hello from the critique club
Hi lionelm,
This is certainly quite a controversial picture you took. When I saw it, I think I rolled my eyes, and then I thought... wait.. this is a very emotional picture if you read into it.
For instance, take a look at one of the most popular forum threads on DPC rant.
Technically, the shot is near perfect in my eyes. I like the negative space you used, and I LIKE the helicopter above the white house. It adds to the paranoia/suspicion felt in DC at the moment. They are watching everybody/everything. I'm surprised they still allow people to take pictures of the white house. I think it may have been a bit better if you'd have used a higher aperture setting, around 8'ish, to get the white house fully in focus as well.
What's that weird blue thing on the rightish side of the photo? I have no clue what that is, and it seems a bit distracting to me! Other than that, superb idea. Very creative.
-Annida |