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modern day iglo
modern day iglo

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Architecture II (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Reykjavik
Date: Jan 16, 2005
Galleries: Architecture, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Jan 15, 2005


Place: 62 out of 225
Avg (all users): 5.8715
Avg (commenters): 5.5000
Avg (participants): 5.8558
Avg (non-participants): 5.8933
Views since voting: 997
Views during voting: 246
Votes: 179
Comments: 9
Favorites: 1 (view)

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01/28/2005 12:26:11 PM
Critique Club

You have chosen an interesting architectural object here. The repeating curved lines are visually appealing. However, the snow covered rock, the bush and the stormy clouds pull my attention away from the building. I can't tell whether this is an underexposed image or whether you have purposefully darkened it for the dramatic effect. The darkening has caused a loss of detail in the window, clouds, bushes, and rock. If it were my photo, I would lighten it up.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/23/2005 07:34:02 PM
Cool shot. Even if this ends up not being in Iceland, it should be :-)
01/23/2005 03:02:21 PM
Interesting building, I wish I could see more of it.
It looks like you upped the contrast a bit too much, and there is some detail lost in the dark areas of the photo.
01/22/2005 06:44:26 PM
too dark, maybe a fill flash would have helped or a longer exposure time. Nice subject for the challenge.
01/22/2005 12:06:09 AM
Great subject for winter architecture. This was obviously taken on a stormy day under very low light conditions. More light would certainly have raised my appraisal of this picture. A 4.
01/19/2005 01:33:47 PM
Very good post-processing to make this other-wordly and yet very familiar with the snow. Is this where the teletubbies have moved to?
01/18/2005 03:49:21 PM
I wonder what it looks like in the Summer! Very nice crop and light.
01/17/2005 03:47:12 PM
I would like to see more detail in the bushes etc.
01/17/2005 01:37:03 PM
Very cool picture, and really interesting architecture!!

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