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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Rock, Paper, Scissors (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S602Z
Location: Cuckmere Haven, East Sussex. UK
Date: Apr 18, 2005
Aperture: F11
ISO: 160
Shutter: 1/340 sec
Date Uploaded: Apr 18, 2005


Place: 4 out of 250
Avg (all users): 6.6490
Avg (commenters): 8.3333
Avg (participants): 6.3455
Avg (non-participants): 6.8963
Views since voting: 2161
Views during voting: 405
Votes: 245
Comments: 41
Favorites: 4 (view)

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04/27/2005 12:18:48 PM
This is awesome. Good job and congrats on 4th.
04/27/2005 05:57:49 AM
Gosh! and to think that I nearly didn't enter. This is only my second challenge, so I'm thrilled with fourth spot - better than I ever could have expected. I was hoping to come somewhere in the top half.
Thank you to everyone who took the time and trouble to comment on this picture and I'll definately be taking on board the views of those who didn't like the border.
Picture was taken at Cuckmere Haven, close to Beachy Head (but not Dover) on the south coast of England.
Cropped, adjusted levels and curves, then tweaked the colour with Selective colour. USM, added that border, then ran it through Neat Image and finally, saved for web.
04/27/2005 12:56:04 AM
Are these the "White Cliffs of Dover" that I have read about in books? Beautiful shot, congratulations on #4
04/27/2005 12:34:57 AM
Well done Graham, so close to a ribbon.
04/27/2005 12:08:03 AM
Congratulations on your 4th placing with this white chalky beauty.
04/27/2005 12:05:22 AM
Just missed the ribbon, but a great placement for a great photo!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/26/2005 09:55:10 PM
Dover? Very nice. 10.
04/26/2005 07:52:14 PM
AMAZING! Definantly top ten or better material! 10
04/26/2005 07:47:36 PM
Gorgeous white cliff, and nice contrast with water. Very appealing composition. I like the square cropping.
04/26/2005 06:56:07 PM
In many ways a very powerful image, but I have several nits. The cliffs themselves don't seem to be rendered as wella s they might be, and even though the horizon is almost perfectly level the ooveralls ense is that it's leaning slightly to the right, like it needs half a degree of ccw rotation to balance it. Finally, the very wide one-two punch of border is really hurting you here, it's greatly at odds witht he delicacy of the photo details, and overpowers them badly.
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04/26/2005 04:17:54 PM
Looks like beachy head or round about. lovely sky but the cliff seems a bit overexposed. also I would lose the white border !
04/26/2005 04:03:02 PM
Sand, Chalk and rock, with a splash of H2O, what a recipe, and exicuted by a master chef. Well done
04/26/2005 03:19:35 PM
Now that is a ROCK! wonderful image, great colors, lighting and angle.
04/26/2005 10:38:44 AM
Great colour and composition. Don`t care for the border much.
Bumping up :)
04/26/2005 10:17:05 AM
Wow! Nice shot! I love the sky and tyhe water next to the huge rock! I aslo like the texture of the ground ilooks nice and the roks in the image looks neat!
04/26/2005 03:39:04 AM
okay, this is my fav. so far. amazing. stunning, spectaular. why the border?
04/25/2005 05:45:15 PM
i love the colors and contrasts in this shot. 9
04/25/2005 08:56:47 AM
Gorgeous shot. The border is a little heavy IMO. Still, breathtaking.
04/25/2005 04:54:13 AM
c'mon play fair we dont all have beautiful rock structures in out back yard. Well done man you really have captured the brilliance well.
04/24/2005 07:59:46 PM
border may be a little over powering,, but i really like the picture anyway
04/24/2005 04:02:18 PM
wow.... 10
04/24/2005 03:49:42 PM
II like the image itself, but I think by removing some of the foreground to make the image more of a landscape than square and minimizing the border, it would have scored quite a bit better with me.
04/24/2005 10:39:11 AM
beautiful and elegant - nicely presented
04/24/2005 09:00:52 AM
Beautiful photo.
04/24/2005 06:17:41 AM
very dramatic image nice rock! I like this 9
04/24/2005 02:44:17 AM
This is one of the best pictures in this challenge, and I hope it doesn't get voted down for thos that prefered it to have the three elements. Too thick border in my opinion, but other than that great picture.
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04/24/2005 02:12:34 AM
Excellent landscape. Hope the literalists don't vote this down because "there is no scissors or paper". The black border is unnecessary IMO.
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04/23/2005 03:05:41 PM
Beautiful composition, love the sea and sky, the rock looks just a bit over exposed, I love this scene.
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04/23/2005 02:25:27 PM
WOW! Stunningly beautiful shot. Well done! I'm a very conservative scorer & critic, so please don't take me giving this image a "9" the wrong way - I've only given out one "10" since I joined a number of months ago. The only (possibly) constructive comment I can make is that the light is so bright against the rock, that it might be detracting a little from the detail otherwise possible. I'm also curious as to where this shot was taken - my guess is somewhere near Cape Horn, Chile. It's a breathtaking shot - I'd love to visit there! Well done!
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04/23/2005 01:42:06 AM
very nice
04/22/2005 04:56:50 PM
White cliffs of Dover? Beautiful shot. I think the borders are a little too much, but I didn't rate you down for them.
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04/22/2005 09:34:41 AM
This is a nice image. I really like the surroundings in this image as well as the coloring in this image. Nice work.
04/21/2005 06:03:09 PM
Wow!! Beautiful even without Paper and Sissors I give you a 10
Beautiful Color
04/21/2005 11:29:06 AM
I love the big border! ever time i do it I get hammered, but it really make the image leap out here. Good luck
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04/20/2005 08:40:07 PM
just down right beautiful
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04/20/2005 06:12:47 PM
The way the light plays off the water is an excellent complement to the white cliffs in the background. The blue sky also adds a lot of interest to the shot.
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04/20/2005 02:25:05 PM
Really nice shot. 10
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04/20/2005 02:08:19 PM
Beautiful colors. Great composition. Where is this?
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04/20/2005 01:56:51 PM
Wow!!! Definitely the most beautiful picture I've seen so far in this challenge! And it fits the challenge perfectly in the MOST interesting of ways. I think we might see this one in the winner's circle :) I hope so! 10
  Photographer found comment helpful.
04/20/2005 11:17:13 AM
Great shot! I see no flaws to point out, only the border, wich I feel is too much. As for the rest, I believe you have a very good composition, colors and overall quality. Congrtaulations.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
04/20/2005 03:29:44 AM
Nice clean image, the white cliffs of Dover? Well done.

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