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give us a kiss
give us a kiss

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2004 (Advanced Editing III*)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Location: Living room
Date: Aug 31, 2004
Aperture: 7,1
ISO: 800
Shutter: 1/25
Galleries: Emotive, Animals
Date Uploaded: Jan 15, 2005

My daughter Sóley and her fishes.

Originally shot for the framing challenge.

The fish bowl is placed on a thick glass window which is placed between two loudspeakers. Between the fish bowl and the glass is white paper. Underneath the fish bowl is a halogen lamp.

This was shot in the afternoon so it was bright outside as can be seen by the reflections in the fish bowl from a window on the right. I had to lay on the floor to get the low viewpoint and I used a tripod for the camera.

Her body is not visible through the fish bowl because of the light coming from below. The water is clean and fresh as can be seen by the air bubbles on the plastic plants.

I did some more shots but the expression on her face and the placement of the fishes were not as good. I also tried blocking the light so it would not light up the wall behind and that was better.

Post processing in PS:
. Levels
. Unsharp Mask
. Crop
. Resize
. Even out distracting shadows and a part of her leg in the bottom right corner by cloning.
. Some dodging and burning in the fishbowl.

I used a 18-55mm lens for this shot.

Place: 24 out of 530
Avg (all users): 6.7600
Avg (commenters): 8.4688
Avg (participants): 6.7828
Avg (non-participants): 6.6867
Views since voting: 6106
Views during voting: 577
Votes: 350
Comments: 36
Favorites: 14 (view)

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05/31/2005 08:33:19 AM
Virkilega skemmtileg mynd.
Hefði verið skemmtilegra ef annar fiskurinn hefði verið beint fyrir neðan Sóleyju, þá hefði það litið út eins og hún væri að horfa beint á hann.
Annars vel að verki staðið !
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/31/2005 08:43:00 PM
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01/31/2005 08:22:06 PM
good job on hiding the reflection
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01/31/2005 07:56:52 PM
Superb control of the lighting. Very clear and detailed, and not over-saturated. Title vs. subject seem a bit off in my opinion, but took nothing away because of it. ((7))
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01/29/2005 11:37:50 PM
This is one that you don't forget seeing. I loved this one the first time I saw it, and it is still wonderful now. The only distraction is the white in the background (different heights on either side of the subject). It leaves me wondering what it was, which is distracting my attention from the shot. Overall this shot is wonderful - 9 from me.
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01/27/2005 08:27:51 PM
Love the color and the light is great on her face. The hot spots in the water sure are too bad though. Still bumping up one- tells a cute story.
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01/24/2005 10:10:06 PM
how fun is this! what a tricky lighting job. i really want to learn how to do this, and hope you share your set up in your photog notes. i also hope this image is getting the attention it deserves, and that it is not getting lost in the shuffle of this huge challenge. good luck with this and the challenges yet to come!
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01/23/2005 10:43:45 PM
Wonderful light here, I like this!
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01/23/2005 12:49:54 PM
Can't vote, but that is absolutely beautiful.
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01/22/2005 11:21:03 PM
Beautiful photo. great composition, lighitng, and colors. 10
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01/22/2005 12:25:14 PM
Lovely light and clarity. Would this benefit from a tighter crop esp. at the top?
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01/22/2005 11:54:16 AM
image with interest and technically superb; a ribbon pick of mine.10
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01/21/2005 07:43:29 PM
This is a beautiful image. I love the lighting in the bowl and of the girl and the lack of light above. Nice and sharp where it counts and soft where it needs to be. Good work! Good luck in the challenge!
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01/21/2005 02:27:02 PM
Very sharp, unique, great detail, cropped prefectly, and extremely cute... 10
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01/21/2005 09:19:24 AM
how cute is this? the lighting is awesome, novel idea 10
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01/20/2005 12:44:07 PM
Great idea for a photo. I really like the glow effect on the bowl. Excellent lighting overall. I voted a "10"!
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01/20/2005 08:38:51 AM
Wonderful picture. Good luck.
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01/20/2005 07:48:55 AM
An interesting shot but it does nothing for me. To me it says a kid looking into a fish bowl. However the shot is well compossed and outstanding clarity and contrast with vibrant colors. Best of luck and keep up the good work in 2005. Oh yea I also like the crop, centering and size. <7>
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01/18/2005 08:50:40 PM
Wow, I can't tell how you lit this, and can't figure out why the rest of the girl isn't visible through the bowl. Really wonderful shot!
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01/18/2005 07:28:56 PM
was going to comment after voting, alot of great entries, but can't wait on this one...SPECTACLUR SHOT in every way. I think I'm almost done first pass at voting won't have to go back to bump this one up...10. Really stands out for me. Best of luck!
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01/18/2005 09:34:54 AM
great shot, nice two subject shot
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01/18/2005 09:14:38 AM
sweet sweet sweet picture - little bit too much light from underneath but still a wonderful idea.
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01/17/2005 11:28:24 PM
Amazing photo! Great composition, incredible lighting, an fantastic photo!

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01/17/2005 03:49:51 PM
Your use of lighting turns this into something very special. Very cleverly posed too so that the girl's whoe face shows in the bowl. I give this a 10.
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01/17/2005 09:12:03 AM
Wow, this is different and very nice. I can't quite work out how the top of the bowl works... how come it hasn't distorted her hair and features? Superb lighting... the wide dynamic range has been handled superbly. Great composition and colours. I'm interested to see who the photographer responsible is!
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01/16/2005 05:19:30 PM
I love this shot. No criticism..just a suggestion. If the background could have been dark (black/dark brown) your subject of interest would have really been accentuated. We'd be peering into the fishbowl with her.
Excellent image.
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01/16/2005 02:57:46 PM
Great lighting
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01/16/2005 02:00:46 PM
This is so clever and beautiful, surely a winner. 10
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01/16/2005 01:43:53 PM
A real attention grabber. Her expression, and the lighting just make me want to continue watching her watching.
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01/16/2005 08:57:12 AM
This feels so Scandinavian. You know, as soon as I land and enter the new terminals on Arlanda airport at Stockholm I feel so restful and peaceful. Same thing happens at the airport in Kopenhagen and in many buildings in Sweden, Finland and Norway. This photo has the same effect. I love the idea, the light from the bowl, the soft quiet background and the clarity. Good photo, I had it marked as an 8, but am bumping it up to a 10.
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01/16/2005 06:50:51 AM
This is certainly cute - and quite appealing. The angle you've chosen works really well. Like the way the light graduates from really bright at the bottom to quite dark at the top of the image.
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01/16/2005 05:17:12 AM
Stunningly nice image, marred in my eyes onlyvery slightly by the light area in the background left. I wish the grey had continued down as it does on the right. This picture made me smile; it's SO child-like and evocative.
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01/16/2005 01:50:23 AM
Cute shot, but the border is distracting.
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01/16/2005 01:08:16 AM
This picture is so cool.
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01/16/2005 12:40:50 AM
Excellent lighting. Very powerful image.
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01/16/2005 12:36:31 AM
I like this one. I'd personally have cropped closer (1/3rd off the top of the frame, cutting the top of her head) as the attention is the fishbowl and downwards. Having her face in the center of the frame feels unbalanced.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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