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Star Fruit
Star Fruit

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Five (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
Location: Kitchen Table
Date: May 5, 2005
Aperture: 8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 60
Galleries: Macro, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: May 5, 2005

Star Fruit taken on white paper on kitchen table. They are propped up with an end of the star fruit. Taken with 50mm f/1.8 @ f/8 with SB-800 flash

Place: 40 out of 182
Avg (all users): 5.7250
Avg (commenters): 6.5294
Avg (participants): 5.5922
Avg (non-participants): 5.8660
Views since voting: 1124
Views during voting: 286
Votes: 200
Comments: 18
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/13/2005 06:24:15 PM
Composition is good and focus is sharp. While this shot clearly meets the challenge and is technically well done, it doesn't have the "I'd hang it on a wall" factor for a 9 or 10.
05/13/2005 04:42:04 PM
Cool image, but I can see something holding them up.....7
05/12/2005 09:38:11 PM
05/12/2005 03:12:44 PM
Great shot... a dark back ground would have provided a better contrast.
05/12/2005 01:25:38 AM
Color of the fruit seems a little muted to me. Overall I really like this composition and you did an excellent job of "capturing" this fruit!
05/11/2005 04:01:07 PM
Cute stars!! The all white background is a little much for me to handle, but I'm not sure what to suggest when doing yellow! Some kind of blue background maybe? I dont know. Good clear shot though, lots of detail on the fruit. Lighting looks good too.
05/10/2005 03:44:22 PM
I never knew there was such a thing as star fruit. This is first time I have ever seen one and you repersented it well.
05/10/2005 01:31:20 AM
I like this photo. The fruit stand out nicely. The white background overpowers this image for me, a Chinese red or oriental setting would make this outstanding to me. Some of the white flecks are distracting, even if they do belong there. 7
05/09/2005 08:42:52 PM
as i look at this photo i keep waiting for the fruit to start dancing like the rockettes from radio city music hall....i like it
05/08/2005 05:27:12 PM
Looks good enough to eat.:) Good luck.9
05/07/2005 10:51:50 PM
good idea and arrangment
05/07/2005 09:24:38 PM
The prop at the end of the line could well be cloned away. I would also like a lot more star fruit and a lot less white in the frame. 640 pixel width is not very much. It is a shame to only use half. A 5.
05/07/2005 08:10:39 PM
they need top hats and canes!
05/07/2005 09:24:28 AM
I like offset, but this is almost overloaded in the corner. Interesting idea. Five fives.
05/07/2005 04:31:17 AM
lovely colours.
(might stand out well on a black back ground)
05/07/2005 04:30:22 AM
great photo I love the composition and placement 9
05/07/2005 02:36:01 AM
I know you are going for a simplistic shot, but I feel like something is missing here. also it appears like there is something behind the last piece.
05/07/2005 01:16:04 AM
Yummy. I think I can see what's holding these guys up behind the last one. Since this is an advanced editing challenge I might have edited whatever that is out. Also, although I congratulate you on achieving such a perfect white background, it kind of bothers me in this shot - it's almost painful to look at the left side of the shot. I'm not sure how to fix that... maybe a slightly colored backdrop? Or maybe cropping more would have done it.

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