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Brazos Crossing
Brazos Crossing

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Rock, Paper, Scissors (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 8800
Location: San Felipe, Texas
Date: Apr 17, 2005
Aperture: F/6
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/141s
Galleries: Black and White, Rural
Date Uploaded: Apr 18, 2005


Place: 231 out of 250
Avg (all users): 4.1467
Avg (commenters): 3.7838
Avg (participants): 3.8707
Avg (non-participants): 4.3706
Views since voting: 869
Views during voting: 427
Votes: 259
Comments: 42
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/26/2005 03:22:02 PM
wonderful image but I don't think it contains enough rock paper scissors to get everyones votes. I love the tones and angle of this shot, just not for this challenge.
04/26/2005 10:45:12 AM
It`s a great photo but i`m thinking where`s the paper,scissors or rock.
04/26/2005 10:23:12 AM
This is a really ice image...but i dont see any rocks, paper, or scissors? But otherwise its a nice shot, doent reeally go with the objective.
04/26/2005 01:25:19 AM
04/25/2005 09:34:06 PM
Paper Rock and Scissors? Nice photo but i dont get it.
04/25/2005 09:24:07 PM
nice dop
04/25/2005 02:15:58 PM
Nice image, but I am at a lose as to how it fits this challenge.
04/25/2005 01:13:12 PM
Paper ?

The tracks are scissor like, but for me this is too mauch a leap.
As a photoograph I like the balance and contradiction between the tracks and the structure of the bridge..
04/25/2005 08:47:50 AM
Nice shot. Great DOF. I don't think this meets the challenge.
04/25/2005 01:16:10 AM
I do not see Rock Paper or Scissors, Perhaps this was put in the wrong Category.
04/24/2005 10:53:12 PM
I really like this shot. When I first rated it, I did not appreciate that he tracks were scissors. Now I'm going back through and I've increased my vote on this one.
04/24/2005 09:31:03 PM
No rock, no paper, no scissors...but it is a great photo....sorry there was no railroad challenge. 4/challenge, 7/photo
04/24/2005 11:25:51 AM
Did you enter the right contest? I don't see any connection to the rocks paper sissors challenge
04/24/2005 11:23:48 AM
the significance escapes me, sorry
04/24/2005 02:41:00 AM
Does not seem to fit the requirements of the challenge. I like the photo though.
04/24/2005 01:24:29 AM
I don't see any rocks, paper or scissors. Is this type of track called scissor or something?
04/23/2005 01:43:24 PM
It's a beautiful photograph, but I don't see any paper, any scissors, or any rock...
04/22/2005 09:25:23 PM
Nicely composed, though I'm guessing most will not see a connection to the challenge. The whay the tracks line up remind me of scissors, though.
04/22/2005 08:21:04 PM
Sorry, I don't see any of the components... Maybe its me...
04/22/2005 03:29:01 PM
Howdy, and yay for the Brazos...
04/22/2005 09:45:33 AM
This is a nice imgae. I really like the angle you shot this from. I love the line in this image also. Nice work.
04/22/2005 05:52:22 AM
not really with the challenge.
04/22/2005 03:42:52 AM
I like this picture, but how does it pertain to rock, paper or scissors?
04/21/2005 11:06:03 PM
huh? But I like the shot so I gave you a 4
04/21/2005 07:19:27 PM
maybe people will vote this down because of no R, P, S... I see two blades of scissors designed by the rail, and I think it's creative, well executed and a nice photo in general (I especially like the non-perfect simmetry)
passing over it a second time, my vote bumps up to 8
good luck!
04/21/2005 12:14:15 AM
nice pictuer, I am not understanding how this fits the challenge
04/20/2005 10:18:07 PM
I'm not sure I'm seeing a connection to the challenge, but a nice image anyway.
04/20/2005 10:04:59 PM
I don't see the relevance to the challenge, I see wood, steel and trees. Is the pointed element called a sissors? Sorry, it's lost on me.
04/20/2005 09:10:48 PM
After revisiting this one I still don't see how it fits the theme.....sorry.
04/20/2005 09:00:18 PM
?Am I missing something here? Sorry I don't see the connection. :)
04/20/2005 08:52:10 PM
does this really fit with the challenge?
04/20/2005 04:49:39 PM
Very interesting shot, but, I don't see how it works in this challenge...don't see any paper, rocks or scissors.
04/20/2005 03:03:06 PM
Interesting perspective. More contrast would make this a super picture. Doesn't meet the challange, though. (Maybe it's the Rock Island Line?)
04/20/2005 02:12:30 PM
Maybe you should have clarified this shot's connection with the challenge topic.
04/20/2005 02:06:14 PM
Nice pic of a railway bridge, but not enough emphasis on the rocks in my view to qualify as meeting the challenge. Love the perspective and lines, nice DOF, good choice of B&W for your subject.
04/20/2005 01:00:37 PM
Don't see any rocks, paper, or Scissors.
04/20/2005 11:55:22 AM
I don't get it.
04/20/2005 08:38:56 AM
i dont see any of the items?
04/20/2005 08:23:06 AM
Can't really see a connection to rock, paper or scissors here
04/20/2005 02:06:35 AM
After spending a while looking, I can find none of rock, paper, or scissors, unless you mean the bits of out-of-focus gravel on the rail supports. It is otherwise a pretty shot.
04/20/2005 01:07:57 AM
I'm sorry but I don't see how this fits the challenge.
04/20/2005 12:48:49 AM
Ummmm..... I see no rock, no scissors, no paper :-(

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