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Irriteted Coach
Irriteted Coach

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Moods (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Ásvellir - Hafnafjörur
Date: Apr 28, 2005
Aperture: 4,5
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/180
Galleries: Sports
Date Uploaded: Apr 28, 2005

This photo was taken in the final and this teem lost the game.

Place: 100 out of 183
Avg (all users): 5.3957
Avg (commenters): 6.2143
Avg (participants): 5.1705
Avg (non-participants): 5.5306
Views since voting: 741
Views during voting: 380
Votes: 235
Comments: 14
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/08/2005 11:12:06 PM
The mood is clear!
05/06/2005 11:40:30 AM
hann lítur út fyrir að vera virkilega pirraður ;) myndbyggingin er frekar slök, sá sem sést í bakið á tekur of mikið af rammanum, sérstaklega þar sem hann er ekki í fókus. færð bara 5
05/05/2005 11:12:12 PM
Well, you've captured to mood that's for sure
05/05/2005 03:18:09 PM
better focusimg on 'Mitsubishi'!
05/05/2005 08:08:43 AM
good expression and stopped action in a hard to light situation
05/04/2005 07:52:11 PM
For future reference, the word is "irritated". I wonder what the player is getting yelled at for.
05/03/2005 09:48:23 AM
Great catch, and a real, honest to goodness candid! It's clear who the subject is as well as the subject of the subjects irritation. Oops on the title spelling. [10]
05/02/2005 08:49:28 PM
great capture of a moment!
05/02/2005 07:52:52 PM
Excellent candid, especially with the player with their hands on their hips. 7
05/02/2005 02:27:36 PM
a unique idea ... i quite a busy picture but thats to be expected
05/02/2005 11:28:16 AM
My first thought when I read about this challenge was that the best way to convey a strong emotion would be to capture an irate coach! You did a great job of it :)
05/02/2005 10:08:59 AM
Like the shot, see the irritation.
05/02/2005 05:52:47 AM
good sport shot!
05/02/2005 01:21:53 AM
Nice capture. Two issues though. Because of focus, who is the coach? Plus there is over sharpening, either from the camera or post processing. Slight glare problems creep in here. 7

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