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05/01/2005 12:43:59 PM |
Never thought of using packing popcorn. Interesting. |
05/01/2005 01:20:47 AM |
This is an interesting idea, though I'm not sure I understand the purpose of the packing peanuts in the shot? If that is what they are, they distract from the neclace and don't really add anything to the photo in my opinion. |
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04/30/2005 08:30:39 PM |
I think it needs more dof |
04/30/2005 07:33:26 PM |
good idea but it is a c lutter for me . 5 |
04/30/2005 01:31:11 PM |
the foam "peanuts" really detract from this photo. If this was an ad I saw in a magazine I would do anything but buy these pearls. A more neutral display using white velvet or even white tissue paper would have made a better support for this image. I like the idea of the glass piece, just not the "filler" used. |
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04/29/2005 08:21:17 PM |
the styrofoam/polystyreme peanuts seem a little incongruous in this context and the bowl is rather centered which to me at least breaks the natural flow of the pearls. A lower POV might have rendered some interesting reflections in the bowl and you would have had a shot with an original message. For me I don't think this quite achieves the effect you are looking for in an ad. |
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04/29/2005 10:30:34 AM |
...and so are styrofoam peanuts? Interesting, to say the least! |
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04/28/2005 06:32:45 PM |
I dont know abotu the foam packing peanuts! LOL. I think the jewelry gets lost in this shot. |
04/28/2005 10:00:09 AM |
I like the bowl, I like the background, I like the jewelry (although I would like to see it closer) - what I don't understand is the packing shells (foam peanuts)? |
04/27/2005 09:39:09 PM |
I can't see packing peanuts in a jewelry ad. Lighting is good, but maybe a bit top-heavy. |
04/27/2005 06:12:06 PM |
The polystyrene doesn't flatter the pearls. Nice lighting though. |
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04/27/2005 02:29:24 PM |
The peanut/styrofoam....I don't get the connection. Immortal=Non-Biodegradable? |
04/27/2005 01:46:23 PM |
'immortal'... is this you mocabela :-)
good photo, not sure im a fan of using those things from packages (cant remember what they are called) as part of the photo but interesting result and technically really good. 8 |
04/27/2005 02:22:24 AM |
The pearls, blue bowl and background are all very elegant looking. The styrofoam peanuts seem to clash with the rest of the picture. |
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04/26/2005 09:04:31 PM |
The incongruity of styrofoam packing peanuts, IMO, undermines the photo both visually and thematically. Love the bowl. Love the necklace. Nice lighting. |
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04/26/2005 04:08:22 PM |
Not sure juxtaposition of pearls with polystyrene works although without the packaging this would be quite effective. |
04/26/2005 02:47:42 PM |
I'm not a huge fan of the styrofoam peanuts as a backdrop |
04/26/2005 01:37:00 PM |
Good use of styrofoam peanuts :) 8 |
04/26/2005 07:59:25 AM |
I like the composition (the bowl and the drape are especially nice) but the styrofoam popcorn is inelegant compared to the pearls. |
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04/25/2005 10:35:04 PM |
Cute idea. I like the bowl, unfortunatly the composition makes it off to the left. Lighting is weak and doesn't give enought energy to the shot. Also, the jewel and neckless are too far away. This is not something that would appear in an advertisement magazine. Carefull in the crops, as we can see impurities like on the lower left corner. 4 |
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04/25/2005 08:05:44 PM |
The spelling error in the title is no biggie and to me isn't part of my vote here.
The shot is decently laid-out with a good control of the lighting.
Disregarding the title spelling for a moment, there is a clash in the text vs. image as the styrofoam packing "stuff" doesn't say immortal (well maybe if the fact it doesn't decompose) and think a different material could have been chosen.
Sill a good shot regardless. |
04/25/2005 01:20:24 PM |
interesting image with the packing peanuts.... |
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04/25/2005 12:30:45 PM |
I find those styrofoam packing beans a very odd choice for this display, yet somehow it doesn't look half bad. You are showing real flair in your presentation, the dish is a great choice with those pearls. Good composition and DOF. 6 |
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04/25/2005 10:15:49 AM |
nice lighting and perfect dof. |
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04/25/2005 09:59:32 AM |
Love the setting and dof. The lighting is good. In my mind, the stryofoam peanuts imply if I buy that necklace, I'll never have any money to do anything else. I'm not an expert, but this might be something you might want to try if you reshoot. Same bowl, same pearls, same background and same lighting. Use popcorn as the filler and as a prop, use a picture of an old b/w movie star. If they are real pearls, you might not want to use greasy popcorn because the oils wouldn't be so good for them. Move the bowl to the right of the frame. |
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04/25/2005 09:14:34 AM |
great concept. The stryofoam peanuts don't do it for me however. Perhaps if you had used polished river rocks of about the same size, black ones perhaps, to contrast witht he pearls? |
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04/25/2005 07:35:05 AM |
IMO i feel that the packing eggs cheapen the wonderful pearls...maybe colored packing eggs wouldv'e been better or ice chips/cubes....lovely photo |
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04/25/2005 02:21:23 AM |
Did you use packing styrofoam peanuts here? If you didn't, these sure look like ones... Not an image you want to see in an jewelry ad, I would think. |
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04/25/2005 02:14:09 AM |
Are those styrophome packing peanuts? |
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04/25/2005 01:36:21 AM |
And packing peanuts are so elegant...??? |
04/25/2005 12:34:16 AM |
hmmm...elegant styrofoam...but love the round and the odd shapes combined... 8 |
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04/25/2005 12:15:49 AM |
I like it! Except the "popcorn" seems out of place, though I know what you were trying to accomplish. Having a hard time coming up with a different subject to replace the popcorn myself. |
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04/25/2005 12:10:12 AM |
Pearls are immortal but styrofoam is not. |
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