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 This image was disqualified from the In the Beginning... challenge.
The forbiden fruit.
The forbiden fruit.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: In the Beginning... (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: ny
Date: Mar 27, 2005
Aperture: f4.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 50
Date Uploaded: Mar 27, 2005

I wanted to portray eve in her famous blunder. I was going to use greenage but didnt want to distract. Not much editing lil desat.
Disqualification Details
Your proof must consist of your original, unmodified photograph and steps to recreate your submission from your original. Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 979
Comments: 24
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/02/2005 03:03:49 AM
This is a good concept that fits the challenge well IMO. Nice play of light and shadows. It looks though like the model is just holding the apple up blocking out her lower face. I think an improvement could be to either actually show her mouth biting the apple, or perhaps held a little out and lower, showing part of the mouth as if she is about to bite. Just my 2 c. :-)
04/01/2005 10:08:29 PM
Interesting post processing, can you give a how to?
04/01/2005 04:06:03 PM
wow, how do you get the very flat look of her skin?
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04/01/2005 03:05:15 AM
Idea's great, picture's nice, model's beautiful, but the apple is too big. :( Maybe a better composition would be her holding the apple away from her face and it has a bite taken out of it.
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03/31/2005 08:19:57 PM
Interesting photo. I like the special effects. It makes me want to look longer, and see more. Nice lighting. Great glossy hightlights on the apple. Lots of colors in her hair. Her eyes just reach right out and grab you. Hell, I'd eat that apple if she offered it to me. <9>
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03/31/2005 07:36:44 PM
Another good idea flattened out by the flash attached to the camera. Try disabling your flash, and take more pictures!
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03/31/2005 04:35:28 PM
It does not seem a natural picture.
03/31/2005 09:19:10 AM
good theme! But feels very processed - lots of Neatimage? Maybe you wanted the idea of "flawless before the fall" to come through, but it makes me think of plastic!
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03/31/2005 09:02:17 AM
great work! although i would also had her nails done to make a greater accent
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03/31/2005 06:25:31 AM
Very good idea for this challenge. The girl's skin looks so plastic and unreal.
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03/31/2005 02:57:06 AM
Good idea, the Neat Image is wayyy overdone. See how her skin and the apple look like plastic? Could be your intention though....
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03/31/2005 01:39:55 AM
Nice skin tones. I like the lighting on the apple. Her eyes are hauntingly beautiful,
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03/30/2005 10:05:25 PM
basic editing??
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03/30/2005 08:42:41 PM
Bit too much post-processing...
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03/30/2005 07:49:29 PM
Wow, this looks very over-processed. Skin looks like plastic. It may be what you were going for but is not in my taste.
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03/30/2005 07:37:41 PM
Why does this look so edited and stylized?
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03/30/2005 06:33:35 PM
Clever interpretation.
The skin looks a little over processed- blurred or NeatImaged?
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03/30/2005 06:07:03 PM
way too much NI. she almost looks like a computer graphic
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03/30/2005 05:36:47 PM
your model has beautiful eyes..... nice picture, too :)
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03/30/2005 10:56:48 AM
There is something about the womens complexion , it is so smooth and flawless that makes it almost look unatural...and the shine on the apple makes it almost appear to be artificial as well. But those aren't necessarily bad things, I still like it.
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03/30/2005 10:10:35 AM
I really picture Eve to look something like her. Good job.
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03/30/2005 09:33:57 AM
Focuses more on the person and not the apple.
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03/30/2005 02:21:07 AM
skin looks plastic, how'd u do that
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03/30/2005 12:45:55 AM
I'm guessing that you used neatimage or some sort of softening plugin, but I think that you overdid it
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