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Breaking Vows
Breaking Vows

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Separation (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Sony DSC-F717
Location: Studio
Date: Feb 20, 2005
Aperture: 32
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Action, Studio
Date Uploaded: Feb 20, 2005


Place: 45 out of 182
Avg (all users): 5.7162
Avg (commenters): 6.7500
Avg (participants): 5.6765
Avg (non-participants): 5.7480
Views since voting: 1150
Views during voting: 537
Votes: 229
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/27/2005 02:33:17 AM
Nice dramatic setup. Certainly catches the eye.
02/26/2005 10:39:35 AM
well set-up, but the models toe has been cut off to get top marks for me
02/26/2005 10:34:17 AM
touching picture..i love it
02/25/2005 12:55:04 PM
wonderfull sht creat lighting and color. Very crisp image and fits the challenge well. I voted it down I wee bit however because it's fake looking. The facial expressions are just not convincing. Other than that it's a perfect capture. Great job.
02/24/2005 12:42:34 PM
Capturing posed people in a way that they look spontaneous and moving is difficult. I would recommend just having them fight and argue, all the while shooting. This looks a little too stiff and posed. I also would have cropped MUCH tighter on the girl's left, and been sure to include her entire shoe in the foreground. Just me :) Nice technical shot, though! 7
02/23/2005 02:36:48 PM
Great color and lighting, but I find the staginess to be really annoying.
02/23/2005 02:18:42 PM
i feel bad for him she looks so good... i like the lighting
02/23/2005 11:58:09 AM
Shame you just cut the end of her foot off. Apart from that very good.
02/23/2005 10:46:38 AM
Good capture, but to me seems too posed and not natural. Can't mark you down, because it is well above average, and meets the challenge. Good luck.
02/23/2005 10:45:24 AM
This is classic. I like it. Very funny.
02/23/2005 03:45:03 AM
02/23/2005 01:08:28 AM
Very nice work... Too bad your missing the front of foot. It's very large tough... Are you sure it's legal? ;-p I'll vote as if it is...

Edit Just checking through my comments... It is legal! Sorry to have brought it up. I guess it's flattering for the picture, it looks bigger than real life.

Message edited by author 2005-03-27 03:25:21.
02/22/2005 06:00:18 AM
great image - perfect lighting, one of my two 10's in this challenge :)
02/21/2005 04:17:33 PM
great lighting
02/21/2005 12:26:08 PM
Nice idea, and great lighting. I think the facial expressions could be a bit better.. they seem a bit forced an unnatural to me.
02/21/2005 10:44:31 AM
concept is nice. the facial expression could be more believable.
02/21/2005 09:25:36 AM
it is very sharp and well constructed, how ever The mood in the picture is not dramatic enough, in my opinion it does not come across with the force of a separation
02/21/2005 08:51:51 AM
he doesn't look disturbed enough...and her shoe is cut off
02/21/2005 06:56:38 AM
Nice double portrait, although it looks "posed. Pity about the foot. Like the lighting, the soft shadows and the red against the black works really well. 8
02/21/2005 04:27:36 AM
LOL....okay, nice idea, but your actors need a bit of work. Kinda cheesy.
02/21/2005 03:50:21 AM
Great Studio Shot...
02/21/2005 12:38:10 AM
Hummmmmm. If only u haven't done that to her foot!
02/21/2005 12:33:33 AM
just be strong and move on
02/21/2005 12:33:21 AM
Nicely posed, and the lighting here is excellent.

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