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CSX - Moving Transportation Forward
CSX - Moving Transportation Forward

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Billboard (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Location: Rail Yard - Chattanooga, TN
Date: Feb 26, 2005
Aperture: 32
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/13
Galleries: Advertisement, Transportation
Date Uploaded: Feb 26, 2005

I had absolutely no idea what my billboard would be about for the speed challenge....so I just decided to go out and see what I found.

Was up on a bridge shooting birds near a railyard when this train came through....quickly adjusted for a longer shutter speed and fired off a few shots. This was the best one.

Postprocessing consisted mainly of color enhancements, cleaning up a bit of dust and debris, and a little burning in around the edges. The motion blur is exactly as shot.

Cropped top and bottom to fit size requirements
Curves Adjustment Layer
Hue/Sat Adjustment Layer
Cloning to clean up dust and debris
Dodging around edges

Place: 41 out of 148
Avg (all users): 5.9502
Avg (commenters): 7.6667
Avg (participants): 5.6778
Avg (non-participants): 6.1712
Views since voting: 1314
Views during voting: 330
Votes: 201
Comments: 11
Favorites: 1 (view)

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03/23/2006 03:03:56 PM
This is going in my favorites. My dad works for CSX so I find this image quite neat.
03/05/2005 08:03:36 AM
Excellent image and one of my favorites for this challenge. Welcome to DPC! The images you have submitted to DPC so far are great. I will not be suprised to see a ribbon winner in your collection very soon.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/04/2005 11:04:58 PM
That is so close to being perfect.......9
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/04/2005 10:35:12 PM
Excellent shot
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03/02/2005 05:08:50 PM
My evaluation method of this challenge is as follows:
1. Did you catch my eye while I was driving by? Yes.
2. If I didn't catch the text while I was driving, did you intrigue me enough to look for this billboard again? I think so.
3. Did you sell your stuff to me? hmm... not sure.
4. Extra thoughts: As a photograph, this is a very good one. As a billboard I don't know. I'm not sure you sell. You are just another billboard on my way to work. not much is left with me after I drive away. (6)
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03/01/2005 12:01:39 PM
Nice shot! I'm amazed CSX got a train moving that fast. j/k
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03/01/2005 04:27:49 AM
Excellent photo... the angle is appealing.
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02/28/2005 09:11:27 PM
I would really like to know how this is done. Camera or PS?
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02/28/2005 07:34:12 PM
ok, i am voting this challenge in 2 passes. in this pass, you will get a partial comment and a score. then i will come back to comment again. if you have any problem whatsoever with this comment, pm me and let me know. otherwise, take it with a grain of salt...i'm not trying to be a know-it-all, i'm just explaining where i'm coming from in voting this challenge. and, if this comment is NOT helpful (of if you think i'm full of $#!+), don't mark it helpful.

billboards are a science unto themselves. a lot of research has gone into determining just how much information a person can digest and retain in specific time spans. they use this information to develop formulas for determining the number of words and letters to use on billboards, as well as their sizes. they also determine the size and number of visual elements to include.

the graphics/photograph on a billboard are designed to get the point across in a moment. on the road, a driver will have less time with a billboard than a voter will give your image. this is a key element in the challenge: composing a shot that will get its point across quickly and succintly. along those lines, a strong composition will probably have few details and make strong use of negative space.
02/28/2005 04:43:52 PM
wow, is this a real train? the speed effect is cool! 9
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/28/2005 01:34:23 PM
this is not 640x320

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