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Red  Triangle!
Red Triangle!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Triangle (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Auburn, Nebraska
Date: May 7, 2005
Galleries: Nature
Date Uploaded: May 7, 2005

Northern Flicker.

Place: 399 out of 413
Avg (all users): 3.6655
Avg (commenters): 3.5200
Avg (participants): 3.5811
Avg (non-participants): 3.7638
Views since voting: 775
Views during voting: 365
Votes: 275
Comments: 26
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/17/2005 07:10:35 PM
If only you would have taken advantage of the 640 pixel maximum and cropped tighter on the bird....
05/17/2005 06:29:11 PM
Could be a little larger, struggling to see
05/17/2005 02:56:50 PM
Maybe a crop with a vertical format would draw more attention to the form of the bird and the yellow flowers behind.
05/17/2005 09:39:11 AM
where is the 3angle?
05/17/2005 04:23:06 AM
way too small
05/16/2005 05:29:22 PM
It's got that auto-white-balance-shot-against-grass look, i.e. it's pink. Zooming in or cropping would make the picture more interesting. I like the way the theme's been interpreted.
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05/16/2005 04:31:15 PM
too small! hard to see details.... please submit bigger next time!
05/14/2005 08:18:13 AM
That's one tiny triangle! Good thing that the photo is nicely focussed.
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05/13/2005 02:02:00 AM
The picture is too small. Next time try to resize it so that the longer side is closer to the 640 pixel limit.
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05/12/2005 11:51:59 PM
This would be nicer if it was big enough to actually SEE it. Make sure to use your 640 pixel allowance next time.
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05/12/2005 05:19:13 PM
Unfortunately, photo is too small to really make out the triangle. Please try to make photo 640 pix next time to get a fair assessment of your photograph.
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05/12/2005 01:09:42 PM
It's a great triangle! I would have voted higher if it was cropped much more tightly. Also, as I'm sure you've heard, the size ...
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05/12/2005 12:34:30 PM
Man, thats a really small triangle! But thats the challenge. Would liked to of seen the bird a bit bigger.
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05/12/2005 10:50:52 AM
This is so small I can't tell if it meets the challenge. Hard to comment on the little image, although I would move the bird out of the center of the image.
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05/12/2005 12:49:01 AM
too small
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05/12/2005 12:38:06 AM
The image size is little small to catch the detail - a full 640 would have helped.
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05/11/2005 10:24:23 PM
try to keep your size around the 640 limit. If you couldn't get it down to the kb restriction without going this small resize it first then compress it a small amount. If using Adobe try Save For Web option and maybe that would help. I use Paint Shop Pro too and check the options before I save. You appear to have a good image with lots of color (which adds to the size) so I would love to see this larger. Good luck but I'm afraid most will vote down because of the size.
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05/11/2005 01:19:04 PM
This photo is much too small. Because of that it is not possible to make any critique, but it seems to be a nice photo.
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05/11/2005 01:13:40 PM
Very small pic - makes me want to be able to zoom in to really see the red triangle. Otherwise, I like it.
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05/11/2005 12:50:20 PM
Too small. You need to sort out your image sizing. I can't see it well enough to give it a fair vote....5....
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05/11/2005 11:55:30 AM
pictuer is too small, making it very hard to see the red triangle. Nice however
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05/11/2005 11:46:25 AM
Great shot! The woodpecker gets a little lost in the muted browns & greens of the ground, but it's nicely composed. In my VERY humble opinion, the colors are overall a little drab - you could probably bring out more of the green to make the bird & red triangle stand out even more. (I love birds!) Nice job! (6)
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05/11/2005 07:28:24 AM
A bit too small for nice detail on the flicker
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05/11/2005 06:52:37 AM
Image appears to small to bring up the triangle, try 640 on the long side.
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05/11/2005 12:26:47 AM
Looks interesting but the image is too small to be fairly voted on.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/11/2005 12:23:48 AM
Looks like it could be nice, but the image is very small unfortunately.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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