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1st PlaceOutcast

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pain (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 IS USM
Location: Greenville TX in front of our house
Date: Feb 8, 2005
Galleries: Emotive, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Feb 8, 2005

Shot with my son and three of his friends. After an auto contrast adjustment and a quick, light USM, I converted to a blue tritone originally, but decided it was a bit too blue so I backed the hue and saturation down a bit more. Added grain. Cropped, resized for web.

Place: 1 out of 215
Avg (all users): 6.9152
Avg (commenters): 8.5366
Avg (participants): 6.7745
Avg (non-participants): 6.9781
Views since voting: 10141
Views during voting: 561
Votes: 330
Comments: 172
Favorites: 25 (view)

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07/14/2010 04:36:10 PM
I just thought I'd let you know that this shot is one of the first that I came across back in 2006 when I first discovered DPC. I found it to be very powerful then and in the ensuing years I've come back to it and found it to be just as powerful. I then realized that I never made it a favorite. That's fixed, now. Congrats on a magnificent shot.
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04/20/2007 07:17:24 PM
Even more compelling today....
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05/11/2006 08:15:10 PM
Powerful picture with a thought provoking message. Ive seen it before in your profile, but never stopped to take a look. Compositionally, the triangle formed by your son, and the inverted one formed by the boyes in the BG work well. NIce pic.
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11/12/2005 12:16:23 AM
i really love this powerful shot. at first glance, it made me want to cry. at second glance, it made me angry at the laughing kids.. and as i continue to look at it there are even more feelings i get from this photograph..

that's one thing that truly makes a photograph special - when it evokes emotion out of the viewer.
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02/26/2005 06:24:49 AM
I loved this shot long before I knew it was yours.... perfect!

I couldn't think of anything for this challenge. I imagine you're work with kids helped inspire this.

Message edited by author 2005-02-26 06:26:44.
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02/22/2005 07:21:04 PM
This must be a record for the most comments!

Just coming back to look at this very creative, well executed photo!
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02/22/2005 10:17:53 AM
Ilove the use of focus. It gives the viewer a strong sense of the theme without even knowing it.
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02/19/2005 10:45:31 PM
Sorry I haven't commented sooner hon, but I've been workin' through some issues. ;-) This is an awesome shot. Composition is spot on. Love the focus or I should say love the fact that the children in the background are perfectly unfocused. Love the bluish tonality. It makes the shot 'feel' sad. Very emotional.

You have hit on one of my favorite forms of post processing treatment. The duo- tri- quad-tone is such a powerful tool. Just by adjusting the tonality of a shot you can give it so many different feelings. If you changed this one redish for example you could change the feeling from one of sadness to one of rage. Try it!

I'm so glad to see that you have another ribbon in your collection. Gotta do some catchin' up now.
Yours always
PS: Didn't vote or comment on this challenge. The subject matter is not one that appeals to me. I gotta queesy stomach... ;-)

Message edited by author 2005-02-19 22:47:26.
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02/18/2005 10:40:04 PM
great pic laurie... my fave by far! congrats on the ribbon
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02/18/2005 09:10:22 AM
You are such a great photographer Laurie! This is so great!!!! Congrats on the blue!
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02/18/2005 12:27:44 AM
Hi, Congratulations !!I want you to know that this simple photo deserved the blue ribbon. I originally gave this a 6, thought It was above average, and I probably should of scored this a 7. It deserved it. It's a nice photo that me and my whole family look at all the time. This photo speaks a thousand words.Great job...congratulations !
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02/17/2005 08:57:07 PM
Yikes! I just have not been paying attention. I just now realized that this fine photo belonged to you.

Congratulations! Excellent! Marvelous! You've come a long way baby!
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02/17/2005 12:20:07 PM
Outstanding shot Laurie. Very deserving of the ribbon!
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02/16/2005 11:29:52 PM
Well done Laurie, congratulations!!
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02/16/2005 10:03:32 PM
great shot laurie. congrats
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02/16/2005 08:38:22 PM
Great representation of pain Laurie. Especially poignant with the increased incidents of bullying in today's society. I think you really captured the feeling of a kid who doesn't fit in. Congrats on the ribbon. Very moving.
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02/16/2005 07:34:54 PM
Congratulation Laurie. Looks like I am a bit late :)
Really enjoyed this one, and I am sure that almost eveyone of us can relate to one of the sides in the image in some way. I sure can and loved the way you had captured it. And I bow now.
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02/16/2005 06:46:08 PM
Congrats Laurie, 3 ribbons now and all well deserved. Its been a pleasure watching you grow as a fotog.
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02/16/2005 06:20:03 PM
YA!!!! Second place so far! Ok I will stop now.
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02/16/2005 05:30:12 PM
Congratulations on your blue ribbon laurielblack! Awesome picture!
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02/16/2005 05:22:48 PM
Wonderful picture. Congrats on the Blue!
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02/16/2005 05:20:43 PM
congrats on another laurie, great shot!
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02/16/2005 05:11:39 PM
Congratulations on your Blue Ribbon!! A great idea for this challenge perfectly presented. Great Work!
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02/16/2005 04:38:08 PM
What can I say, she must be as popular as she is a great photographer.

Originally posted by BradP:

Originally posted by G4Ds:

Holy cow Laurie! You sure do have a lot of comments. Way to go!

You noticed that too huh? Took me 20 days to accumulate 137. At this rate, the server should burp in about 2.3 days with this one...
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02/16/2005 04:34:30 PM
Originally posted by G4Ds:

Holy cow Laurie! You sure do have a lot of comments. Way to go!

You noticed that too huh? Took me 20 days to accumulate 137. At this rate, the server should burp in about 2.3 days with this one...
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02/16/2005 04:30:03 PM
Holy cow Laurie! You sure do have alot of comments. Way to go!
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02/16/2005 04:29:22 PM
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02/16/2005 04:28:10 PM
Congrats Laurie! Excellent job. We're all hoping to see a lot more ribbons under your profile now that you've got the rebel :)

Message edited by author 2005-02-16 16:29:34.
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02/16/2005 04:17:51 PM
Way to go Laurie!!!!!!! You Rock!!!!!!!
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02/16/2005 04:06:33 PM
WOW! Congratulations Laurie great work! The DOF is perfect :)

Edit: Can't spell correctly today :)

Message edited by author 2005-02-16 19:31:23.
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02/16/2005 03:08:16 PM
Holy cow! Is there no stopping this shot from reaching the top?
Bobster - Look out!
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02/16/2005 03:03:14 PM
Congrats Laurie!
Great picture very well deserverd :D
Keep it up girl ;)
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02/16/2005 02:58:27 PM
Congrats Laurie.
I've been away from DPC now for 2-3 weeks - fighting the addiction :) - and it's good to see you in top form. The PAD seems to be showing some results, so I probably should get back to mine :)
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02/16/2005 02:55:12 PM
Three big hearty cheers for laurie. A captivating capture which radiates the essence of the challenge without physical blood. An image that has a longevity way above and past the challenge. Congratulations on your well deserved blue.
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02/16/2005 02:39:49 PM
This is great Laurie, Congrats!!
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02/16/2005 02:25:59 PM
I don't think I've ever seen so many post challenge comments! Superb.
Glad my not having time to vote didn't affect where this finished. It caught my eye while browsing the entries and deserved a comment though.

Congrats : )
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02/16/2005 01:55:30 PM
I did enter or vote on this, I could not come to showing my pain. I am glad you won with this shot, you have really came out and showed us something, weather set up or not. Its like the Eagles sang.. I can't tell you why. I would have gave you a 10, for showing us all, how kids can be so hateful at times....Peace Mark Thomas Kelsay
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02/16/2005 01:37:22 PM
whoohoo laurie! you rock! :)
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02/16/2005 12:29:02 PM
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02/16/2005 11:57:47 AM
Congrats Babe!
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02/16/2005 11:38:18 AM
This is nicely done.....has a feel of reality about it.
Congratulations Laurie.
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02/16/2005 11:35:19 AM
I didn't get to vote in this challenge, but this shot is PERFECT!!!! You can really feel the kids pain, probably because you shot something that all of us can relate to. Awesome.
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02/16/2005 10:31:03 AM
Congratulations Laurie...you are large part of the success of DPC. Keep up the great work.
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02/16/2005 10:22:47 AM
Laurie, You never cease to suprise me. Had no idea this was yours. It's not even cute! Good job. Shows the range of your talent.
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02/16/2005 09:58:17 AM
I'm so pleased to discover this EXCELLENT photo was yours !
Well done Laurie !!!!
You have shown us the pain with a story , not only a sad or painful face , you took all the situation.
Well deserved ribbon !
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02/16/2005 09:37:05 AM
WOW... not only is this a dreaded kid shot, but it also has the evil noise too! LOL

I'm so tickled that this won. I was kind of apprehensive about submitting it but I thought it represented pain very well and was something that could be universally related to no matter where you're from. Working with kids for over 10 years in middle and high schools, I've see this kind of pain frequently. I'm glad that others could connect with my vision. Thanks so much y'all! :o)
02/16/2005 08:54:07 AM
You rock Laurie!!!! Blue all the way!
Now your a force to be reckoned with!
:bow :bow :bow :bow
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02/16/2005 08:40:27 AM
Very nicely done. Of all the topics you could have picked that would have been on target, this one touched everyone. Well, everyone except for the trolls. Congrats!
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02/16/2005 08:31:54 AM
Well deserved
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02/16/2005 08:20:48 AM
Congrats! Well deserved.
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02/16/2005 08:18:16 AM
Wonderful image, Laurie. I can't believe this photo received 31 votes below 5!? Congratulations!!
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02/16/2005 08:11:01 AM
Perfect!!! Congratulations on the blue ribbon!! This just says it all. This one is (another) classic.
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02/16/2005 07:41:42 AM
Woot! Woot! Way to go laurie!
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02/16/2005 07:36:31 AM
Congratulations on your blue for this emotive work. As the Father of 4 boys, 9,12,12,and 15 I can relate to this very well.
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02/16/2005 07:08:21 AM
If i recall correctly i voted fairly high on this one. I think i touches a lot of us, either directly or indirectly! Great shot! and well done!
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02/16/2005 07:04:56 AM
Woo! Awesome shot laurie! This one needs to be put up as a print in your school. Very, very nice job.
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02/16/2005 07:04:26 AM
OMGWTFBBQ!!!!111!1!11!1ONE!! You go girl! Congratulations on a well-deserved win!

Message edited by author 2005-02-16 07:05:56.
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02/16/2005 06:58:26 AM
b-b-b-...b-b-b...buh buh buh BLUEEEEEE!!!! :dance
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02/16/2005 06:52:17 AM
Congrats! A Well deserved Ribbon. I love this photo. I can remember the days when kids would tease, and it is a painful thing.
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02/16/2005 06:30:58 AM
This was my favorite shot in the competition. Well deserved! Congrats!
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02/16/2005 06:06:41 AM
Congratulations Laurie! Great shot! :)
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02/16/2005 05:59:24 AM
Congrats laurie! I told ya you'd do it! :)
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02/16/2005 05:37:10 AM
Woohoo! Congrats Laurie.
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02/16/2005 05:27:12 AM
Great job Laurie, your 3rd bibbon! Your ready for the next "Masters Challenge".
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02/16/2005 04:36:07 AM
You're on a creative roll at the moment. Keep it up!
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02/16/2005 04:12:20 AM
superb entry!!
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02/16/2005 03:59:10 AM
Nicely done. Congrats on the ribbon, Laurie!
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02/16/2005 03:39:14 AM
This is awesome! Congratulations! I love the way you edited it. I didnt even know what the grain was for ;) Thank you for leaving such good notes on your photo shop techniques:)

Message edited by author 2005-02-16 03:41:50.
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02/16/2005 03:26:49 AM
Very well done on a thought-evoking, non typical winner. I missed it in voting but it would have been a 10.

Kids (& adults) right round the globe can relate to this I'm sure.
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02/16/2005 03:22:28 AM
Congrats, Laurie! You still continue to inspire :)
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02/16/2005 03:06:04 AM
This was one of the few shots that related to me on a personal level as well. I'm glad it won the blue. Congratulations!
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02/16/2005 03:02:03 AM
Very deserving of the blue ribbon!
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02/16/2005 03:00:03 AM
laurie you little biscuit!!!
those kids come in handy sometimes :)
great foto!
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02/16/2005 02:48:53 AM
Awesome Laurie !!!
Congrats on another well deserved ribbon.
This shot is really good. Great tone, love the dof, and most of all you've tapped an emotion that so many people can directly relate to.
Super Duper job. :-)
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02/16/2005 02:41:14 AM
Congratulations on your blue!
This one is wonderful! True pain without being revolting.
Not that this one is an "easy view". Makes me feel the pain so well.
But it's a wonderful photo in any way. The DOF is great, the toning do wonders, the grain works so well...
You are so well deserve your ribbon!
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02/16/2005 02:19:08 AM
outstanding, bravo, yeah
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02/16/2005 01:57:35 AM
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02/16/2005 01:50:57 AM
I am glad this one ribboned. Congratulations !
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02/16/2005 01:44:59 AM
Yay it ribboned! Congrats Laurie.. on a very deserving blue :)
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02/16/2005 01:14:56 AM
Such emotion...a great photo...congrats on your ribon!
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02/16/2005 01:11:06 AM
I didn't vote on this challenge but I would have definitely voted this high. I must admit I'm a bit jealous though...I'm am the poster child for outcasts....how come I didn't think of this??? LOL Anyhow, very well done :dance

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02/16/2005 01:03:47 AM
Remarkable. I really have enjoyed your last few entries. You are picking up a style of your own. Glad to see you have been getting better. :)
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02/16/2005 01:03:03 AM
incredible photo. Congrats!
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02/16/2005 12:50:18 AM
This is so great!!! I am so happy for you!! :o) WTG!
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02/16/2005 12:45:57 AM
Super winner Laurie.
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02/16/2005 12:44:06 AM
Congrat's Laurie!
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02/16/2005 12:43:46 AM
Very "Family of Man", great job Laurie. Well deserved blue.
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02/16/2005 12:41:23 AM
See I told you these Canon cameras work wonders! Just a few more lenses to go and you will be set!

Message edited by author 2005-02-16 00:41:38.
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02/16/2005 12:38:43 AM
wow.. you pulled a 6.915 out of the vote dump! Awesome!

This truly *is* the best image of the challenge.. (for a change, lol), and I'm so glad it's yours. Here's to hoping I can follow up with a ribbon in Self-Portrait. :)
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02/16/2005 12:34:21 AM
Congratulations! Terrific shot.
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02/16/2005 12:31:04 AM
Good work, Congrats!

Message edited by author 2005-02-21 02:21:44.
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02/16/2005 12:30:01 AM
Hey Laurie

I knew I liked this shot for a reason. Excellent photo!
Congrats on your Blue!
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02/16/2005 12:28:15 AM
Way to go Laurie. Your creativity and shots are on the move upwards lately.
Congrats on the Blue!
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02/16/2005 12:24:47 AM
Really liked this one, the blue tone fits the mood, congrats :)
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02/16/2005 12:20:43 AM
good stuff laurie!!!!! you sure have some talent girl!
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02/16/2005 12:20:32 AM
Love the BLUE tritone winning the BLUE. WTG Laurie. One of my favorites of the challenge.
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02/16/2005 12:19:19 AM
Whoohoo!!!! Way to go Laurie!! Congrats on the very well deserved blue!!

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02/16/2005 12:18:19 AM
Congrats on your new blue, Laurie!
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02/16/2005 12:14:17 AM
great job congrats!
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02/16/2005 12:10:57 AM
Way to go, Lauri!
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02/16/2005 12:08:53 AM
I also picked this for the blue. Great shot and congrats.
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02/16/2005 12:06:59 AM
Happy dance for Laurie. I didn't vote on this challenge, but this would have been a blue ribbon pick for me as well. Great job.
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02/16/2005 12:06:46 AM
Congratulations, lauriel!! Wonderful shot.
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02/16/2005 12:06:35 AM
Awwwrriiighhtt! Way to go, Laurie!

Message edited by author 2005-02-16 00:07:15.
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02/16/2005 12:06:34 AM
Great set up. I would have never guessed it was staged. Very emotive and a well deserved Blue.
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02/16/2005 12:05:44 AM
It's so nice to see this picture on the front page, because it so completely deserves to be there :)
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02/16/2005 12:05:05 AM
Great job. Congratulations on your ribbon.
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02/16/2005 12:04:41 AM
Congrats! Seems this is something we may see more of in the future... you and ribbons!
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02/16/2005 12:04:39 AM
Fabulous Laurie!!! Great photo.
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02/16/2005 12:03:30 AM
Yeah Laurie!! I knew this would win! Congrats!
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02/16/2005 12:03:17 AM
Very nice pic! Congratulations!!!
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02/16/2005 12:03:14 AM
great job! This was my guess for the blue! :)
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02/16/2005 12:02:55 AM
Woohoo! Congrats!
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02/16/2005 12:02:54 AM
Woohooo!!! This is an awesome shot that deserves 1st. Way to go, Laurie!
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02/16/2005 12:02:49 AM
great shot, laurie! congrats on the blue!
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02/16/2005 12:02:44 AM
WOW Laurie!!!! I did't vote or enter this challenge, but DAMN lady! Great shot! Well deserved, and a HUGE congrats from me!
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02/16/2005 12:02:33 AM
I knew first time I saw this one it was a winner!!!! Way to go!!!
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02/16/2005 12:02:31 AM
Way to go, Laurie!
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02/16/2005 12:02:13 AM
congratulations on antoher ribbon... :) its a really great image... it for sure transmites pain, i like the way you focused the foreground and blurred the background. congrats
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02/16/2005 12:02:02 AM
WTG, Laurie! Great idea, great photo - congrats
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02/16/2005 12:01:39 AM
This absolutely had to be a ribbon :) Wonderful shot :)
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02/16/2005 12:01:29 AM
Great job Laurie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You rock!!!!!!!!!!!
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02/16/2005 12:00:52 AM
yay my favorite won yippyyyy i love this one !!! woohooo
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02/16/2005 12:00:33 AM
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/15/2005 11:51:51 PM
Excellent bokeh. Very well used.
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02/15/2005 11:20:59 PM
I didn't realize that I hadn't commented yet. One of the reasons I connect so well with this photo is that *I* was the poor kid in the foreground.. all through my school years.

It's a pain that doesn't fade easily, if ever. To this day, I become a nervous wreck around people that I percieve as laughing "at" me.
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02/15/2005 11:18:53 PM
This is the best emotional capture of pain in the challenge. Nice bokeh, b&w composition and good ages for your subjects. Some DPC'ers may not like the background (cars, street, etc.), but I think that it perfectly captures the time and place for a memory that we all share from our childhood. Great job (9)
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02/15/2005 10:17:22 PM
Great. A little muddy. The subject matter and the composition pull this through for a 9.
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02/15/2005 09:45:29 PM
Nice shot. It really captures humiliation.
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02/15/2005 07:10:22 PM
Top shot!
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02/15/2005 05:13:28 AM
I can relate to his pain. My personal winner.
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02/15/2005 12:14:30 AM
captured the feeling of rejection in a strong image.
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02/14/2005 05:05:29 PM
great composition, dof is excellent
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02/14/2005 04:23:32 PM
one of the better ones I have come across so far.
too bad basic editing rules prevent burning... hot spot at the top is distracting.
great work, though. (8)
oop- coming back to bump to 9. this is one of my favorite 3 in the challenge, despite the technical issue I mentioned above. Aside from that one spot, the composition is great, and this more clearly conveys the *emotion* of pain than any other image in this challenge.
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02/14/2005 03:39:27 PM
Being laughed at - it is frequently more painful than sticks and stones: so there is a considerable amount of irony and some cruelty in the old ditty. This photo instantly evokes this idea. The bokeh is perfectly suited to the subject; less would cause us to be confused about the subject, but more would cause us to miss the sneering laughter of the people in the background. Hollywood would cast a more photogenic person as the hero - someone more people could identify with - but the casting here seems more natural, more realistic.

In a kind of photojournalistic sense this photo is almost flawless. Yet somehow it lacks a 'come hither' sensibility, a prettyness or photographic elegance. A really good effort!
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02/13/2005 11:16:31 PM
Great DOF, perfectly captured to still have enough definition on the background with the other kids still laughing. I really like this shot, good work.
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02/13/2005 08:42:19 PM
The cruelty of children can only be outdone by the cruelty of a parent towards their child.
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02/13/2005 08:36:21 PM
Very effectively communicates emotional pain. Would like it better if the extreme background (the cars) were blurred to the point of not being recognizable. Still a ...9... on the strength of the subject - my top pick.
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02/13/2005 05:04:11 PM
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02/13/2005 04:53:12 PM
An excellent photo of a really sad situation. Well set up (I hope) and composed. The duotone treatment works really well too.
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02/13/2005 02:12:32 PM
Excellent. one of my 3 favorites in the challenge. 10
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02/13/2005 09:00:37 AM
I like this photo....well done.
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02/13/2005 09:00:34 AM
Truly an excellent composition , the chose of B&W , the blur ...
My vote : 9
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02/12/2005 11:01:42 PM
What a great photo!! Perfectly captured. I really feel sympathy for the kid.
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02/12/2005 07:36:42 PM
Great photograph....real emotion
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02/12/2005 06:59:39 PM
I don't like this photo it is just pain and pain and pain. 10 ( I give very few of them). A really impressive way of capturing the challenge.
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02/12/2005 05:45:05 PM
You did a good job capturing the emotions of the children. I also like the composition, the DOF and the duotone. 10.
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02/12/2005 07:01:03 AM
This one really struck a chord with me. Excellent job. Love the out of focus background. I favour this one for a blue.
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02/12/2005 05:03:00 AM
This is a very good take on Pain; so much more thoughtful than nails in fruit, or Tylenol. It's well composed and well executed; a totally convincing image. 9.
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02/11/2005 08:43:11 PM
well taken...
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02/11/2005 11:04:14 AM
Very well done. Somebody give that kid a hug!!!
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02/11/2005 10:00:33 AM
brutal, way to call up those memories. great thought, the cars in the background are kind of distracting, but I felt it
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02/10/2005 06:46:04 PM
Everyone likes to belong. Great composition, nice bokeh, and the BW really adds to the reality of the situation. Keep up the good workl.
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02/10/2005 06:05:07 PM
Great take on this challenge. Very emotive photograph. Your DOF is perfect. 9
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02/10/2005 04:13:49 PM
excellent photograph...makes me feel the pain like not many of the other's do. Good composition.
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02/10/2005 01:04:15 PM
Wow, this is the first pic that I will rate a 9, and I am almost through all of them, great job, perfect lighting
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02/09/2005 09:21:51 PM
Brilliant capture!
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02/09/2005 08:22:43 PM
nice job. the emotion really comes through.
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02/09/2005 07:43:34 PM
Well done. Might be the tiniest bit dark, but that could just be the monitor I'm working from. Title works well.
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02/09/2005 06:13:23 PM
good. 7
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02/09/2005 06:07:26 PM
Great use of DOF to symbolise your point.
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02/09/2005 03:44:00 PM
I think this is one of the better pictures in this challenge. Somehow a simple composition, an image that could be and possibly is a candid, conveys the pain of rejection and alienation quite well...good job (10)
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02/09/2005 03:24:28 PM
i like this a lot .. as a teenager we do feel a lot of pain ..
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02/09/2005 02:13:02 PM
Now this can be painful...
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02/09/2005 12:08:21 PM
This is a VERY good photo! Great work!
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02/09/2005 10:22:23 AM
POWERFUL!!! Best Pain picture I have seen yet! (Hopefully, this was set up... ) Makes the mother in me wanna hug him. 10
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02/09/2005 01:41:23 AM
I love the ideal, Great job
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02/09/2005 01:00:53 AM
I feel your pain. Great picture.
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02/09/2005 12:47:28 AM
well carried out!
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02/09/2005 12:38:33 AM
I like the idea but not a clear background
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02/09/2005 12:31:16 AM
Well compose and captured the theme. Well done!
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02/09/2005 12:15:26 AM
Excellent idea! Well carried out, excellent use of DOF, well titled. Super job!
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