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A Dead American Treasure, the ROXY Drive-In
A Dead American Treasure, the ROXY Drive-In

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Abandoned Buildings (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Location: Southport, New York
Date: Apr 10, 2005
Aperture: f 7.1
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125 sec
Galleries: Landscape, Architecture
Date Uploaded: Apr 10, 2005

The Roxy Drive-In was noted for it's showing of X-Rated flicks back in its day.

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Place: 68 out of 500
Avg (all users): 5.7603
Avg (commenters): 7.4000
Avg (participants): 5.5213
Avg (non-participants): 6.1085
Views since voting: 1877
Views during voting: 450
Votes: 317
Comments: 23
Favorites: 3 (view)

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04/27/2005 04:32:52 PM
Really nice picture, only thing I miss is a few clouds.
04/27/2005 07:54:31 AM
nicely observed. could stand to be a tad sharper. tough call about the foreground shadows--maybe a mask edit to lighten them up a bit might even the image out some. good work!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/19/2005 10:34:54 PM
So sad. Nice capture. 7
04/19/2005 08:52:25 AM
a great motiv - but could have been a better picture: closer and no shadow on the left lower corner
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04/18/2005 10:51:04 PM
Very effective lighting.
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04/17/2005 10:57:14 PM
nice gradient in the sky, good composition.
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04/17/2005 07:28:18 PM
I would like to have seen a little more sky between the the right part of roof and the hilltop. Otherwise, nice pic.
04/17/2005 02:21:53 PM
great shot
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04/17/2005 01:32:16 AM
1 picture=many fond memories.
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04/16/2005 07:06:32 PM
"One picture is worth a thousand words." I would like this shot a lot better if the shadow in the foreground was not present. Otherwise, this is a very evocative shot.
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04/16/2005 06:35:37 PM
I like this, a 9.
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04/16/2005 04:54:25 PM
Unique perspective and composition - I like it!
A little blown out in the white/highlights, but still a great shot regardless.
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04/15/2005 11:48:16 PM
not many of there left I guess its good to capture hese for histiory.
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04/15/2005 02:46:44 PM
Very abandoned ..... Great capture ! Ohhh ! I just noticed the screen is still there ! Very good !
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04/15/2005 12:57:01 PM
Cool idea. I think it could be a little more powerful from a different angle, shooting from the ground level up towards the entrance.
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04/14/2005 07:01:46 PM
I like this image and I don't like this image. I think it is okay as shot a 6. But, if you had changed the perspective just a little bit, maybe gotten lower to the ground so the roof of the building 'soared' over the mountain in the back, I probably would have given it an 8 or better. I tried tilting my monitor for that effect but it didn't work. ;) Maybe outside of challenge you can clone out the white thing. That would make this image pop even more. As it is, good work.
Me again! I have finished scoring all the entries and have adjusted my scores. Now I'm adjusting your in spite of the fact that you didn't like my opinion. Ha! But thanks for calling me young. :) Your image is better than the ones I've rated a 7. I am bumping you up to an 8. I would still give you 2 more points for a lower point of view!
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04/14/2005 01:11:09 PM
Very interesting and (thankfully) different subject choice. Great color. Good angle. Good lighting. Wish it was just a little crisper - I really like to see all the details.
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04/13/2005 05:51:22 PM
This was a great photo. It took me back to when our drive in was still running. Thanks for sharing!
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04/13/2005 04:52:30 PM
Oh how I remember those
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04/13/2005 01:56:46 PM
FINALLY! A picture of an abandoned drive in! This is great, cool, awesome etc...you have made me happy to see this picture! This truly truly stands out in this challenge....excellent!

I have just finshed voting on every picture...whew! This is one of my very favorites. To me it says not only is this an abandoned bulding, but also an abandoned way of life...something we will never get back. I can hardly believe this is the only abandoned drive in picture...what an excellent choice!
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04/13/2005 10:33:25 AM
Someone did a Drive-In! YES! Nice shot. I love the way you included the old worn screen in the background.
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04/13/2005 06:36:23 AM
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04/13/2005 03:18:10 AM
I supect this won't do well, but I hope it does. I love the purity of the lines, the cartoonish sense of oversaturation, and especially the very precise separation between overhand and hill line on the right, which speaks volumes for the care you spent composing this shot. (Either that or you were lucky as hell, LOL)
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