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One girl...one world
One girl...one world

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Minimalism (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Concord EyeQ 4360z
Location: Palasades Mall, New Jersey
Date: Apr 25, 2005
Date Uploaded: Apr 25, 2005


Place: 393 out of 492
Avg (all users): 4.5722
Avg (commenters): 5.0500
Avg (participants): 4.4583
Avg (non-participants): 4.7081
Views since voting: 932
Views during voting: 442
Votes: 353
Comments: 21
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/03/2005 08:17:30 PM
The colors here seem very odd. Most of them look washed out, while others look a bit over-saturated (the bench in particular). I like the composition though.
04/30/2005 10:41:33 PM
Hey, I live about 5 minutes from the Palisades Center if that's where this was taken.
04/30/2005 09:38:55 PM
the color contrast makes this work for me. The composition could be a bit moreof.
04/30/2005 11:36:25 AM
If you had included her feet and some foreground this would be better to me.
04/30/2005 11:11:51 AM
i must know if this was taken at the pallisades mall in nj...after the contest is over please let me know....i found the tree very interesting too...
04/30/2005 09:15:55 AM
Don't let this comment scare you!!! but... this looks like the Palisades Mall!
04/30/2005 06:15:55 AM
I like the colors a lot. However, it seems like maybe the image could use a little more color contrast, for example to make the black shirt a stronger black and the green in the tree a little stronger. The lines created by the floor, the wall, and the tree "stump" are really nice. The image seems plenty sharp, too.
04/30/2005 04:46:22 AM
With all of the different things going on in this picture, I'm not sure how minimalist it is. 4
04/30/2005 12:45:13 AM
I find that the deep purple benches are competing with your subject. There is a lot going on in this photograph that distracts me such as the lines, color and tree??. I believe it would of been better if you would of cropped the left side out placing the subject more to the left. It would of eliminated the yellow line on the floor to the left that leads my eyes away from subject.
04/29/2005 06:13:09 PM
My eye is not taken to the subject and too much seems to be going on in the background.
04/29/2005 04:58:38 PM
I love the extravagent color of the bench, it brings your eye to where it should be looking
04/29/2005 02:31:44 AM
why did you crop out her feet?
04/28/2005 04:54:46 PM
very odd colours, but great balance well done
04/28/2005 04:22:09 PM
too snapshotting, the colours are off, the film speed is too high, the lighting is bad, and the skintones are funny, i don't really understand the idea of this one either, barely fits the challenge, 1
04/28/2005 02:37:33 PM
Perhaps a bit too busy for minimalism, and i feel the skin tone is too purple.
04/27/2005 03:05:49 PM
in the true sense of the contest. Great shot.
04/27/2005 12:10:37 PM
weird what is that? lighting seems mundane, and I wish her feet weren't cut off.
04/27/2005 10:29:34 AM
Shame you cropped her feet
04/27/2005 10:20:54 AM
White point correction would have improved this photo considerably, I think. I also think the composition might be quite a lot stronger if the whole right half were cropped off. Finally, I think the line running through the subject's head would be better placed well above it or below her hands.
04/27/2005 05:48:41 AM
Very Colourfull,
04/27/2005 12:11:41 AM
Was this taken through a window? I like the colors shown here, however, perhaps it needs some contrast to make them a little brighter.

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