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i made this table...
i made this table...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Advertisement (Classic Editing)
Camera: HP PhotoSmart C618
Location: my room
Date: May 1, 2002
Aperture: 1:3.7
ISO: auto
Shutter: 1.9s
Date Uploaded: May 5, 2002

materials, old phonograph cabinet, car seat vinyl for dodge vipers, and lots of stables!!!

Place: 67 out of 79
Avg (all users): 4.3131
Avg (commenters): 5.0952
Avg (participants): 4.2571
Avg (non-participants): 4.3438
Views since voting: 1295
Votes: 198
Comments: 21
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/12/2002 09:07:00 PM
You made what table? The demo tape works well with the picks.
05/12/2002 02:53:00 PM
The purple causes a neat color contrast. I'm seeing blue spots, noise I suppose. Otherwise, neat shot.
05/11/2002 06:36:00 PM
Looks a little over-sharpened on my monitor. Not sure which element you are selling.
05/11/2002 10:11:00 AM
Nice photo. Are you selling the picks? If so, good job. If it's the table, I'm not so sure this was the best approach. Either way, you made me think and that is a good strategy.
05/11/2002 07:17:00 AM
Hey, I made one just like that when I was in the asylum but someone ate it.
nice photo
05/11/2002 01:21:00 AM
05/10/2002 02:52:00 PM
Lovely close up shot
05/10/2002 11:06:00 AM
Not sure what the product is and the subject isnt helpng. The layout with the guitar picks and demo tape make me think of a 4track recorder but there is none in the shot. Not sure if its the software or the camera that is producing the harsh edges of the shot.
05/09/2002 10:08:00 PM
What are those blue specks? They bother me to much.
05/08/2002 11:58:00 AM
Nice compostion. I find the written "demo"-text a little disturbing though.
05/07/2002 04:01:00 PM
whot are you selling? don't understand how you managed to get sharp focussed text when the rest of the image is blurred
05/07/2002 01:51:00 PM
What are you selling?
05/07/2002 06:06:00 AM
I'm not quite sure what the product is... the plectrums? Otherwise it's a fairly nicely composed photo, just not very interesting.
05/06/2002 11:34:00 PM
As a guitarist I find this image appealing. It's simple, earthy and uses my favorite color to nice effect.

One of my top 10
05/06/2002 02:14:00 PM
what is up with all the blue dots all over the photo
05/06/2002 01:29:00 PM
Are you advertising the table? The picks look good! I'm confused! Photo 10 Advert 5 Creativity 7 total 7
05/06/2002 12:44:00 PM
I don't get this one. I'm sorry. Demo?
Table....I only see a small amount of it and the focus is off.
Are you selling Jim Dunlop? The table?
05/06/2002 12:00:00 PM
With a crowbar?
05/06/2002 11:44:00 AM
I use dunlop picks also :) I use the Tortex in several different thicknesses. good work!
05/06/2002 12:19:00 AM
Stuck pixels ruined an otherwise awesome shot...
05/06/2002 04:19:00 PM
Ouch, nice layoiut... but it seems oversharpened a tad. Too many artifacts and hard edges.

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