I expect that some will feel this does not meet the challenge (although I believe it quite creative and surrealistic in its reliance on subconscious detection of illogical relationahips,) some will argue that the basic editing rules were violated (although no mention is made in these rules regarding color space separation, channel substitution, or recombination,) and some will consider it boring as it depicts a flowering plant (who can argue that point.) I hope the remaining others will enjoy it as much as I do.
Illogical use of color space separations and recombinations produced this picture. I then saw the beet like quality hidden in normal perception of african violets suggesting an unlikely evolutionary linkage. Besides that, the result appealed to my aesthetic sense of color and form.
While this appears to be an obvious technique and one employing standard color space separation and recombination tools available in both Adobe and Jasc photo editors in openly available ways, I have not seen a description of anyone else using it. If others are familiar with similar explorations of color space separation, channel addition, subtraction, or substitution, and subsequent illogical recombination, I would appreciate references, as I find the results appealing. Along the way to this image, I noticed some interesting effects by just adding and subtracting channels to and from standard color spaces.
This picture is a result of recombining the lightness channel of a Lab color separation as the chromium channel of a CMYK color separation and then recombining the magenta channel of a CMYK color separation as the red channel of an rgb separation. I did NOT change the hue of the result.
I adjusted levels, and saturation. I cleaned up a few small specks with noise reduction filters. I slightly resharpened using Focus Magic in the lightness channel of Lab colors after rotation, cropping and size reduction to 636 pixel heighth. Finally I applied a 2 pixel border and saved for web with a quality of 81.
Place: 188 out of 271 Avg (all users): 4.6035 Avg (commenters): 6.5000 Avg (participants): 4.1765 Avg (non-participants): 4.7842 Views since voting: 887 Views during voting: 490 Votes: 343 Comments: 10 Favorites: 2 (view)
Not too fond of this idea. I suppose some could like it and i do not want to lower a score based only on my personal taste. Composition is good tho, but i'd like to see a frame accompany this shot. Doesn't feel really surreal to me tho... 5
Quite curious use of basic editing for this one. But I have to admit I like the results. The fact there's three points of interest here, the top flower, the middle center of plant and the bottom red leaf, perhaps tunes this one into higher surreal feeling that it would deserve. Can't say if the white line on bottom works well or marvellously, but disturbingly nevertheless. White halos are very nice touch. I'd really like to here how did you accomplish this without use of masks etc.