To me, this -at first glance- unassuming abstract holds some interest. Luminosity is, I speculate, rarely an attribute of such organic earth-tones tones. Colours and hues commonly suggestive of a dry opacity, of rustic materials or objects are wrought with light here, and this over a respectable range extending from shadows to highlights.
The blurring, although far from obscure, is significant enough as to leave no 'easy' anchor for eyes accustomed to pictures with selective focal points or -plains. Instead, the image, appears to 'flow' from a moderately dark to white, which, effectively, provokes a sense of depth.
The 'white' (within the curtain [?]) has no texture, no details. It, really, conveys no information other than the lone suggestion of a light source (the sun?). The extensive darker area (from just beneath the curtain's edge to the bottom and right margins of the image) is far more telling: all manner of shapes, twirls and vortices dance in this expanse, leaving little doubt as to what is at play here, but enough not to give away anything that could impair a sense of mystery and visual delight.
While the composition may have been arbitrary (the manner of this photo, I believe, allows for it), remains balanced and 'golden' :-) with light and dark in relative proportion and with the dark weighing in to the right.
I have two reservations: a) I cannot see a purpose in the two intersecting lines and suspect a redundancy introduced by ambiguity (?), and b) the title. While I will not contribute any negative criticism of the given title per se, I also feel unconvinced that it accomplishes what it could with an image which appears to demand more than a name.
I find this photograph exhilarating, sensual and a very real joy to explore.
Message edited by author 2005-01-26 00:32:28. |