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Southern Cross
Southern Cross

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Late Night (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Olympus C-770UZ
Location: Christchurch New Zealand
Date: Apr 28, 2005
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 10 Seconds
Date Uploaded: May 1, 2005

Admittedly a somewhat boring photo...

A ten-second exposure of the Southern Cross constellation.

Place: 286 out of 334
Avg (all users): 4.1261
Avg (commenters): 4.4667
Avg (participants): 4.1067
Avg (non-participants): 4.1401
Views since voting: 722
Views during voting: 523
Votes: 357
Comments: 19
Favorites: 0

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05/11/2005 06:22:14 PM
Originally posted by mpemberton:

Nice. Have never seen it look more real. Would be nice if the noise in the black was not there. 9

Thanks! Unfortunately the noise is hard to control on that camera :(

One day maybe I'll be able to afford something decent! Like a Canon D20. mmmmmmm... D20.
05/11/2005 06:20:02 PM
Originally posted by krazy:

dragging these out into star trails over several minutes would make a more interesting shot.

That would have been my preference, but the camera can only do 15 seconds max exposure.
05/11/2005 06:18:06 PM
Originally posted by phreakon:

I keep scrolling up and down to try and make some sense of the image, but it really doesn't seem to have any appeal other than white dots on black space.

Change your screen resolution, or save the pic and open it in your editor, so you can see the whole thing. The two stars at the bottom are the "pointers", and point to the top of the cross - the whole being the constellation.

Originally posted by phreakon:

There also seems to be a tinge of blue around the edges of the stars, which makes it seem like blurry dots.

That's ok - they are blurry dots! The blue tinge is an artefact of the camera - something I can't seem too remove without spot editing.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/10/2005 04:29:28 AM
a bit flat...
05/06/2005 11:33:10 PM
Nice job capturing stars.
05/06/2005 03:14:57 PM
Different than most of the shots in the challenge, which is good in a way. But the image doesn't hold enough to keep me interesting in looking at it more than a few seconds. Also there is a lot of compression artifacts in the "blackness". The image is only 9 KB, if you saved it at a higher JPEG quality it would look better with respect to that.
05/05/2005 06:31:28 PM
too abstractionistic for my tastes...
05/05/2005 12:42:33 PM
These types of star shots are tough to pull off in these challenges, especially against some of the other submissions. I keep scrolling up and down to try and make some sense of the image, but it really doesn't seem to have any appeal other than white dots on black space. There also seems to be a tinge of blue around the edges of the stars, which makes it seem like blurry dots. I wish I had more good things to say, but I'm having trouble. I like your idea though, so maybe you'll have better luck if you try the shot again.
05/05/2005 10:48:41 AM
This could be technially very challenging to obtain - it just does not come across as a photo that captures the essence of "late night", or as an interesting photo in its own right.
05/05/2005 07:28:51 AM
I have yet to get a good picture of stars, good job. Doesn't have a whole lot of interest but is nicely shot.
05/05/2005 12:45:11 AM
The sky isn't quite as dark as I'd like, and the noise makes it look like an ancient NASA shot, but I'm partial to astronomy pictures, so I'm giving a few free bonus points for that. :)
05/04/2005 11:23:12 PM
Ahh...lovely simple glory of the stars, especially this constellation which we north hemisphere dwellers can only dream of seeing...Thank you!
05/04/2005 04:59:23 PM
The idea of taking a picture of stars definitely fits within the bounds of the challenge....but i think that it's an incredibly hard thing to do well. You've managed to fram the constellation well, but the black of the sky looks almost pixelated or cloudy.
05/04/2005 04:28:54 PM
In my opinion, this is the perfect example of a photo that meets the challenge, but is pretty dull and not interesting, and probably won't score so good... Maybe being a bit more creative next time... Anyway, nice try and good luck. 3
05/04/2005 02:47:45 PM
Thlat's nice. I always have trouble getting my stars to show up when I try to take pictures of them. These are right there -- all sparkly and everything!
05/04/2005 11:21:11 AM
Hard for any star shot to impress a viewer these days. Hubble shots have ruined it for us ground dwellers.
05/04/2005 09:28:55 AM
dragging these out into star trails over several minutes would make a more interesting shot.
05/04/2005 07:25:27 AM
original and creative! did a good job on the border :)
05/04/2005 02:18:58 AM
Nice. Have never seen it look more real. Would be nice if the noise in the black was not there. 9

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