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Breaking New Ground
Breaking New Ground

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Breaking New Ground (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 4500
Location: Quetta, Pakistan
Date: Jan 18, 2005
Galleries: Travel, Action
Date Uploaded: Jan 18, 2005


Place: 135 out of 191
Avg (all users): 4.8012
Avg (commenters): 4.8333
Avg (participants): 4.6731
Avg (non-participants): 4.8560
Views since voting: 804
Views during voting: 501
Votes: 347
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/25/2005 10:18:36 PM
funny. but the ground doesn't look that new :)
01/25/2005 09:39:45 PM
Dangerous sense of humor, but i will bump you up all the same. lol
01/25/2005 03:50:18 PM
:D Fun outake on the challenge, the image itself is good but I really think it would look much better in B&W. But truly it doesn't fit the challenge, unless this is new ground for you for which I will not lower your score and rate the image itself.
01/25/2005 06:49:32 AM
Hehehe, someone did it! Humorous. :D
01/24/2005 07:17:11 PM
you got my laugh... one of the first times i do it out loud for a photo
01/24/2005 05:03:17 PM
This picture definantly matches the contests title...literally!
01/23/2005 10:29:05 AM
lol, give you a 7 for being cheeky
01/22/2005 01:13:22 PM
01/22/2005 09:46:27 AM
lol, good one, how do you know the ground is new though? 6
01/21/2005 09:04:05 AM
I like your humor!! Also quite a nice picture. Subject is perhaps a bit centered.
01/21/2005 04:38:35 AM
OK ... ... I guess you did't read the specifications of this contest and many have told you that you missunderstood it. Sorry, but they are right. Good luck.
01/21/2005 01:37:11 AM
Look, It's Osama!
01/20/2005 11:42:41 PM
you must be going for comments, so let me contribute. Yes, you made me smile.
01/19/2005 09:10:18 PM
What's your unusual/new photographic technigue?
might be a more interesting picture if you moved more in front of the subject to catch the expression on his face. Or, shoot from a lower angle and show more of the bg for context. As it is, it has no impact for me.
01/19/2005 02:50:44 PM
Yes, a very literal interpretation but does not convey very much more than what is very apparent. Good luck.
01/19/2005 01:12:01 PM
I let out an audible chuckle, so I guess you've succeeded !! Not really what I expected from this challenge, but nice going.
01/19/2005 12:38:44 PM
Hahaha.... wish I could also go to Afghanistan at the spur of the moment
01/19/2005 12:11:13 PM
I realize people using literal interpretations of challenges is their way of "thinking outside the box" but to me it accomplishes the exact opposite. Sorry.
01/19/2005 10:53:37 AM
This made me laugh! A good take on the challenge
01/19/2005 08:09:25 AM
I had a feeling someone was going to take this approach :)
01/19/2005 07:55:10 AM
01/19/2005 03:24:11 AM
Caption for the tabloids: "Osama Bin Laden Sighted Digging His Own Grave"

oh, the punnishness :P

01/19/2005 01:46:49 AM
This is really breaking new ground :-)
01/19/2005 12:50:22 AM
Nice take on the topic....

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