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 This image was disqualified from the Bridges II challenge.
My lake
My lake

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Bridges II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Lecco
Date: Feb 14, 2005
Galleries: Water, Panoramic
Date Uploaded: Feb 14, 2005

Disqualification Details
You must provide your original photograph when requested, along with the editing steps used to create your submission. This information must be provided within 48 hours of the request. Please read the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 827
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/19/2005 12:15:51 PM
In this panoramic view, I find it a little difficult to get a sense of scale.
02/19/2005 06:16:03 AM
A nice idea, I like the view under the bridge across the river to the mountains but I feel there are a few too many technical niggles. These being:
The are to the left of the bridge support doesn't add anything; the patch of sky at top left is a distraction; a slightly lower viewpoint might have given us a view of the top of the mountains.
02/19/2005 12:39:51 AM
Interesting perspective! Maybe the photo should be taller so the viewer could get a better feel for the background and surroundings.
02/18/2005 03:25:00 PM
Really like the crop on this. Light areas are kind of harsh & the dark areas are pretty dark.
02/17/2005 05:42:48 PM
Neat picture dwhat type of camera did you use? definatly not the US where did you take it definatley a 10 -lstephens@cgsus.com
02/17/2005 01:46:15 PM
Crop a little bit too tight for me. Would love to see more
02/16/2005 05:35:30 AM
Cool shot, nice perspective, out of this world scenery and the the color of the water is unbelievable. I like it!
02/16/2005 12:50:06 AM
nice view and perspective!

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