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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Table Shot (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus D-340R
Location: VA BEAAACH
Date: Feb 2, 2002
Aperture: pocahontas
Date Uploaded: Feb 15, 2002


Place: 9 out of 20
Avg (all users): 5.8455
Avg (commenters): 5.3333
Avg (participants): 5.5385
Avg (non-participants): 5.8866
Views since voting: 2494
Votes: 110
Comments: 13
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/28/2002 04:17:00 PM
rock on d00d
02/28/2002 02:38:00 PM
C'mon, Icehouse? Gross. Nice bowl though, and nice shot. Like the B&W
02/28/2002 12:24:00 PM
Needs ambient light in the shadows to place this in the room setting better. Also a wider view would have been better. Kepp working this.
02/27/2002 01:35:00 AM
I'll be sure to report you to the local authorities.
02/26/2002 07:05:00 PM
Smoke weed much?
02/26/2002 01:08:00 PM
duh, I smoke pot everyone...
02/25/2002 11:37:00 PM
you're bad. LOL ;)
02/25/2002 09:26:00 PM
Aftermath? This looks pretty much like my table on any given day! Great shot.
02/25/2002 06:32:00 PM
Is that a Bong I see?
02/25/2002 05:34:00 PM
Weird reflections and contrast
02/24/2002 09:22:00 PM
Encompasses college life. Word.
02/24/2002 05:02:00 PM
black and white is the perfect medium for this one.
02/23/2002 05:49:00 PM
The composition really does nothing for me. There sees to be no area of interest.

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