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Best friends mix well
Best friends mix well

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best Friends (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE Z1
Location: home
Date: Mar 15, 2005
Aperture: F/.8
ISO: ISO-100
Shutter: 1/ 2 sec
Galleries: Black and White, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Mar 15, 2005


Place: 228 out of 242
Avg (all users): 3.6193
Avg (commenters): 3.6538
Avg (participants): 3.3478
Avg (non-participants): 3.7238
Views since voting: 1013
Views during voting: 500
Votes: 331
Comments: 27
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/22/2005 11:19:22 PM
Looks tilted and it seems like the color is off
03/22/2005 08:11:25 PM
seems a bit overexposed to me.
03/21/2005 11:42:55 AM
colours look really off (on my monitor) - that coke should be red, not orange, I think. And red/green is not a pretty combo. And the composition is a little flat - you have filled the frame, but there is no great variety in shape/height etc to make it interesting. And it seems a little overexposed, as you have lost all of the detail in the necks of the bottles.
03/20/2005 09:52:26 PM
Good idea. Too overexposed for my taste.
03/20/2005 06:16:43 PM
As I am expecting a Coke botle to be blood red I am unsure if this shot is just over exposed or whether the colour has been adapted, I feel the shot is not quite one colour nor the other tho.
03/20/2005 09:36:19 AM
Strange white-balance...
03/20/2005 08:43:20 AM
colors are really funky. you must mix them strong! The clear parts of the bottles are lost in the background.
03/20/2005 02:11:19 AM
Overly exposed or overuse of brightness/contrast in my opinion. Also, recheck the coloration of the original photo. Every time I've bought Crown Royal, it has never been greenish yellow. I do like the advertising angle for this challenge though.
03/20/2005 02:02:31 AM
I have never heard of that mix before.
03/19/2005 07:57:20 PM
Im thinking the color is WAY off!
03/19/2005 02:24:42 PM
that's just gross
03/18/2005 11:06:29 PM
Coloring , lighting , somethings a aww
03/18/2005 04:33:27 PM
Looks really Green...but good combination
03/18/2005 01:52:04 AM
Haha, funny shot, but it has a weird green tint to it and seems overexposed.
03/17/2005 09:13:27 PM
The background seems a little blown out...
03/17/2005 10:31:32 AM
good idea but im not sure that cr and coke taste that good together
03/17/2005 08:19:21 AM
overexposed... contrast/colour adjustment would have helped this
03/17/2005 05:58:05 AM
Aside from the poor composition, the lighting is just horrible on this. Sorry for being so harsh, but man, this one just makes my eyes hurt!!
03/16/2005 08:42:43 PM
as far as i remember, colors are way off... good combo though
03/16/2005 08:30:24 PM
Overedited or underexposed?
03/16/2005 05:19:18 PM
too bright for me
03/16/2005 03:16:37 PM
Everything is washed out with green cast to it.
03/16/2005 02:57:21 PM
Crop is too tight, color cast is obvious and image is over-exposed.
Better luck next time...
03/16/2005 02:52:07 PM
i've checked this picture on 4 different computers as i needed to see if the colors were off. The Crown Royal has a green tint to it, and both bottles where ithey're clear are almsot invisible. The Coke lable is too light and almsot on the Orange side. I have you a 4
03/16/2005 12:12:14 PM
The exposure on this shot hurts my eyes. Does not look very natural color on either bottles. Almost a green/yellow tint.
03/16/2005 09:55:19 AM
crown is gold and the coke isn't red red
03/16/2005 12:35:35 AM
Good idea, but the lighting is really harsh and has a green hue on my monitor.

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