by karmat
I really like the composition fo this. The vertical-ness of the background baskets are offset nicely with the round one containing the oranges. Also, like I said during the voting, I think that the color, as well as the placement, of the oranges gives a nice resting point for the eyes.
The focus here is awesome. I can see the details in the baskets and on the oranges. I noticed a couple of comments about being too dark. On my monitor it looks right on, there are details in the shadowy parts, adn nothing is too blown out.
This is a great still life. I am sorry I can not make more suggestions for improvements, but I simply do not see what could be improved greatly. I suspect that the voters simply weren't "grabbed" by oranges in a basket, perhaps. If this had been apples, it would have looked great in my kitchen, maybe between two of the baskets I have in there! :-)
Best to you if future challenges