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Icy Tacks
Icy Tacks

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Tacks! (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Palo Alto, California
Date: Apr 15, 2005
ISO: 640
Shutter: 60
Galleries: Abstract, Studio
Date Uploaded: Apr 15, 2005


Place: 100 out of 137
Avg (all users): 5.0278
Avg (commenters): 6.1818
Avg (participants): 4.8916
Avg (non-participants): 5.1128
Views since voting: 1134
Views during voting: 338
Votes: 216
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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05/16/2005 11:34:53 PM
Cool.. i like this.. i think it would have been better if you had bumped up the brightness levels to make the whites jump out more.
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04/23/2005 02:42:05 PM
In response to jmsetzler:

1. As you will note, I've not entered many of the challenges and know less about the critique aspect. I was not aware that it was customary to post comments about the work in seeking comments from the critique club but would gladly do so in the future. More important, I frankly think that my comments about the work are irrelevant to the critique. It seems to me that one rarely has the thoughts and observations of the creator (I purposefully use this term rather than artist) when judging work. I thought I was seeking responses to the image, not a response based on my goal or vision of the work. There have been many times when I've read critiques which I do believe would be different if the viewer knew of my intent, but in truth that is irrelevent as if you were to see the work posted on-line, in a mag or book or hanging in a gallery you would judge it solely on your reaction - not based on my intent. Having said all that if it is customary in seeking critiques to post some thoughts about my goals or intentions I would be happy to do so in the future.

2. Regarding purpose of this photo - it was a 24 hour challenge so the only purpose was to meet the challenge. The sole objective of the photo was to illustrate a different perspective on the challenge subject - nothing more, nothing less. Frankly it strikes me that is the fun of a 24 hour challenge. Since I cannot pick the challenge subject (and I do not have an unlimited amount of time to ponder such issues) I would not expect the goal to be anything more unless in the rare instance the challenge subject happends to fit within a project I already have in mind or am currently working on. I've only entered one challenge right when I joined the site and have resolved to enter more. My schedule is such that it is difficult to take photos specifically meeting the challenge criteria during the relevant period but I was in the possition to take a quick pic meeting this challenge. As it was a 24 hour challenge I frankly did not have time to do anything of any greater objective than meet the challenge.

3. I had given some thought to submitting a picture which focused solely on the sharp tack emerging from the ice but I respectfully disagree with you on this point. I liked the contrast between the front sharp tac and the soft focus imbedded tacs.
04/23/2005 01:38:45 PM
Greetings from the critique club...

#1 - a photographer who is asking for critique should always include as much information as possible in the photogrpaher's comments block when submitting an image. It's very useful to have your thoughts on the image when I try to offer mine. I can give you more useful feedback if I know your personal objective.

#2 - this photo meets the challenge, but I can't see much in it beyond that. Does the photo have an objective beyond meeting the challenge?

#3 - I can't see any reason for the subject area of this image not to be 'tack' sharp. The soft/out of focus element doesn't add much in my opinion.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/19/2005 08:28:49 AM
Love this one. What a creative take on the subject!! Well done.
04/18/2005 09:50:03 PM
Creative. Nice lighting highlights.
04/16/2005 04:02:08 PM
Unique concept - could be brighter and cropped or framed broader to show more - and/or wait for more of the ice to melt to have more of the tacks sticking out.
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04/16/2005 01:00:19 PM
I like this image....love the air bubbles in the ice. Looks like a drink they would serve.
04/16/2005 10:48:15 AM
interesting concept
04/16/2005 08:39:44 AM
Never would have thought of this one myself. Interesting.
04/16/2005 08:30:45 AM
There are no tacks in this image. ;) You must have started early! Cool concept, wish the lighting was a little better. 7
04/16/2005 05:09:40 AM
An unusual tack. I love the idea. I very much like the choice of colors and the lighting. The positioning of the yellow tack and the protruding point both seem good. And so does the lighting.I don't quite understand what it is, but someting is bothering me about the photo and it has something to do with visual clutter: the bubble like features on the top surface or the lumps on the side, or just the fact that the subject tack is being upstaged by the yellow one. Can't identify the exact cause, just the effect.
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04/16/2005 04:03:24 AM
An extra point for thought
04/16/2005 01:45:44 AM
I'm not sure what would be less odd: freezing tacks for this challenge, or having frozen tacks on hand when the competition began.

The lone yellow tack and the bubbles on the top of the ice detract from a very original take on the topic.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
04/16/2005 12:14:21 AM
I don't understand, but the photo's lovely
04/16/2005 12:05:23 AM
interesting and different idea...a little too dark though

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