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03/04/2005 10:29:55 PM |
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03/04/2005 10:13:32 AM |
My evaluation method of this challenge is as follows:
1. Did you catch my eye while I was driving by? Yes
2. If I didn't catch the text while I was driving, did you intrigue me enough to look for this billboard again? No words needed
3. Did you sell your stuff to me? Yes
4. Extra thoughts: Many absolutes here today :-)
A product that sells itself easily. All you need is to keep the clean look, which I think you kept nicely.
I wish I could see the titles on the bottle better. Some contrast would not hurt here.
I am also bumping up for being validated! (7) |
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03/02/2005 04:29:35 AM |
The shadow in the foreground is a little distracting and it is difficult to read the bottle clearly. |
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03/01/2005 10:40:01 AM |
A little bright...I'd like to see more of the bottle. |
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03/01/2005 07:50:46 AM |
oouuu, i'm telling! you put TEXT on your entry. i'm deducting one point for each letter! you're just luck that your dimensions are the RECOMMENDED 640x320; otherwise i would deduct a point for each pixel off. so, let's see what you get: 10 - 12 = -2!
--- ok, following is two more comments, a general one, then a specific one ------
ok, i am voting this challenge in 2 passes. in this pass, you will get a partial comment and a score. then i will come back to comment again. if you have any problem whatsoever with this comment, pm me and let me know. otherwise, take it with a grain of salt...i'm not trying to be a know-it-all, i'm just explaining where i'm coming from in voting this challenge. and, if this comment is NOT helpful (of if you think i'm full of $#!+), don't mark it helpful.
billboards are a science unto themselves. a lot of research has gone into determining just how much information a person can digest and retain in specific time spans. they use this information to develop formulas for determining the number of words and letters to use on billboards, as well as their sizes. they also determine the size and number of visual elements to include.
the graphics/photograph on a billboard are designed to get the point across in a moment. on the road, a driver will have less time with a billboard than a voter will give your image. this is a key element in the challenge: composing a shot that will get its point across quickly and succintly. along those lines, a strong composition will probably have few details and make strong use of negative space.
great billboard! not to keen about your choice of fonts, but that's nit-picking. i also think you know you could have saved yourself a lot of anguish by leaving out the text...the image by itself works perfectly. [as an aside, along the lines of 'billboard rules', they are typically laid out graphic on the left, text on the right.] hope you aren't getting beaten up too badly! |
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02/28/2005 01:55:47 PM |
Good effort, but the text just seems out of place. Maybe a different arrangement or placement would have worked better.
As far as the bottle goes, the product name needs to stand out way more. Other than that, I like the high key background and simple composition. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
02/28/2005 01:21:17 PM |
Good try, but your bottle gets a little lost on the white back ground. Bring it down a spot and your will not get so mush wrap around from the light |
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02/28/2005 12:57:50 PM |
looks like a cheap advertisement, your letters are crooked |
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02/28/2005 12:48:00 PM |
I like your idea. Three things I see that could dramatically improve your image: 1). More DOF to make the text on your BG sharper 2). balance you composition by moving the bottle further from the text 3). a touch more contrast on the bottle so that the Absolut Vanilla is more visible. |
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02/28/2005 10:54:36 AM |
I'm not sure if those white embossed letters would fly on a billboard. There's a good chance billboards would require higher contrast letters for easier reading at 55mph plus. Also, I could hardly read "absolut vanilla" on the bottle, maybe that should have been in the text... |
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02/28/2005 08:29:56 AM |
This would be a 10 for me if the words weren't added with that dropshadow. It takes away from the photo which is done so well. |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
02/28/2005 08:29:38 AM |
Too bad you can't read the label very well. Nice idea! |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
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