrait without it, it somehow looses its power.
The things that draw me as first is the hair and the glasses. Especially the tone gradation in the glasses makes it a bit "who's that girl?" (to be sure: not Madonna related at all!).
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01/13/2005 01:54:33 PM
it's mildly off-topic as it should be illustration to the title, not to the movie, but great job in mimicking Audrey!
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01/13/2005 01:14:31 PM
one of my favourite films and songs.. so it is emotion impact for me... and i like the compositin of thr picture
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01/13/2005 11:00:40 AM
Pretty literal
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01/12/2005 09:15:47 PM
You got my only 10 - Fanstastic Photo!
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01/12/2005 06:31:55 PM
Cool (10)
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01/12/2005 05:22:18 PM
great picture. i like the classiness of it
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01/12/2005 03:37:04 PM
Really uncanny resemblance. Love the way you put in all the details, including the hair clip. Well shot and composed. It's perfect. 10
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01/12/2005 10:46:29 AM
Positive: great set up , well representative of the era
Negative: the cigarette blurs out
score 9
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01/12/2005 10:43:41 AM
Yay! What a great job on the Audrey lookalike :)

The shot is a little out of focus in some places (her big hair) and a little blownout in upperleft, but forgetting all that - I love it! 10!
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01/12/2005 09:25:08 AM
One of my favorite movies! Nice job!
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01/12/2005 01:51:07 AM
The hairstyle and everything! Very, very good!
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01/12/2005 01:50:06 AM
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01/12/2005 01:21:12 AM
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01/12/2005 12:44:35 AM
Nice job. Bonus for nailing Audrey Hepburn down pat.
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01/12/2005 12:15:49 AM
Beautifully taken and a very stylish and beautiful model indeed. Love it.
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01/12/2005 12:14:03 AM
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