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Flume Creek Train Trestle
Flume Creek Train Trestle

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Bridges (Classic Editing)
Camera: Vivitar ViviCam 10
Location: Castella, California
Date: Mar 8, 2003
Aperture: F5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Landscape, Architecture
Date Uploaded: Mar 9, 2003

I took this picture when I was driving up to Mt. Shasta California with my parents and cousin at about 2:00 PM

Place: 214 out of 229
Avg (all users): 4.0091
Avg (commenters): 4.1579
Avg (participants): 3.8849
Avg (non-participants): 4.2250
Views since voting: 1623
Votes: 219
Comments: 19
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/15/2003 12:28:36 AM
Tiny image, but looks well composed. If you use Photoshop, try the "Save for Web" feature and save it as a jpg. Adjust the quality level to as high as you can to come as close to the 150 kb max allowed for the challenge. You can also adjust the image size and dpi.
03/14/2003 11:20:44 AM
This photograph is just too small - DPC allows a photograph to be up to 640pix in either or both directions, and a photograph this small is very difficult to see. I do like the content - composition looks ok, but again, it's hard to see.
03/13/2003 07:29:32 PM
Photo is too small to see any detail, but it looks nice
03/13/2003 04:06:07 PM
This looks like a beautiful landscape shot... i really like train bridges :) I think the image would have more impact if it was a bit larger... nice work :) - setzler
03/13/2003 05:30:52 AM
Size Matters!
03/12/2003 11:31:15 PM
this is too small - it is hard to see
03/12/2003 05:34:56 PM
I would have croped the foreground road out.
03/12/2003 02:36:00 AM
You should take advantage of our allowance for a bigger size!
03/11/2003 09:48:44 AM
nice job
03/11/2003 09:48:28 AM
very natural setting and nice perspective. its too bad you caught the edge of the path on the bottom left corner. also, i think you're hurting youself by not submitting the photo at the max allowable size. did you consider increasing the saturation levels in the post processing to try to bring out more the green in the trees?
03/10/2003 09:51:25 PM
why so small a picture here? You're allowed 150K. This seems dishonorable to your photograph, it's so small to look at, you can't really see it to make any good comments.
03/10/2003 07:40:27 PM
Too small.
03/10/2003 05:42:46 PM
I'd upload larger versions of your shots. This is soooo small.
03/10/2003 05:34:26 PM
:( it's too small (the picture itself). Did you know you can have a 640x480 pixel picture?
03/10/2003 02:23:17 PM
nice work
03/10/2003 01:08:38 PM
nice image
03/10/2003 12:38:58 PM
Need to be Closer up, get rid of the crap on the right side.
03/10/2003 10:29:14 AM
Nice shot but why so small? I'm sure this is a much stronger composition when viewed larger. I can't see much detail due to the size of the submission. When possible try to submit your photos at the maximum 640 on the long side of the photo. Good luck with the challenge!
03/10/2003 02:31:36 AM
Looks like a very secluded trestle in the mountains. How did you find it?

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