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Off Roading
Off Roading

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Advertisement (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-3040Z
Location: Woodbridge, VA
Date: May 4, 2002
Aperture: f2.3
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Snapshot
Date Uploaded: May 4, 2002


Place: 71 out of 79
Avg (all users): 4.1177
Avg (commenters): 4.4615
Avg (participants): 3.9718
Avg (non-participants): 4.1955
Views since voting: 1430
Votes: 204
Comments: 28
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/12/2002 10:09:00 PM
Nicely done, but not especially compelling.
05/12/2002 09:43:00 PM
This shot seems more documentary-style than eye-catching. Maybe shoot at a different angle? Centering's off some, too.
05/12/2002 08:39:00 PM
Seems a bit over exposed. A different time of day or different angle where sun is hitting it, and not just the hood.
05/12/2002 06:40:00 PM
I think this shot would have benifitted from a more "adventurous" locale, sorta like the jeep and suv commercials out now. If such a place was unavailable, maybe tilting it a bit would produce a similar effect.
05/11/2002 08:53:00 PM
I like the angle of the shot and the trees showing through the windshield, but the background is a little boring.
05/10/2002 07:45:00 PM
an action shot would be cooler.
05/09/2002 03:39:00 PM
boring and done already. photo appears overexposed too.
05/09/2002 02:33:00 PM
Good setting for this type of ad.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/09/2002 12:15:00 PM
no one is in the car, how is this off roading?
05/08/2002 07:24:00 PM
is this a Jeep add? maybe a for sale sign would have helped
05/08/2002 01:21:00 PM
I think that an action shot would sell the "Off road" idea a lot better.
05/08/2002 10:37:00 AM
A good picture for a classified ad selling a used car-- if that's your goal, then well done -- if your goal is to sell the Jeep, though, I think an action shot would be better -- even just putting the jeep on some kind of incline -- the colors seem a little bit blown out -- maybe that's due to a lower end camera, so i don't factor that into my score
05/07/2002 11:44:00 PM
I guess this is too static for a 'car' advert. It at least needs more space on the right to imply the car could move into it, IMHO
05/07/2002 08:31:00 PM
Cars advertisements are always better when the car is in action.
05/07/2002 06:08:00 PM
Photo looks a little washed out. Nice Jeep.
05/07/2002 01:44:00 PM
A nice shot, but I would have angled the Jeep toward the camera a bit (maybe 45 degrees).
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/07/2002 06:08:00 AM
Something is weird about that sky, and the grass as well. The jeep is well photographed, but the surroundings aren't very inspiring and it's not very well framed.
05/06/2002 10:57:00 PM
kind of bland. also, an advertisement photo would definitely have a vehicle with clean tires.
05/06/2002 08:20:00 PM
"Jeep, Jeep, Jeep"!!! Yeah! The only problem I can see with this and it is going to sound very strange is that it almost looks "too sunny". If you have an exposure compsensation on your camera set it down one or two steps or try lowering the brightness in post-production.
05/06/2002 07:43:00 PM
Great Jeep, too clean though. Nice setting.
05/06/2002 03:04:00 PM
This is more like the ads you would see in a auto sales newspaper, nothing outstanding.
05/06/2002 02:54:00 PM
I'm sorry but off-roading to me means something a bit more challengin.... The photo is flawless as such but somewhat... boring
05/06/2002 01:59:00 PM
this is not a local newspaper wanted ad
05/06/2002 01:38:00 PM
Not very interesting.. you could have been more aggressive. sorry.
05/06/2002 10:50:00 AM
This shot appears to be in focus, but some details look smudged. (Maybe the Jeep is just too "clean") Photo 8 Advert 7 total 8
05/06/2002 08:00:00 AM
not much of an advert.
05/06/2002 06:08:00 AM
Wheres the mud? :)
05/06/2002 04:11:00 AM
This is a good photo for your local auto trader paper... I still would have made the jeep a larger part of the finished image...

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