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Dreamin' of Home
Dreamin' of Home

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Dreams (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: HP PhotoSmart 945
Location: Clarksville Train Station, Clarksville, Tennessee
Date: May 2, 2005
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 8
Galleries: Architecture
Date Uploaded: May 3, 2005

I thought of standing in this and doing the ghost effect thing at the last minute. You know the routine. Eight second shutter speed, open the shutter, wait two seconds, stand in front of the camera for 4 seconds, then get out of the photo. I'm not too sure how well this will be recieved, but I had such a good time taking photos that night it doesn't really matter! :) I just did my usual increase of brighteness, saturation, and contrast and cropped out a distracting light.

Place: 18 out of 114
Avg (all users): 6.2968
Avg (commenters): 7.1923
Avg (participants): 6.2000
Avg (non-participants): 6.3582
Views since voting: 1815
Views during voting: 363
Votes: 219
Comments: 36
Favorites: 5 (view)

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06/28/2005 12:38:20 PM
This is a nice shot Ray, Thanks for explaining how to do it too.

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05/23/2005 10:29:48 AM
WOW.... this is great i love it..... i am going to have to try this ..... although you couldn't have picked a better place for it.... really gives off the feeling you've been away for a long time and you are trying to put yourself back 'home'..... very well done..... if i could've rated it i would've given you a 10 for sure......

ps this is something my kids hope will be invented one day, rather than driving in the car for so long to visit their grandmother... " Mum i wish we could just click our fingers and we'd be there!".... they'd love this too....
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05/13/2005 02:54:53 PM
I'd like to thank everyone for your wonderful words of encouragement - you've given me some great ideas!! As I said, the idea of jumping into the photo came at the last minute. I already knew what the title would be, so I thought I'd stand right under the Clarksville sign (to show "dreamin' of home"). In the middle of the night I didn't even catch the pole coming out of my head! Bod has given me a challenge. What a great idea to shoot over by the wheels (although I think the sign was a must for this challenge/title). I'm going to have to revisit this place soon some night. Thanks again for all your support and good luck in future challenges! :)
05/13/2005 07:03:37 AM
Beautiful capture!
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05/13/2005 06:32:41 AM
Congratulations! A great photo!
(FYI, I agree with bod on your "ghost" placement but I still gave you a ten. Very nice work.)
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05/13/2005 01:33:28 AM
Congratulations on your 18th place finish, Ray!!! This was one of the very best in the challenge. It is so clear for a night shot.
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05/13/2005 12:54:56 AM
Gorgeous shot. Well done.

Message edited by author 2005-05-13 00:55:28.
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05/13/2005 12:45:21 AM
Good work. Congratulations on your top 20 finish.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/12/2005 09:32:44 PM
I think that the placement of the apparition relative to the pole in the background helps to obscure one of the main elements of this photograph. I like the placement of the figure on the left of the frame approaching the sign. There's probably little you could have done about the light on the near side of the building, but having that turned off or covered up for even half of the exposure would have helped to even out the light. I like the feel of the tracks and the roof line receding into the distance. The composition may have been stronger if taken at an angle which emphasized the track a bit more (e.g taken from a bit farther back and turned slightly more toward the vanishing point) and showed the figure walking away from the camera toward the distant horizon.
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05/12/2005 03:35:48 AM
Great idea and execution on that idea. Man is a little too faded.
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05/10/2005 03:14:55 PM
I like the idea here, but I wish the ghost person could've been standing either to the left or to the right of the support on the train shelter. Nice and sharp otherwise, with good placement of all the elements (except for the guy). Fits the challenge very well.
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05/10/2005 06:10:34 AM
Waiting for the "Last Train to Clarksville", huh? Sorry, couldn't resist. Cool image. Great lighting, and nice textures throughout. <7>
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05/08/2005 08:21:26 AM
Interesting photo. Would be cool to get some instruments, and do poses like the Monkeys ("Take the last train to Clarksville"!).
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05/08/2005 07:46:20 AM
I'm surprised this is the first "ghost" I've come across.
A good location for this type of shot, but not the greatest execution. The first thing that I see is the "ghost" with a big post sticking out of its head! I don't know what else is in the area, just out of frame, but it would be worthwhile trying to keep the bright white wall out of frame - as well as hurting the "spookiness" it can't be making the exposure any easier. From what I can see I would have concentrated on the area with the wheels and the dark wall behind as a backdrop.
Nice effort, just needs some work.
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05/07/2005 12:21:19 PM
Nicely done....even though I think you could have positioned the man in between columns not smack on it...it's a dream anyway...
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05/06/2005 09:42:07 PM
take the last train to clarksville and i'll meet you at the station.....nice concept and photo...the harshness of the light behind your ghost could maybe be toned down a bit in my opinion...good luck
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05/06/2005 05:36:10 PM
Very good photo well done
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05/06/2005 02:05:38 PM
I like the background shot and the idea for the ghostly image, although I feel that the ghostly image itself is a little too insubstantial.
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05/06/2005 12:28:34 PM
Wonderful! Can't make any suggestions for improvement on this one! 10
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05/06/2005 12:07:22 PM
Nice way to convey a message with the fade image... composition is good as well.
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05/06/2005 11:20:04 AM
Good idea with the ghost image though it may be too transparent. Just a little more time with the person in the image may portray the idea better.
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05/06/2005 10:21:26 AM
Very cool! Love the old-timey feel to that train station!
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05/06/2005 09:28:09 AM
great idea here - wish the pillar wasn't going right through the dreamer, extra credit for the Monkees connection :)
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05/06/2005 09:12:26 AM
interesting concept for theme, beautiful idea, nice lines, good texture, b$w's good, dof great, (Clarksville, TN ???)
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05/06/2005 08:25:20 AM
nice photo
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05/06/2005 07:50:20 AM
The Beetles song keeps rolling through my head...The image itself is well done without the 'ghostly' figure. Probably just me but I dislike that effect. 7 for now, may bump after viewing others. Good Luck!
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05/06/2005 04:18:29 AM
well composed, and thought out...9
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05/06/2005 03:17:28 AM
This is a really nice image with a good effectThe detail is really sharp
A top pick from me
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05/06/2005 02:32:09 AM
I almost missed this one....was going to score it fairly well but then it was like this ghost materialized. I swear it wasn't there till i turned my head and then i noticed it in my peripheal vision.

Fun photo, great composition, awesome color range, and amazing creativity (10)
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05/06/2005 01:49:29 AM
very original
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05/06/2005 01:03:59 AM
One of the best "Ghostly" images I have seen produced at DPC. Execellent job!! Perfect composition.
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05/06/2005 12:56:23 AM
nice perspective..and ghosting.. 9
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05/06/2005 12:51:08 AM
Nice image. Love the concept and the ghost image enhances your message. Thanks.
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05/06/2005 12:27:51 AM
I really like this picture - focus is great and the transparent effect is excellent, really adds to the whole "dream" theme -10
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05/06/2005 12:21:55 AM
I think he could have been placed in a better spot...and not so posed or better pose : )
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05/06/2005 12:12:29 AM
good photo, but dream...
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