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Crystal Rose  - My Pet Rock
Crystal Rose - My Pet Rock

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pet Portrait (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Location: Study at home
Date: Apr 3, 2005
Aperture: f/20
ISO: 100
Shutter: 2.5s
Galleries: Humorous, Studio
Date Uploaded: Apr 3, 2005

Rocks are almost maintenance free and very loyal! Just a bit if fun - you try and make a rock interesting. . . Natural light.
Exposure comp +1.0 in camera, processed in Capture 1: manual wb, cropped, film extra shadow, exposure comp another +0.6, sat +10%, black set at 80, contrast +27, sharpen 100,3, in PS adjusted levels, USM, resized, USM. Cloned out what appeared to be dirt on back end of rock.
What will happen to my average score as a result of this bit of fun? Hey ho!
Canon EF 28-135mm IS USM lens at 47mm

Place: 266 out of 273
Avg (all users): 3.8009
Avg (commenters): 5.6154
Avg (participants): 3.5156
Avg (non-participants): 4.2410
Views since voting: 1195
Views during voting: 312
Votes: 211
Comments: 17
Favorites: 1 (view)

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04/11/2005 04:22:45 AM
Very lovely lighting here, enhances all the pretty shadings and textures in the crystal.

Sadly my pet rock disappeared one day, I'd left her out in the sun on the front porch for some fresh air. When I got home from work she'd gone :( Searched round the area and asked local kids and neighbours, but never did find what had happened to her.
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04/11/2005 03:17:12 AM
Roll over, Crystal! Roll over! ...hmmm - nothing. ;-)
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04/11/2005 03:05:59 AM
Pet Portrait: " Crystal Rose - My Pet Rock"
Score 3.8 with 14 comments (largely complimentary).
266 out of 277 - nearly the brown - must try harder!
This was my 63rd challenge entry, with scores until now from 4.47 to 7.74.
As a student of photography, some of my entries have been dire and deserved their low scores. Each low score hurt at the time but helped the learning process.
What about this entry?
Did it meet the challenge?
Perhaps most of you thought not! Maybe many of you are too young to remember the "Pet Rock" craze of many years ago. There were more pet rocks than pet parrots at the time.
As a pet, a rock has many advantages over the breathing kind.

They do not:
Make a mess
Excrete foul smelling liquids and solids
Damage the furniture
Generate vet bills
Need food or water or treats
Leave hairs (or feathers) wherever they go
Make any noise
Require much maintenance
Mind you going away

They are, like their breathing fellow pets:
A source of comfort in times of stress
Pleasing to the eye
Friendly and loyal
A source of inspiration

"Crystal Rose" has been my pet rock for many years and a portrait of her did, in my opinion, meet the challenge.

Was it a good portrait?
A portrait should tell you something about the character of the subject. "Crystal Rose" is compasionate and

gentle and yet very strong. She has both polished surfaces and natural rough crystalline features. She is beautifully marked with mineral traces. She could have been captured in a harsh light with strong shadows but that would have belied her character and nature.

Was it a technically good photograph?
The image is largely high key but covers 90% of the luminosity range. There are no blown highlights, not a single clipped pixel at either extreme. The focus is pin sharp on the subject and yet no background detail distracts. The soft shadows provide depth and also contrast with the hard nature of the surface of the subject. The rule of thirds influenced the composition, the negative space providing some balance.

Was it, is it "art"?
No, of course not but the same was true of most of the entries.

Did it have "wow!" or cute factor? No, of course not but the same was true of many of the entries, except, quite rightly, in the opinion of each owner.

Did the photographer take time, care, patience and enthusiasm to capture this image?
Oh, yes! A passive subject helped but getting the composition right, through angle of view and positioning was a considerable challenge. Lighting was difficult. Using natural light from a window and a mirror to reflect a little of that light into the shadow area, it took much patience to create that soft shadow. Capturing the shiny flat surfaces without any distracting refelections was an achievement.

What does all this tell you?
There is often more in an image than at first appears!

Is this a whinge? You be the judge! 3.8?

By the way, this portrait was captured on Sunday 3rd April. It was conceived 2 days earlier. Thank you to my lovely commentators, most of whom understood!

PS - The Pet Rock craze really did happen. . . .
04/11/2005 12:28:56 AM
It's a shame people didn't see the humor in this shot, or perhaps didn't care. :-) The lighting is really excellent.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/10/2005 11:51:59 PM
Mine was the other pet rock.... My other pet just passed away.... so I went for the painted pet rock. Nice bit of rose quartz crystal!
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04/08/2005 11:07:13 PM
Okay, you get an A for being the only Pet Rock in the group! And what a pretty pet rock you are, all pink and shiney! I bet you're the best pet rock there is too, easy to feed, easy to clean up after, never noisy or demanding attention! The best pet by far!

This is a great shot, the composition, the lighting is really good but seems to be just a tad, a very small tad dull, we are talking hairs here. I had this at a 6 but will bump to a 7 just because this is a very brave rock to be among all these vicious animals! :)
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04/08/2005 12:34:56 PM
Where's the googly eyes?? ;)

Sorry, but it just ain't cuttin' it for me.
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04/06/2005 09:38:10 PM
My vote in on this one, simply for the those of us who didn't have a breathing pet to model ;) Oh--great composition and lighting!
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04/06/2005 11:39:18 AM
I'll give you some credit for good exposure and composition.
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04/05/2005 07:39:23 AM
I was hoping someone had the guts to do a pet rock!
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04/05/2005 12:30:29 AM
very well done. will be interested to see where this winds up.
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04/04/2005 03:45:31 PM
Pet rock ? Is this possible ??! I like the execution of this shot though 6
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04/04/2005 03:25:21 PM
good idea, but boring shot
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04/04/2005 09:08:24 AM
Prettier than the average pet rock, that's for sure.
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04/04/2005 06:56:05 AM
Very entertaining - and a very presentable rock picture as well.
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04/04/2005 03:36:36 AM
Nice lighting on your pet rock..
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04/04/2005 12:46:36 AM
At least you had an interesting rock at a pet. A good shot too.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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