You're on the right track here. Some suggestions:
1. More light on the background. This can either be accomplished by putting some kind of lamp behind the subject, shining on the background (which adds all kinds of other issues, like color balance and white balance problems), or by getting an external flash to bounce off a ceiling or a wall, or a piece of white foamboard strategically placed. Experimentation is best.
2. Something about the lighting you've used has cast a pinkish glow. I urge you to find out what this could be and work to correct it, as I fear it'll haunt you. (both in voting, and personally in the future). It can be fixed in post, using color balancing, but it's best to find out what's causing it. (perhaps the room you're shooting in has pink or red walls, or some other major element?)
3. I, personally, don't like the cat looking up so much. If he/she were looking more towards the camera, but up above it, you'd get more of the personality coming through. As it is, he/she just seems distracted, and the viewer loses a personal attachment, which is key to portraiture.
Anyway, the rest of it is good.. nice focus, a good background color, a good composition. Just a few points to work on.. you want to try and maintain a more natural white balance, and things should fall into place. Good luck, and practice, practice, practice. |