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Light Before the Storm
Light Before the Storm

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Stock Photography II (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon Digital IXUS v3
Location: Broadway Tower, Worcestershire, UK
Date: Mar 19, 2005
Aperture: f9
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/640
Galleries: Architecture, Panoramic
Date Uploaded: Mar 19, 2005

The Clouds were down for most of the day making this an almost impossible shot.
Then for about thirty minutes the clouds dropped below the hill and we were in perfect sunshine looking down on the clouds (at about 315m or 1000ft)
There was always the threat of the storm, which did come along not long after this shot was taken.

I chose this image because it can be used as a stock photo for a number of different headings.
The initial ones that come to mind are-
Storm, Castle, Buildings, Proportions, Inspiration, and Primary Colours.

Place: 7 out of 258
Avg (all users): 7.1209
Avg (commenters): 8.1429
Avg (participants): 6.9692
Avg (non-participants): 7.3529
Views since voting: 3578
Views during voting: 350
Votes: 215
Comments: 33
Favorites: 11 (view)

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02/12/2006 06:15:45 PM
I love the comparison in size between tower and person...The blue and green also very striking. Well done on 7th
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04/01/2005 10:51:28 AM
Congats Ian - great to see the tower place so high, you must be very pleased with that and also the finishing average.

Deserved 10 from me - maybe I will bump into you one day up there and enter the same image into the same challenge? Almost acheived that this time around if only I had got myself organised in time to enter!

Well done.


PS - D70 for sale if you are interested?
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03/28/2005 03:47:00 PM
GREAT vibrancy of colours! Like the way it's such a simple series of colour blocks yet more than that too!
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03/28/2005 11:20:39 AM
I felt this was a fantastic image; the best one: congratulations on a top 10 finish.
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03/28/2005 05:14:37 AM
Ian, yo have done it. A stunning image that had to do well. Well done on both passing a 7 and being under the top 10. You are a true talent.
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03/28/2005 04:20:25 AM
Thanks to everyone for the comments, I was amazed at how well this did.

This tower is called Broadway Tower, and is in the Cotswolds in the UK sitting above a village called Broadway, and about 10 miles north of Stow-on-the-Wold.

It is a favourite place of mine, and judging by the entry in the Bored challenge, its someone else's favourite place as well.

The tower is 4 stories high, so the woman (she who must be obeyed) is well proportion for its height.

With this score I have met all the targets I set myself when I became a member.
If I achieved these I promised myself a camera upgrade, so its time to start thinking about new kit and new targets.

One thing that I am very proud about is that I now have the top score for the Point and Shoot - Canon Digital Ixus V3.

The irony is that in putting this image in the top position, I knocked one of my own out of 12 place (my bridge entry).

Again thanks for all the kind words... .

03/28/2005 01:59:48 AM
this definatly is a cool photo...a favorite...great finish
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03/28/2005 12:21:24 AM
Congratulations on your 8th finish with this "towering" image. perhaps the coolest image in the entire challenge.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/27/2005 11:59:41 PM
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03/27/2005 08:47:16 PM
superb image
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03/27/2005 09:10:33 AM
Nice shot-even the person's posture, leaning back as though intimidated works here.
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03/26/2005 10:35:15 PM
very pretty
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03/26/2005 12:05:59 PM
OK, where to I have to be to see such beauty? That is just a stunning photo, plain and simple yet.... I can't help it but wonder how tall that little castle really is, great prespective.
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03/26/2005 10:05:32 AM
This photograph knows the quality of three things: simplicity, color, and subject. Top 10 in my book. Stunning and sharp.
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03/25/2005 02:50:00 PM
I love the vivid colors in both the sky and the grass as well as the contrast between the small women and the large castle...nicely done!
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03/25/2005 02:03:01 AM
WOW, this doesn't even look real. I wouldn't change a thing about this one 10
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03/23/2005 10:22:45 AM
love it
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03/23/2005 04:24:33 AM
I think I have seen this in the Bored challenge? Nice shot - a bit too much noise in the sky to rate higher than a 7
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03/23/2005 12:28:39 AM
I think I've seen this castle before, but I really like the way the person seems to be staring up at it.
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03/22/2005 11:46:43 PM
WOw..that is a beautiful composition...nice neat color too
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03/22/2005 10:40:54 PM
great pic, definately a 10 from me. good luck, I hope you make it!
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03/22/2005 05:38:37 PM
I think you'll win, out of what i've seen so far. Minor gripes about verticality of tower, placing of figure, and 'storm' in your title - it looks like a pleasant summer's evening, colour-wise. The figure is a masterful necessity to a sense of scale in the image. Where is this? What is this? It looks like it should be a Landmark Trust property (qv if you don't know them) - but not one that is familiar. More than anything, I think you'll win because it's just nearly impossible to vote this down for anything.
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03/22/2005 01:17:44 PM
I so almost entered a similar image, visited Broadway on last Saturday afternoon but didn't manage to enter the image in time (oh well - must leave this work thing alone, gets in the way a bit!). When was this taken? The tower is so photogenic, I just love the location, one of my fav places!
Not sure about the PP, looks a bit sureal? Hope it does well for you.
Some of my efforts can be seen @ www.nordicpics.co.uk (click on castles & ruins)
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03/22/2005 12:57:58 AM
I want to live there!
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03/21/2005 11:59:04 PM
I like the colors. And I like the mix of the human scale and the huge landscape, containing both. It strikes me how much the towers resemble a space shuttle sitting on the launch pad. Or, I guess the space shuttle resembles the towers.
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03/21/2005 11:54:51 PM
returning for comments:
This is as neat as a doll house. A beautiful capture and such strong composition. This image may get the biggest request in a stock album.
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03/21/2005 11:37:52 PM
Nice color and sharpness. Neat castle. Great job!
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03/21/2005 08:07:22 PM
This is just an incredible shot. Love the juxtaposition of the small castle and the human form...color and lighting are striking...9
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03/21/2005 07:19:08 PM
A fairytale castle complete with fairytale princess. Lovely texture, color, balance, composition.
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03/21/2005 03:29:49 PM
Great shot. The person is a negative for me.
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03/21/2005 01:30:53 AM
Neat shot! The person almost seems too big for the castle though. Is she a giant? Very nice....8
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03/21/2005 12:11:36 AM
Gorgeous! 10.
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03/21/2005 12:07:21 AM
beautiful where is that ?
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