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What the "duck" are you looking at?
What the "duck" are you looking at?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Stock Photography II (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Location: outside my home
Date: Mar 19, 2005
Aperture: F/5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/100
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Mar 20, 2005

usm, auto everything, clone out distracting sticks in background, adjust selective color, brightness/contrast, etc....basic photoshop

Place: 144 out of 258
Avg (all users): 5.3919
Avg (commenters): 5.8182
Avg (participants): 5.3308
Avg (non-participants): 5.4831
Views since voting: 946
Views during voting: 296
Votes: 222
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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04/03/2005 03:41:32 PM
Greetings from the critique club...

Your composition is pretty good. I like the focus being on the head, and not including too much other than what's necessary to get your point across. The saturation seems like it might be a little too much, although I guess it's possible that it came out of the camera that way.

Your focus is just about spot on -- try to get it right on the eye always when shooting animals -- which is apparently what you did here, good job. There is a lot of pixelation in the grass in the background. I'm not sure if that's a result of jpg compression or from a bump in saturation, either way, probably not going to be too desireable as a 'stock image'.

Your score seems right on par. 5.4 -- that's pretty good. Good shot and keep shooting!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/27/2005 12:52:55 AM
Such a patriot duck (if he lives in th US that is). Very crisp and good exposure.
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03/26/2005 08:57:55 AM
The composition is nice, but it looks a bit oversaturated to me. A catch light in the eye would have improved as well.
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03/24/2005 10:41:15 PM
That's just about the ugliest bird I ever saw! :-)

Nice capture though. Good luck in the challenge.
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03/24/2005 09:40:18 PM
HaHa..that is the ugliest bird I have ever see , but nice shot!
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03/24/2005 08:27:09 AM
it really is one weird looking duck. Nice shot :)
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03/23/2005 12:44:38 PM
Good focus and saturation, but I'm inclined to agree with your title.
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03/23/2005 12:22:25 AM
Goofy title but great image.
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03/22/2005 07:15:52 PM
Great detail and depth of field
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03/22/2005 07:08:15 AM
Would have like to see more of the bird, what colors!
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03/21/2005 08:31:24 AM
great dof and main subject, imho green of grass dominated the shot, could it be toned down?
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03/21/2005 01:32:41 AM
Hmmm....you saw the results of the last stock challenge eh? Nice phot. Nice colors and tack sharp
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03/21/2005 12:31:26 AM
Love the bright vivid colors and sharp focus.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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