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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: In the Beginning... (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D1X
Location: Home
Date: Mar 27, 2005
Galleries: Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Mar 28, 2005


Place: 254 out of 300
Avg (all users): 4.1986
Avg (commenters): 4.0667
Avg (participants): 3.8929
Avg (non-participants): 4.3943
Views since voting: 824
Views during voting: 420
Votes: 287
Comments: 50
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/05/2005 11:56:34 PM
Cool idea but I guess I don't see how it relates to the topic....
04/05/2005 11:34:29 PM
I see no relation at all to the challenge.
04/05/2005 09:00:13 AM
clever, but doesn't really have anything to do w/ "In the beginning," does it?
04/05/2005 02:47:58 AM
off topic
04/05/2005 02:39:09 AM
Ah! Took me a little bit to realize that you are saying that it is the beginning of transparent laptop screens. Your color yellow-orange from the lamp backgrounnds is off a little bit, making the screen seems like a filter rather then transparent, which kindof messes up the concept a little bit. But cool idea, hope other people catch it too.
04/04/2005 11:35:22 PM
Wow, a lap top with a head-up-display. You could surf on your drive to work. Nice idea, nicely done.
04/04/2005 10:28:28 PM
Very interesting effect, but, I'm sorry, I don't understand how it fits with "in the beginning."
04/04/2005 06:00:53 PM
That's a cool photo, but I'm not sure I get the reference to the challenge.
04/04/2005 03:36:48 PM
Very clever photo. The lineup of the dresser is excellent, and lighting is pretty close. I'm having trouble fitting this with the challenge though. Even the title doesn't help me. 5
04/04/2005 10:40:08 AM
what's the relation with the theme?
04/03/2005 11:58:47 PM
OK, cool screen saver, but how does it fit with the challenge of "In the Beginning"?
04/03/2005 10:28:11 PM
very, very clever, obviously requiring a bit of effort, but, as much as it pains me to say it, DNMTC
04/03/2005 08:04:19 PM
Good effect. I don't get the theme connection, unless it's the Window's startup.
04/03/2005 07:38:25 PM
Great shot but cant understand how this begins or the relevance? However to improve the shot I would prefer to see a better focus on the whole overall image by getting the whole shot in focus with better use of aperture and amending the colours of the LCD panel to diplay the exact same light emitting from the light on the wall as the monitor appears to be a few shades darker. Great concept, great idea, wrong challenge.
04/02/2005 10:54:03 PM
Darn good idea. I sit in my room staring at the walls all the time trying to think of something I can take a picture of. I'm jealous because I've never come up with something this creative. However, I HATE that I cannot figure out what this has to do with "In the Beginning..." so I cannot give it the score it deserves. Nice lamp too.
04/02/2005 08:34:51 PM
Cool setup. But out of focus and not related to the challenge as far as I can see. Well, it's 'the beginning' of great shot...:)
04/02/2005 12:56:25 PM
not sure how it meets the challenge but never the less very creative idea. My idea of a different title, if you don't mind, "Windows". Nice shot.
04/02/2005 11:11:13 AM
Great photo! Really interesting composition, beautiful colors, but not very related to challenge. but still 6
04/02/2005 09:36:00 AM
04/01/2005 11:42:38 PM
Quite clever. Good compostion in the photograph.
04/01/2005 02:11:25 PM
not sure how this is relevant to the challenge, but it's a very cool effect
04/01/2005 11:52:32 AM
Hmmm hints of an old scallywag who uses smoke, mirrors, vaseline and other jedi mind tricks. Like it, though the LCD color does not quite match the wall.
04/01/2005 11:31:14 AM
Yeah its a cool effect, but does it fit in the challenge?
04/01/2005 08:55:44 AM
Love the picture, but don't see the connection to ".In the Beginning"
03/31/2005 08:32:56 PM
I saw similar images on some website.. now I can't recall..but yes they had very similar image collection and it looked neat
03/31/2005 02:38:34 PM
i think this photo is very clever and creative but I guess I'm blonde or something because I don't understand the connection to "the beginning"....:/
03/31/2005 09:40:36 AM
there is a website of these somewhere! Funny, but no beginning. Too many underexposed areas in frame.
03/31/2005 09:39:58 AM
just sporting off some new tricks?
03/31/2005 08:42:56 AM
Quite an amazing concept though i'm not sure how it meets the challenge, 8 for origionality.
03/31/2005 02:57:40 AM
Here is an excellent example of how you can use computer to display an image on it and still not break any rules. One of my favourites. Novel approach, the only thing is the vague connection to the challenge topic. had to bump it up to 8.
03/31/2005 01:59:18 AM
beginning? Doesnt seem on topic.
03/30/2005 09:12:16 PM
This is a really nice idea, and well executed too. But I'm not seeing much of a connection to the challenge. You should definitely try this again though.
03/30/2005 09:08:40 PM
not very "in the beginning" but still very cool
03/30/2005 08:27:57 PM
A brilliant concept and wonderfully executed, but I don't see a connection to this challenge?
03/30/2005 07:31:33 PM
This is an interesting picture, but I can't think of any way in which it relates to the challenge topic.
03/30/2005 06:43:26 PM
Cool illusion, but I struggle to get the connection!
03/30/2005 06:05:10 PM
very very interesting shot...does not mee the challenge...but this is a great idea for a shot for sure
03/30/2005 05:52:19 PM
how does this meet the challenge?
03/30/2005 05:09:55 PM
Interesting concept. Seems to be focused poorly though. Compositionally, I think it may be stronger if it were framed tighter in on the left and bottom, and if the lamp were not cut off at the top. I normally try to give a lot of leeway, and I'm trying, but sorry, I'm not catching your connection to the challenge topic?
03/30/2005 03:26:25 PM
beginning of what?
03/30/2005 02:34:56 PM
That's a really cool concept.
03/30/2005 11:52:53 AM
This is the beginning of what? Nice effect.
03/30/2005 11:40:11 AM
interesting shot but i dont see the relation to in the beginning
03/30/2005 11:12:09 AM
03/30/2005 10:30:20 AM
I'm not quite sure how this fits in the challenge...maybe I'm missing something.
03/30/2005 08:20:40 AM
How does this fit the challenge?
03/30/2005 03:37:27 AM
Not exactly sure how this relates to 'beginning', but nice enough rendition of a theme used here many times before.
03/30/2005 01:15:57 AM
I think the lighting is poor and this photo just does not apeal to me.
03/30/2005 12:43:49 AM
Someone's been watching the hp commercial too much... Cool picture, but I don't know how 'see_though' or the image relates to the beginning of something...

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