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coney island slalom
coney island slalom

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2004 (Advanced Editing III*)
Collection: DPC Entries
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED
Location: coney island boardwalk, nyc, ny
Date: Aug 30, 2004
Galleries: Black and White, Photojournalism
Date Uploaded: Jan 14, 2005


Place: 296 out of 530
Avg (all users): 5.5175
Avg (commenters): 6.3000
Avg (participants): 5.4672
Avg (non-participants): 5.6747
Views since voting: 1258
Views during voting: 466
Votes: 342
Comments: 18
Favorites: 0

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07/13/2005 12:10:04 AM
B/W Club
If this wasn't for a challenge, and just for personal collection, my honest opinion would be to first try and carefully clone out the watchers sitting on the bench. Think of it as photo restoration. ;-)

Fixing the slight tilt is no problem, although it really doesn't bother me. What I would love to see though is a little more definition/depth to the sky, without altering the rider and pier. Would have to be done carefully, so as to not mess up the rest of the image, yet look natural.

If changing the sky is not option, then just getting rid of the onlookers on bench would be improvement in my book.

I'm just amazed that he is able to do that on wooden pier! :)
07/12/2005 08:18:04 PM
B/W Mentor Group:
First off on the tilt... It's hard to tell if it's quite as bad as first meets the eye. Just looking at the horizon I would say yes, but looking at the metal railing on the edge of the pier, I would say no. Anyhow - this isn't a group about tilts, so I'll move on. :-)

My first reaction before really studying the photo was that there isn't a whole lot of contrast. Everything feels grey to me. Then my eyes fall on the barrels and the unicycler - and they pop. I also like how the barrels lead my eyes right to the back edge of the photo and along the way I get to see a lot of people and I wonder what is going in their life.

I don't know if I like the position of the unicycler in the frame. Something doesn't feel right with that, but I can't place where I think he should be. He definately belongs in the photo though.
07/12/2005 08:12:06 PM
The tilt bothers me (using distort would solve this) but that has nothing to do with B&W :)You have the range from deep black to very white in the clouds. The mid range echoes the fog over the water and pier. Very nice.
07/12/2005 05:26:33 AM
B/W Mentor Group.

OK I'm going to ignore the tilt, its been noticed and could be fixed very easily.

What I find intiguing is the tonal differences here. The barrels are black, deep black and provide a lead all the way down through the image. The rider is also black so the eye understands that there is some linkage between him and the barrels. But then you start to absorb the rest of the image an dit fades gloriously frm left to right. The tones get whiter as it approaches the building on the right. I like that aspect more and more as I look at the image, it too adds to the pull on the eye from left to right.

I'm going to guess that you used a ND grad filter because the lampost gains darkness as it gains height and there is some added definition in the clouds. Tonal range feels right apart from the lamps

Now to be honest I hadn't seen the overlap of the rider and the couple on the bench, but having just read Kaveys comments that now jarrs quite badly and would have been better if you had stepped two paces left.
07/11/2005 10:44:26 AM
B/W Mentor Class
I like the tilt. It serves the purpose of leading your eyes to where the bike rider may be going. Maybe a little dodge/burn could have helped bring out other details, but the soft skys don't detract enough of your attention to really bother me that much.

Message edited by author 2005-07-11 10:53:20.
07/11/2005 09:39:54 AM
B/W Mentor Group.

There are some aspects of this that leap out at me even before I am able to really soak in the broader scene and look hard at all the details:-
Tilted horizon - I can see how you've decided to keep the lines of the foreground area of the decking horizontal but as this is at the expense of the true horizon it doesn't work for me. Especially as all the verticals (lamp posts, bins and buildings) are also tilted.
Exposure - I also have a problem exposing for bright skies and often have the same situation as you have here with small patches of the sky completely blown out. In this image there are few natural highlights so those blown out patches really stand out more strongly.
Moving past those into the details of the scene, here are my observations:-
Our main character in the foreground seems to present a fascinating silhouette but this is interrupted by the two characters seated behind merging into his shape. I wonder what the composition would be like were the photograph taken a few moments later when he had progressed to a position between the two leftmost bins?

Message edited by author 2005-07-11 10:44:11.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/26/2005 06:53:37 PM
I think the horizon needs levelling.
01/24/2005 09:28:59 AM
this is a fun image! thanks for sharing. i hope that it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of this monster-sized challenge, and that it gets the attention it deserves. great choice for bw. good luck with this and the challenges yet to come!
01/21/2005 02:00:14 PM
great title, you've framed it well, showing the path the biker is heading moves the eye through the picture.
01/19/2005 10:46:29 PM
Shot doesn't seem to have an actual subject and this confuses my eye... Did you leave the horizon tilted on purpose? I don't see a reason for this tilt...
01/19/2005 11:56:09 AM
Nice photo... I'm a little distracted by the slanted horizon.
01/18/2005 09:33:31 PM
like the action
01/18/2005 09:33:35 AM
little bit too wonkey for my tastes, although gives good impression of wind.
01/17/2005 09:43:47 PM
This is wonderful and beautiful... great candid withe great tones and outstanding quality. Many stories withing thos one piece. 10,
01/17/2005 05:18:34 PM
Nice candid, black and white works well and I like your title.
01/17/2005 11:22:58 AM
I'd really like to hear the story behind this.
01/16/2005 08:39:20 PM
Postcard like image. Like this shot. I might have straightened using the light fixture as it appears tilted, but stil an image I appreciate. Good entry.
01/16/2005 01:29:25 PM
Interesting story! The image has a great deal of mood, but t seems the "moment" hasn't yet arrived in this photo. Technically, I'm very bothered by the tipped horizon and leaning lamp posts. Black and white is a perfect choice for a vintage feel.

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