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Burnside Bridge
Burnside Bridge

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Bridges (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: Antietam Battlefield (Sharpsburg, MD - USA)
Date: Mar 8, 2003
Aperture: 8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/80s
Galleries: Landscape, Architecture
Date Uploaded: Mar 9, 2003

Burnside Bridge is located in the town of Sharpsburg, MD (USA) in the Antietam Battlefield. At the very spot where I took this photo from there was a plaque which read:

"On the morning of September 17, 1862, this bridge was defended by the 2d and 20th Georgia of Toombs' Brigade and the 50th Georgia of Drayton's Brigade. The 20th Georgia was on the high wooded bluff immediately opposite this end of the Bridge; and the 2d and 50th Georgia in the open order, supported by one company of Jenkins' S.C. Brigade, continued the line to Snavely's Ford. One company of the 20th Georgia was on the narrow wooded strip North of this point between the creek and the Sharpsburg Road. Richardson's Battery of the Washington Artillery was posted on the high ground about 500 yards northwest and Eubank's (Va.) Battery on the bluff north of the overlooking the Bridge. The Artillery on Cemetery Hill commanded the Bridge and the road to Sharpsburg.
At 9 a.m. Crook's Brigade of the Ninth Corps. moving from the ridge northeast of the bridge, attempted to cross it but failed. Soon after, the 20 Maryland and 6th New Hampshire, of Nagle's Brigade, charging by the road from the south were repulsed. At 1 p.m. the bridge was carried by assault of Ferrero's Brigade, and the defenders, after a vain effort to check Rodman's Division, moving by Snavely's Ford on the their right flank fell back to the Antietam Furnace Road and reformed on the outskirts of the town of Sharpsburg."

Place: 125 out of 229
Avg (all users): 5.3917
Avg (commenters): 6.0909
Avg (participants): 5.3889
Avg (non-participants): 5.3973
Views since voting: 1106
Votes: 217
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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03/18/2003 04:08:34 PM
CC Greetings wackybill
Antietam- September 17, 1862 That was a long time ago and has an interesting history. Thanks for the information.
Fits The Challenge-Yes
Composition-Nice _but_
Background-Lots of tree branches.
My Opinion-The composition could of been changed ...just a bit. Like the comment below I think if you had moved down the bank just a bit your shot would of scored higher. HA! I know easy for me to say..I wasn't there. I think all the tree branches along with the snow make this look slightly over exposed. The shadows of the trees on the stone is very attractive to my eye. Wonderful capture of history.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/13/2003 11:41:03 PM
I'm thinking you might have waited like 30 minutes to take this shot - the sun glare on the side of the bridge washes out some of the detail to my view. It's a nice shot otherwise - good camera placement and framing, and good colors outside of the washed out portion of the bridge.
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03/13/2003 02:55:28 AM
Ah, a very nice photo of your bridge. I just love the color on the side of your bridge and the cold water flowing through the openings. You've shown some of the nice brickwork that went into the making of this bridge, congratulations.
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03/12/2003 03:51:07 PM
Very nice composition.
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03/12/2003 09:36:37 AM
nice and clear picture... i would crop about an inch from the topto get rid of some branches and bring the eye to the main subject of the photo.
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03/11/2003 02:02:49 PM
Very nice image. The picture contains bright colors and it is very clear. Good job.
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03/11/2003 11:22:25 AM
wheres the skatepark at? JK
03/11/2003 10:52:30 AM
did you take one where you went down the slope a bit and captured the bridge from a lower angle without so much sky and trees?
03/10/2003 10:05:56 PM
Meets the challenge(10),quality (8) total 9
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03/10/2003 01:05:36 PM
nice image, a little too bright though
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03/10/2003 12:29:23 PM
Nice shot; good color.
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03/10/2003 08:06:28 AM
Lovely use of the lighting!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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