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Here Lies Our Forest
Here Lies Our Forest

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Cemetery (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S7000
Location: Kamloops, B.C.
Date: Mar 27, 2005
Aperture: f5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/500 sec
Galleries: Black and White
Date Uploaded: Mar 27, 2005

The forests in B.C. are being decimized by the Mountain Pine Beetle. As more trees are being cut down to try and stop the infestation, more and more stump cememteries pop up everywhere.

Axes to Axes.. Sawdust to Sawdust..

Place: 272 out of 281
Avg (all users): 4.2828
Avg (commenters): 4.8750
Avg (participants): 4.1024
Avg (non-participants): 4.6056
Views since voting: 990
Views during voting: 283
Votes: 198
Comments: 21
Favorites: 1 (view)

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04/05/2005 03:31:33 AM
Being Artystic® and different may not sit well with voters, but when the power goes off, and you are pleased with your work, then that is all that matters.
Your PP done here set the tone well for the portrayal.
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04/04/2005 06:04:41 PM
I think you have succeeded despite the numbers. Maybe you made people think..don't learn the lesson please..realize that some people need you to see the world through their eyes, otherwise you are "wasting " their time. I appreciate what you have done here.
My six year old says " It makes me sad..all these trees..they were living". Need I say more?
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04/04/2005 01:21:39 PM
It's a bit on the soft side (I'm still not sure if it is good or not so good) and the tone a bit dull, but I could definitely see the natural cemetery here. Didn't deserve this low score, gave it a 6. Keep thinking like this. :)
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04/04/2005 05:44:10 AM
Amazing that others did not see the graveyard in this: this was one of the pics I rated high. I liked it a lot! Remember that scores are not everything.
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04/04/2005 12:12:15 AM
Ok.. so I've learned something. Actually, I already knew it. Being artistic and different with a challenge kills you.. but gets you some great comments too (and some really dumb ones.. PhotoRyno.. please, get a damn imagination :))

The soft-focus was intentional. I wanted a Ghostly, deadish appearance, and this gives it that. If I was to do it again, I'd go for the exact same look. Sorry that not everyone (ok, hardly anyone), likes it. I've always been that kind of artist though.

Also, read the description to find out why these trees were cut down. Thanks!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/03/2005 10:11:47 PM
I "get" your photo, but I think it is too blown out in the center where the needles and pine cones are.
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04/03/2005 08:59:08 PM
Excellent alternative for this challenge. I detest clear cuts, and have often thought of them as cemetary like in looks, but more grotesque. Thanks.
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04/02/2005 07:51:27 PM
I agree this is a tree cemetery.
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04/02/2005 02:31:48 AM
Can't really think of this as a cemetery.
04/01/2005 08:21:26 PM
I _really_ like this idea... It's shot a little strange for me, a little hazed. But the idea is awesome, and unique, and speaks to me. 8.
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04/01/2005 12:08:48 PM
Please stay with the challenge. There are lots of photos to vote on and this in not a cemetery. I will not waste your time please do not waste mine.
03/31/2005 09:01:18 PM
focus seems a little soft. Maybe more DOF would have helped.
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03/31/2005 05:03:50 PM
I'm sure lots of people are ragging on your goth glow-look. But I think its still tastefull and pleasant. Nice job. Way to think a bit outside the box.
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03/30/2005 08:24:06 AM
I don't really see the take on Cemetery here. Nice soft focus tho.
03/29/2005 10:56:32 PM
very creative and I hope that others see the creativeness in the shot
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03/29/2005 07:41:32 PM
I am making two passes on this Challenge. I will vote on your photo then return later(before voting is over) to comment on what I like and dislike about your shot. You can take the comments however you wish and I will try not to be mean. Just don't take it the wrong way.
Only a few people thought out of the box on this challenge. I thought of an old plane graveyard. However I didn't go that route because I would have gotten slammed like you probably are. I will noit count against you for that.
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03/29/2005 07:17:35 PM
I like this picture, I'm sure you'll get comments like "where's the graves?" Not from me. This is a well shot photo, you have a good eye. I'd like to see more color out of this though, it looks a little desaturated. Good photo.

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03/29/2005 09:08:59 AM
Hum, Just hum
03/28/2005 05:18:31 PM
Nice take on the challenge-strong composition.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/28/2005 01:54:49 PM
A nice take on the cemetery challenge =) Did you use diffuse glow? If, you did, I think it was a little over-done. Also, the light area in the lower left corner is very distracting. I would have cloned that out or recropped. Otherwise, I like your composition and your perspective of the challange.
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03/28/2005 01:57:12 AM
Doesn't meet the chalenge. Also feels somewhat over processed. Otherwise comp is fine, levels and colors are fine. In a more appropriate challenge, this would score well I think.

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