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Stand out from the Crowd.     Premier Medical Care
Stand out from the Crowd. Premier Medical Care

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Billboard (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S7000
Location: Glasgow
Date: Feb 26, 2005
Aperture: f8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/10th
Galleries: Photojournalism, Advertisement
Date Uploaded: Feb 26, 2005


Place: 50 out of 148
Avg (all users): 5.8821
Avg (commenters): 7.1579
Avg (participants): 5.5957
Avg (non-participants): 6.1102
Views since voting: 1290
Views during voting: 375
Votes: 212
Comments: 20
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/04/2005 08:35:08 PM
This picture does stand out in a croud. Especially love the woman running towards the center of the photo. Selective sat is awesome. Very nice job.
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03/04/2005 07:54:10 PM
Very cool and would work beautifully as a billboard in my opinion. 10.
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03/04/2005 05:28:16 PM
Brillant idea, wonderful execution!
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03/03/2005 12:01:26 AM
A little too psychedelic by itself as a photograph for my taste. As a billboard, there is too much going on and I'm afraid your message is lost in the detail...
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03/02/2005 06:41:16 PM
would work - except where would the text go?
good luck
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03/02/2005 05:32:42 PM
My evaluation method of this challenge is as follows:
1. Did you catch my eye while I was driving by? Yes.
2. If I didn't catch the text while I was driving, did you intrigue me enough to look for this billboard again? Yes.
3. Did you sell your stuff to me? hmm... I think so.
4. Extra thoughts: Could be so much better withough the hot area at the front. Also, get rid of the border (6)
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03/01/2005 02:45:20 PM
I love your idea, but if you were going to leave a couple people in color, you should have picked someone facing the camera. Perhaps the woman in the center. 8
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03/01/2005 01:40:08 PM
Just one person coloured would have been better and too much white space
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03/01/2005 06:35:22 AM
Well done... like half desat and moving crowd.
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03/01/2005 06:30:21 AM
Very clever image with impact.
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03/01/2005 04:23:21 AM
I like the effect... nicely done.
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02/28/2005 10:06:49 PM
Nice concept, and good movement! I would have scored a little higher if all the whites werent so blown away. It is a catchy photo.8
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02/28/2005 09:04:13 PM
Nice concept. Its a little busy though and I found myself working to find the message. You might have dropped the contrast on the desaturated people to help reduce their importance.
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02/28/2005 07:38:03 PM
ok, i am voting this challenge in 2 passes. in this pass, you will get a partial comment and a score. then i will come back to comment again. if you have any problem whatsoever with this comment, pm me and let me know. otherwise, take it with a grain of salt...i'm not trying to be a know-it-all, i'm just explaining where i'm coming from in voting this challenge. and, if this comment is NOT helpful (of if you think i'm full of $#!+), don't mark it helpful.

billboards are a science unto themselves. a lot of research has gone into determining just how much information a person can digest and retain in specific time spans. they use this information to develop formulas for determining the number of words and letters to use on billboards, as well as their sizes. they also determine the size and number of visual elements to include.

the graphics/photograph on a billboard are designed to get the point across in a moment. on the road, a driver will have less time with a billboard than a voter will give your image. this is a key element in the challenge: composing a shot that will get its point across quickly and succintly. along those lines, a strong composition will probably have few details and make strong use of negative space.
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02/28/2005 05:58:25 PM
Good concept, but I see 2 problems: I think you should've just gone with one colored subject instead of two and... Stnading out from the crowd by means of your Health Insurance????
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02/28/2005 04:19:39 PM
i like it, im not sure about the person in red? or the one in blue? why did you place two of them in colours? my eyes jump from one to the other and can't find the relationship
all in all i like it
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02/28/2005 01:48:04 PM
i wish the color could've been a little stronger on the blue jacket...but this is good
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02/28/2005 01:28:12 PM
Interesting crowd scene, but way too busy for a billboard image. The selective desat hasn't really helped those two stand out from the crowd. And I'm not sure how standing out from the crowd relates to medical care...
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02/28/2005 08:37:40 AM
You're hired ! This is GREAT ! The select color choice and the motion captured make this awesome. Composition is perfect ! 10 ++++
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02/28/2005 03:24:35 AM
Great idea, love the desaturation. 8
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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