Hello from the Critique Club!
The idea behind this image is obviously about looking at the harbour from the outside; a traveller is coming home or paying a visit. As a traveller myself I can identify with the emotion behind the image.
However, in trying to get so much into the image the whole picture suffers from a lack of focus , detail and depth.
The eye is lead into the image by the harbour wall, which I love and which is good composition ( I really love the sinuous line of the wall as it flows into the harbour, I can see why you chose it) , but the eye can go no further as everything else is too far away or too out of focus. The viewer literally hit’s a brick wall. A greater depth of field, using a much smaller aperture may have helped, as would waiting till you were closer - but then you would have lost that lovely wall!
Your exposure, unfortunately, has resulted in a flat, washed out image which could have perhaps been improved in post production.
The right side of the image is over exposed due to the combination of the sun and your wide open aperture.
Much as I love that protruding wall perhaps you could have focused on the right hand side of the harbour, especially the boats and that opening in the wall, but perhaps you didn’t have that opportunity. |