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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Triangle (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: San Jose,CA
Date: May 10, 2005
Aperture: 29
ISO: 100
Shutter: 30
Date Uploaded: May 10, 2005


Place: 165 out of 413
Avg (all users): 5.1771
Avg (commenters): 6.0000
Avg (participants): 4.9548
Avg (non-participants): 5.4361
Views since voting: 958
Views during voting: 474
Votes: 288
Comments: 22
Favorites: 1 (view)

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06/01/2005 02:33:28 AM
Originally posted by graphicfunk:

Now, this is a nice composition and very inventive at that. This image could have excelled with the focus on top of the hands and then a white balance correction. Another simpler solution is to desaturate the image a bit so as to remove the reddish overcast. 6

Thanks, your photos are very good.
I did this in 20 minutes..teaches me to be tardy next time..
Thanks also for the tips - from the world of film, just getting comfortable with editing.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/17/2005 09:26:38 PM
Now, this is a nice composition and very inventive at that. This image could have excelled with the focus on top of the hands and then a white balance correction. Another simpler solution is to desaturate the image a bit so as to remove the reddish overcast. 6
  Photographer found comment helpful.
05/17/2005 12:33:02 PM
nice multi-exposure.
05/17/2005 09:17:45 AM
Great idea, just not enough clarity
05/17/2005 05:07:27 AM
My god it must have hurt to cut your arm off :P I like the yellow-ish tint. Tell me what's this mark in the bottom right hand corner doing there huh? To bad the triagnle doesn't close up. It's interesting I give you that/. I don't like the way the light spreads on the background. On the other hand there could be little you could have done about it.
05/16/2005 02:22:03 AM
slighty out of focus.
05/14/2005 02:13:01 PM
well thought out, shame about the small light area to the bottom right - 8
05/13/2005 09:55:29 AM
A couple of the forearms looks a bit OOF otherwise this is a wonderfull shot. The kin tones are perfect, it original and creative. Very nice work!!! 8
05/12/2005 04:11:17 PM
I like the idea of this photo but the implementation is too put-on to my eyes.
05/12/2005 04:06:27 PM
05/12/2005 12:50:35 PM
Nice idea, let down by poor lighting, lack of sharp focus and colour imbalance.
05/12/2005 12:16:04 PM
Nice idea, the black colored clothes make it look like the hands are chopped off.. a surreal feeling. the color is a bit off though...a little photoshop might help 7
05/12/2005 11:21:37 AM
awsome idea! wish the bottom & left sides were as focused as the right 7for uniqueness
05/12/2005 07:56:01 AM
what happened to the thumb in the orizontal hand?? nice picture and idea!
05/12/2005 06:57:22 AM
*lol* this was exatly even my idea for that challenge, but i did ´nt submit it
(now i´m happy cause my one was not as good as yours i think ;D)
good luck
05/12/2005 03:32:35 AM
nice compositon!! but how do you do that!!! is the same arm!! or not? lol! thats cool!! good luck! 8!
05/12/2005 12:18:56 AM
this looks like the same arm three times.
05/11/2005 11:41:03 AM
I like this concept, and I like the lighting. However, the focus seems a bit soft. There's a bit of distracting subject matter in the bottom right corner that you should crop out.
05/11/2005 11:14:51 AM
great ide. The hend from above is to close to the hand from the right.
bad focus on the hand from above.
05/11/2005 11:13:01 AM
Interesting idea!
05/11/2005 10:39:11 AM
I like this idea, and was thinking about doing something similar initially before deciding on my final subject. I think this shot is cool, except it is a little blurry and I'm not overly enamoured with the lighting. There is also a distracting strip of something in the bottom right. I imagine it would have been difficult to do this. Points for the idea and the effort! A 6 from me.

Good luck!

05/11/2005 01:23:14 AM
very creative idea! the bottom arm and hand are not sharp and distract from an otherwise excellant photo.

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