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American Beauty
American Beauty

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Movie Titles (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: home (montreal)
Date: Jan 11, 2005
Galleries: Interior, Nude
Date Uploaded: Jan 11, 2005

As you might have guessed, this was a fun shot to do! just had my model lay on the ground, while i placed the petals in different location. didnt have anything set up for lighting, so i had to use the old bouncing the flash off the ceiling technique, which made a nice uniform light accross the model.

Place: 97 out of 328
Avg (all users): 5.5452
Avg (commenters): 6.3077
Avg (participants): 5.3243
Avg (non-participants): 5.7128
Views since voting: 5550
Views during voting: 772
Votes: 343
Comments: 14
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/18/2005 06:18:11 PM
Nice artsy picture.
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01/17/2005 10:40:44 PM
this must have been a fun setup and shot.
Good luck
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01/15/2005 02:54:54 PM
beautiful skin tones, love the lighting. I don't like the placement of the hand tho.
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01/15/2005 11:54:18 AM
More diagonal placement of the body might make a better composition.
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01/14/2005 07:33:47 AM
nudity is never art in my mind
01/14/2005 07:25:39 AM
Interesting the difference of approach throughout tthis challenge - those who've chosen to recreate scenes directly from movies, and those who've simply used a title from a movie to title their image. The latter was clearly the intention of the challenge, but this approach can't be said, I think, to have missed the point.

Hoever, it does have a certain different kind of problem, which is that your asking for your image to be compared to an original, rather than as a piece that stands alone; especially with such a memorable and oft-copied image as the sea of rose petals from this film. The simply enormous number of petals in that scene makes it difficult not to look in a certain sense at this as a cheap version. As far as it's possible to look at this in isolation, to forget about 'the original', it's not a bad piece of work - though I would perhaps quibble with your precise placing of the figure in frame, and with the exceptional softness of the light, and perhaps with your crop overall: I wonder whether a more angled shot, and a still soft but more directional light, and perhaps a concentration on the hand and the stomach might have been stronger?
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01/13/2005 01:34:16 PM
This doesn't meet the challenge IMO, it's not like the other movie challenge. Sorry, it would've done great there.
01/12/2005 11:09:13 PM
Very sensual.
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01/12/2005 04:26:15 PM
nice idea, but maybe a different angle would have been better, it's a shame that the waist curve on the bottom of the photograph is cut off
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01/12/2005 10:05:14 AM
Dig the idea, but the lighting is harsh...
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01/12/2005 03:25:09 AM
the photo is missin half tone of roses :)
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01/12/2005 01:37:37 AM
great idea i would have liked it to seem more dreamy like the movie but still a good shot 8
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01/12/2005 01:20:09 AM
How daring to use a title and theme of one of the greatest films of all time. You pulled it off, my friend. excellent composition. 9
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01/12/2005 01:00:50 AM
Too many flower petals. Far toomany.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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