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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pain (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S200
Location: canada
Date: Feb 6, 2005
Galleries: Emotive, Action
Date Uploaded: Feb 6, 2005

if this is not pain i dont know what is! lol

Place: 38 out of 215
Avg (all users): 5.5345
Avg (commenters): 6.8333
Avg (participants): 5.2600
Avg (non-participants): 5.6524
Views since voting: 1719
Views during voting: 687
Votes: 333
Comments: 28
Favorites: 5 (view)

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07/06/2005 01:53:22 PM
This photo is amazing, I don't know how I found it, but I love it! His eyes are distant and sad, showing no hope. This was captured perfect and tells an amazing story.
02/16/2005 07:17:55 PM
hmm, would liek to see this score better. dont know why so many low votes.
it was a great shot
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/15/2005 06:57:52 PM
so painful ......
02/15/2005 10:25:20 AM
Great Shot! Like the idea, the inspiration of a guy of taking his life that way is a reflection of too much pain indeed. Damn Scissors! (those were big!) :D
Face Expression: Decided! he ain´t gonna chicken out! but a little bit of scaryness in his face would have been great also I think. Anyways, I think this shot deserves a Ten points ;)
02/15/2005 05:09:13 AM
I see no pain in the man's expression. Otherwise great portrait.
02/14/2005 05:34:20 PM
Nice lghting.
02/14/2005 03:47:31 PM
Even though this picture is one of the "obvious studio pain fakes" in this challenge, I find it very intriguing. The look on the model's face looks like pure determination. When it looks like you're attempting to cut your face off, I'm gonna guess that's the look you get in your eyes. One of the top, in my opinion.
02/14/2005 12:43:29 AM
Laugh out loud funny.
02/13/2005 08:17:59 PM
I like this a lot :D
02/13/2005 05:01:47 PM
02/12/2005 02:32:04 PM
this has got to be my favorite.....well done
02/12/2005 11:47:00 AM
Amazing shot, very striking imagery.
02/12/2005 10:18:56 AM
hope this was set up!
02/11/2005 09:58:48 AM
could stand to be a bit bigger - you can go to 640 pixels on a side.
02/11/2005 12:36:05 AM
Hope you told him to get a tetanus injection after he was finished :)
02/10/2005 11:04:40 AM
I like but looks like some crazy art not pain expression. :)
02/10/2005 08:16:55 AM
Those are some big scissors. I think i might have liked this photo more if the focus was a bit more on the eye, since it seems a little soft there. Good lighting job though!
02/10/2005 08:16:41 AM
ten 10
02/09/2005 08:11:08 PM
great shot. the expressionless stare makes this shot really work. the composition is also really good. easily a top 5 shot.
02/09/2005 05:54:50 PM
There is something about this picture I really like, although I can' t pinpoint it. Maybe it's the expression on the subjects face. Why anyone would do this, I don't know - but it does lend itself to a big creepy factor.
02/09/2005 05:21:34 PM
nice picture
02/09/2005 05:07:10 PM
Man oh man this is a great shot. The lighting is spot on. The look in his eyes is so distant and haunting. I do not know why he would do this other than something took over his body in a horror flick or something. But that aside, i must say i really enjoy this image and I hope it is not scoring too low do to the content. The blood also seems a bit dry for being a fresh cut, but of course if you would have been more realistic with it, i am guessing it would score lower. Any way good luck, and if this is a style to your work, keep it up.
02/09/2005 03:36:14 PM
Pretty straightfoward idea. Cuts and blood = pain. The composition is kinda nice and clean. Good job (8)
02/09/2005 08:59:44 AM
simply sick....I like !
02/09/2005 08:44:24 AM
I like the idea but the model doesn't really LOOK like he's in pain.
I also like the contrast skin/background.
02/09/2005 06:28:05 AM
Light is too strong, and blood looks too fake!
02/09/2005 01:37:08 AM
The colors and quality of the shot make it stand out among the competition. Nicely done!
02/09/2005 12:18:30 AM
AGGH, bad memories! When I was about 3 years old my brother wanted to cut a tiny piece of chalk in half with one of those! Needless to say, he got my thumb!
I vote 9 for this. Great job!

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